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A digital marketplace connecting millions of homeowners with local service professionals for home improvement, maintenance and remodeling projects.

Headquartered in Denver, CO.
Geregistreerd in augustus 2008


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  1. 22 jul.

    If you're like most , choosing the for your living space can be quite the process — and one that may spur a lot of back and forth decisions. Via Read More:

    Ongedaan maken
  2. 20 jul.

    Your recycling bin and closets are likely full of stuff you can repurpose in minutes to tackle almost any gardening task. Via

    Ongedaan maken
  3. 15 jul.

    Plumbers vs. Pipefitters: How Are They Different?

    Ongedaan maken
  4. 13 jul.

    Check out these nine popular granite alternative countertops to find the one that fits your style and budget.

    Ongedaan maken
  5. 8 jul.

    Chlorine and saltwater are the two most popular pool systems. And whether you have an above-ground or inground pool, you need to know how to keep the water clean and safe.

    Ongedaan maken
  6. 6 jul.

    How Much Does Metal Roof Repair Cost?

    Ongedaan maken
  7. 2 jul.

    The difference between laminate and hardwood flooring is more than just cost.

    Ongedaan maken
  8. 1 jul.

    How Much Does A Bow Window Cost? 🤔

    Ongedaan maken
  9. 29 jun.

    You may be able to avoid some costly fixes in the first place. Via

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  10. 28 jun.

    Whether you’re looking to bid on a large project, hire a crew or market your services, there are financing options that can help you grow your business and bottom line.

    Ongedaan maken
  11. 24 jun.

    Here’s how to get to pay for repairs or for a new if it’s damaged in a storm. Via

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  12. 22 jun.

    70% of Don’t Know This Crucial Fact via

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  13. 16 jun.

    Adding a or ambient are just some of the ways to make your more enjoyable ahead of . Via Credible

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  14. 14 jun.

    The average cost to build a house is influenced by the location, quality of the materials you use, cost of labor, and several other factors. Via

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  15. 11 jun.

    Here’s a look at 2020’s most popular jobs, and the tasks topping homeowners’ to-do lists in the coming year.

    Ongedaan maken
  16. 9 jun.

    Wondering how your prices compare to your competitors? Here’s a look at the average prices pros are charging around the country.

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  17. 4 jun.

    How Much Does A Concrete Retaining Wall Cost?

    Ongedaan maken
  18. 2 jun.

    How Much Does An Ac Condenser Cost?

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  19. 31 mei

    Take a look at the key similarities and differences to determine whether you need to hire a or a for your project.

    Ongedaan maken
  20. 28 mei

    When deciding which materials are right for your project, consider your budget, the qualities of the wood, the type of fence you’re building and its purpose.

    Ongedaan maken

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