List of XHTML Sites (the X-Philes)

NOTE: This section is no longer maintained. The X-Philes are closed to submissions. Thanks to everyone who participated.

The following sites have passed the XHTML test suite described in The XHTML 100:

  1. The Simple Validation Test (validate the home page)

  2. The Laziness Test (validate three random secondary pages)

  3. The MIME-Type Test (sends application/xhtml+xml to conforming user agents, i.e. Mozilla)

As for Test #4 (the "Why Are You Doing This" Test), I'm pretty agnostic. You could be one of those rarified individuals that has actual technical reasons for using XHTML. Or you could be doing it for softer reasons: for political advocacy, as a personal learning experience, or simply to prove to yourself that you can do it. Whatever your rationale, it's a tough, unforgiving road you follow, and I salute you.

Note that I do not check sites for whether they are "Bulletproof" (by, say, stress-testing them with invalid comments and trackbacks). Nor do I continually monitor these sites for validity. Ongoing XHTML maintenance is the site owner's responsibility, not mine. (Although I did do a general purge on 13-Nov-2004, and another on 24-Sep-2006.)

The Sites Are Out There.

  1. Musings. Valid XHTML1.1 plus MathML 2.0. Still the most technologically advanced weblog, ever.

  2., our second X-Phile, is no more. R.I.P Beandizzy.

  3. Valid XHTML1.1 to good little browsers, HTML 4.01 to the naughty ones.

  4. Valid XHTML1.1 and HTML 4.01 (see above).

  5. Accessible Internet. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  6. remake/remodel. Valid XHTML1.1.

  7. Solitude. Valid XHTML1.1.

  8. James Graham. Valid XHTML1.1, XHTML1.1 plus MathML for some pages.

  9. Richard Eriksson: China Travelogue. Valid XHTML1.1.

  10. Tristan Louis. Valid XHTML1.0 Transitional.

  11. Minz Meyer. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  12. Valid XHTML1.1.

  13. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  14. Decaffeinated. Valid XHTML1.1.

  15. adactio. Valid XHTML1.1.

  16. La TTT - ejo de Bertilo. Valid XHTML1.1 (HTML 4.01 Strict and text/html to non-compliant browsers).

  17. Juicy Studio. Valid XHTML1.1.

  18. PIEN: kunst en antiek (PIEN: art and antiques). Valid XHTML1.1.

  19. Keystone Websites. Valid XHTML1.0 Transitional.

  20. Lars Holst. Valid XHTML1.1.

  21. alek blogs. Valid XHTML1.0 Transitional.

  22. Valid XHTML1.1.

  23. ptalk. Valid XHTML1.0 Transitional.

  24. Valid XHTML1.1.

  25. l'Hippopotame. Valid XHTML1.1.

  26. Darin S. Lim Yankowitz. Valid XHTML1.1.

  27. Bek Lyrics. Valid XHTML Basic 1.0.

  28. Orion B.V.. Valid XHTML1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and text/html to non-compliant browsers.

  29. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  30. Valid XHTML1.1.

  31. Zen im Norden Deutchlands. Valid XHTML1.1.

  32. Magneato. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  33. ACJ's. Valid XHTML1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and text/html to non-compliant browsers.

  34. Valid XHTML1.1.

  35. Bødker. Valid XHTML1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and text/html to non-compliant browsers.

  36. DFW Virtual Assist. Valid XHTML1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and text/html to non-compliant browsers.

  37. De Nieuwe Boekerij. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  38. Peter Bull. Valid XHTML1.1.

  39. HayoBethlehem.NL. Valid XHTML1.1.

  40. Schillmania. Valid XHTML1.1.

  41. Sam Kauffmann. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  42. Phonophunk. Valid XHTML1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and text/html to non-compliant browsers.

  43. loadaverageZero. Valid XHTML1.1.

  44. Ether Multimedia. Valid XHTML1.1, HTML 4.01 and text/html to non-compliant browsers.

  45. Plerion Webdesign & Development. Valid XHTML1.1.

  46. Simone Deville. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  47. Funky Jah. Valid XHTML1.1.

  48. SR-71 Online. Valid XHTML1.1.

  49. pointlessness. Valid XHTML1.1.

  50. myantihero. Valid XHTML1.1.

  51. Alexandre Alapetite. Valid XHTML1.1.

  52. East Midlands Mensa. Valid XHTML1.0 Strict.

  53. Dani Iswara .Net. Valid XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1.

  54. Terrasses du Temps Perdu. Valid XHTML 1.1.