
Making WordPress.org

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Results (1 - 100 of 3349)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#171 Create landing page for code reference enhancement highest omg bbq Developer Hub
#172 Add search ability to the code reference Rarst enhancement highest omg bbq Developer Hub
#237 Create template files for code reference Rarst enhancement highest omg bbq Developer Hub
#579 "View version X details" for theme updates not working defect highest omg bbq Theme Directory
#1124 Use new methods to add custom routes for translate.wordpress.org ocean90 defect highest omg bbq Translate Site & Plugins
#1126 Forums theme: Add login link/form to header defect highest omg bbq International Forums
#1352 Switch translate.wordpress.org to the plugin version of GlotPress ocean90 task highest omg bbq Translate Site & Plugins
#1720 post-commit svn hook task highest omg bbq Plugin Directory
#1741 tampa.wordcamp.org is routing to 2016.europe.wordcamp.org defect highest omg bbq WordCamp Site & Plugins
#1843 Nightly build only contains the wp-content directory and Twenty Sixteen defect highest omg bbq General
#2314 title on single plugin pages obenland defect highest omg bbq Plugin Directory v3.0 General
#2635 Plugin Directory: Plugins reopen immediately after code checkin dd32 defect highest omg bbq Plugin Directory v3.0 Plugin Directory
#2648 Cached downloads of ZIP files are making it impossible to update plugins defect highest omg bbq Plugin Directory v3.0 Plugin Directory
#2826 Plugin Directory: Data not syncing/updating properly from SVN commits defect highest omg bbq Plugin Directory
#3226 JavaScript breaks registration flow Using CampTix Indian Payments defect highest omg bbq WordCamp Site & Plugins
#3443 Unable To Submit Plugins To WordPress.org ocean90 defect highest omg bbq Plugin Directory
#3452 Theme preview sidebar collapse button is not working and wpadminbar is hide theme preview sidebar buttons obenland defect highest omg bbq Theme Directory
#3647 Gutenberg for .org/support task highest omg bbq Support Forums
#4150 canonical on homepage defect highest omg bbq General
#4175 Missing opening <head> tag on codex defect highest omg bbq Codex
#4414 Support forum canonical URLs should always output the lowercase version SergeyBiryukov defect highest omg bbq Support Forums
#4461 jobs.wordpress.net site SSL issue defect highest omg bbq Jobs (jobs.wordpress.net)
#4586 WordPress.tv Media library is full dd32 defect highest omg bbq WordPress.tv
#4691 Break Password Hash when user is blocked dd32 defect highest omg bbq Support Forums
#4802 Arbitrary user strings return a 200 status defect highest omg bbq Support Forums
#85 New Favicon for jobs.wordpress.net coffee2code task high Jobs (jobs.wordpress.net)
#111 Improve error when running plugins_api() with invalid slug dd32 defect high API
#148 Restyle/redesign the registration page dd32 task high Login & Authentication
#176 Source code should display on individual pages coffee2code enhancement high Developer Hub
#178 Improve design/aesthetic of code reference overall enhancement high Developer Hub
#197 Parser doesn't recognize line breaks and/or lists defect high Developer Hub
#240 Create an IA for devhub siobhan enhancement high Developer Hub
#253 Trac MySQL migration task high Trac
#258 Image upload on dotorg sometimes fails nacin defect high General
#416 Add IE 11 detection to the browsehappy.org API Otto42 enhancement high Browse Happy
#449 Deprecated and pluggable functions should be flagged nicole@… enhancement high Developer Hub
#450 Better differentiation required on search results pages coffee2code enhancement high Developer Hub
#478 WordPress Theme API Returning Broken Image Otto42 defect high API
#496 Plugin Directory: Pagination issue in Popular Plugins section tellyworth defect high Plugin Directory v3.0 Plugin Directory
#511 Automatic translation downloads grabbing wrong version for BuddyPress defect high API
#536 Slug redirect - showing old thread defect high Support Forums
#623 Fix SSL for android.forums.wordpress.org and ios.forums.wordpress.org defect high SSL
#645 BuddyPress language pack upgrade "freshness" defect high Translate Site & Plugins
#664 The credits API endpoint doesn't return validators nacin defect high API
#703 Keep track of which WordCamps each profile has spoken at and organized defect high WordCamp Site & Plugins
#707 using <code> in plugin description breaks page responsiveness defect high Plugin Directory
#719 Include a FAQ on new ticket page for bbPress and BuddyPress Tracs nacin defect high Trac
#741 Author shouldn't show as validators or be able to validate strings ocean90 defect high International Sites (Rosetta)
#745 Bring the Theme Directory to WordPress obenland task high Theme Directory
