Support » Fixing WordPress » Can’t Add / Edit Post WordPress

  • Having an issue while trying to add or edit a post / portfolio item results in an error “the page you are finding doesn’t seem to exist”. The content is still viewable on the website but I’m unable to edit or add new posts

    Have already tried the following things to resolve this but none have worked

    Resaved permalinks
    Deactivated all plug ins
    Cleared cache
    Ran health check plug in

    Bit of a novice with this so any help appreciated 🙂

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Ian Sackofwits


    Hi, assembleagency, when you mention editing” a post / portfolio item”, are you referring to a custom post type?

    If so, then there could be a permalinks issue with the post type.

    Are you attempting to use custom slugs for that particular post type?

    See for what I mean about the custom slug.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Ian Sackofwits. Reason: additional info
    Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @assembleagency

    I can only imagine how frustrating that problem could be! No worries, let’s see if we can find a solution together.

    Can you temporarily enable debugging for your site, and then try creating a new post and try replicating the error? Here’s more on how you can enable debugging for your site:

    Once you have replicated the error, look for the debug.log file located in the /wp-content/ folder of your WP root (using your web host’s file manager OR using an FTP tool) too and see if it contains any specific error message. If it’s a rogue plugin (or your theme) causing an error, this will help us identify the same (if any).

    If that doesn’t lead you anywhere – can you also check if switching the theme to a default theme along with deactivating all plugins (you can use Health Check plugin’s Troubleshooting mode for the same) fixes the issue?

    In case you are out of luck with all these steps, can you navigate to the /wp-admin/ folder of your WordPress root, and see if the post-new.php file is intact, or if it is missing.

    Please try out these steps and let us know how that went.

    Thread Starter assembleagency


    Thanks for the help above, file is intact, enabled debugging and it returns these errors.

    error PHP Notice: Undefined variable: gdl_nav_border_left in /home/public_html/wp-content/themes/goodspace/style-custom.php on line 359

    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: sidebar_class in /home//public_html/wp-content/themes/goodspace/404.php on line 17

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