SpamShiv Lite


Jackals build automated bots and spiders to crawl through the world wide web looking for vulnerable email addresses to add to their spam lists. Generally, the victims are unprotected “mailto” links. MailTo links are incredibly useful and often necessary to our sites. So how do you protect them from being harvested and siphons by ne’er-do-wells?

Commonly the bots and spiders are looking for the two tell-tale signs of an email address – the “@” and the following “.” The solution lies in finding ways to mask an email addresses from harvesters, siphons and phishers, while retaining the intended functionality of the “mailto” link. There are options like using HTML entities or using javascript, and this plugin will take care of that for you.


  • The result of our plugin on any email address whether in plain text or embedded in a "mailto" link. SPAM Bots don't recognize the code as an email address.
  • What the source code looks like without this plugin. A SPAM Bot feeding frenzy.
  • What the display is to the user with and without the plugin installed. Point being that our plugin does not alter the user experience for your website visitors.


  1. Upload pj-spamshiv.php to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. That’s it! Your website is now spam free.


Is this system beatable?

The techniques utilized in this plugin are not totally foolproof. Spammers are evil, wily people who are constantly evolving their devious methods and may one day circumvent methods we use.


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Contributors & Developers

“SpamShiv Lite” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.