Support » Everything else WordPress » Booking Event with “Check In” QR Code

  • Hello,

    I would like to create a website where people of my fishing association could buy Day, Month or Year Licence for fishing.

    I need a “Check In” system, where the day they are fishing I could scan and check there qr code and be sure if the licence is still alive.

    If the user want, he can buy 1 year, 1 month or 1 day of fishing, starting the day of purchase and receive an email with the qr code available the duration of the purchase choosed.

    I tried “Event system with Ticket Check In” but I have to create event for each days etc… and I tried “Booking System” but their is no check in qr code with these kind of plugins.

    So, I need help, How do you think I can do that ?

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