#762 Themes trac: Magic button to automatically assign reviewers the next available ticket (theme) to review if they don't already have a ticket nacin enhancement high Theme Review
#794 wp.org local sites (rosetta) are not mobile friendly ocean90 defect high International Sites (Rosetta)
#838 Ticket titles for ticket update notifications in Slack are truncated ocean90 defect high Slack & IRC
#881 Reviews all think they are 0 star ones in title tags defect high Plugin Directory
#894 Tag filter doesn't work defect high Theme Directory
#936 Some themes marked as "live" not showing on the repository defect high Theme Directory
#943 Latest Themes list showing updated themes as well. obenland defect high Theme Directory
#952 Filter bar doesn´t work in IE11 obenland defect high Theme Directory
#966 Browser Back Button Doesn't Work from Theme Details "Modal" to Search/Tag Results obenland defect high Theme Directory
#967 Theme Repository Search Not Working in IE Otto42 defect high Theme Directory
#978 Theme Previews won't load. defect high Theme Directory
#1008 Fonts Plugin: Unable to add Secure URL for Google Fonts under Appearance > Fonts kovshenin defect high WordCamp Site & Plugins
#1024 BuddyPress.org/blog comment submit button goes to blank /wp-comments-post.php johnjamesjacoby defect high buddypress.org
#1101 Per-Project permissions needs a scaling UI for sub projects ocean90 defect high International Sites (Rosetta)
#1132 Rosetta locale.wordpress.org URLs are not redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS defect high International Sites (Rosetta)
#1134 Forums theme: Forums home search box doesn't return results ocean90 defect high International Forums
#1237 Streamline the process of adding translation editors for a plugin ocean90 enhancement high Translate Site & Plugins
#1240 Change storage of per-project permissions ocean90 defect high Translate Site & Plugins
#1329 Team image on make.wordpress.org is not visible defect high Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1357 Add support for language written in a RTL direction on WPBBP theme ocean90 defect high International Forums
#1398 New user roles for Rosetta sites enhancement high International Sites (Rosetta)
#1453 Better error message when non-logged in users view the newticket page dd32 defect high Trac
#1544 Upgrade international forums from bbPress.old to bbPress 2.x task high International Forums
#1573 Categories (née Tags) obenland task high Plugin Directory
#1575 Ratings obenland task high Plugin Directory
#1578 Zip Files task high Plugin Directory
#1579 Plugins API dd32 task high Plugin Directory
#1590 Adding/editing a PTE on Rosetta site is very slow enhancement high International Sites (Rosetta)
#1636 Enhance translation sync for plugin projects ocean90 defect high Translate Site & Plugins
#1667 Upgrade to GlotPress 2.0 task high Translate Site & Plugins
#1691 Internationalisation task high Plugin Directory
#1712 Meetings: Add validation for date/time inputs Otto42 defect high Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1722 Generate a plugins.svn authentication file pento task high Plugin Directory
#1742 Change ratings db index task high Plugin Directory
#1753 Community Team Multiple Handbooks coffee2code enhancement high Handbooks
#1759 BuddyPress Trac tickets with IDs lower than 856 do not open. nacin defect high Trac
#1760 WordCamp | Refactor attendees system for better performance kovshenin enhancement high WordCamp Site & Plugins
#1769 Disable embeds for plugin readme content obenland defect high Plugin Directory
#1774 Prefix CSS Flexbox does not work correctly iandunn defect high WordCamp Site & Plugins
#1775 Broken links on Theme Developer handbook coffee2code defect high Handbooks
#1811 Create UI for favorites obenland task high Plugin Directory
#1821 Update Trac design with new style to match O2 obenland task high Trac
#1825 Style handbook with new O2 design task high Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1828 Improve Screenshots section mapk task high Plugin Directory
#1829 Improve performance of new O2 sites defect high Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1867 Some links are broken jmdodd defect high International Forums
#1868 Forums should have a way to view a particular user's posts jmdodd enhancement high Support Forums
#1909 Load mu-plugins for O2 only when O2 is active pento defect high General
#1916 Deleted reviews from old plugin directory are shown in new plugin directory dd32 defect high Plugin Directory
#1956 All w.org users should be able to report posts or topics netweb defect high Support Forums
#1963 New Post/Reply Status defect high Support Forums
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.