
Be Productive with React.js, Today's Most Popular Framework

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.

Core Coursework

(take these in order)

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    Editor's Notes

    Learn to build an entire real-world, modern application from scratch in today’s tools!
  • Complete Intro to React, v6

    Much more than an intro, you’ll build with the latest features in React, including hooks, effects, context, and portals. Learn to build real-world apps from the ground up using the latest tools in the React ecosystem, like Parcel, ESLint, Prettier, and React Router!
    5 hours, 41 minutes CC
    Complete Intro to React, v6
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    Editor's Notes

    Learn the tools in the surrounding React ecosystem.
  • Intermediate React, v3

    Build scalable React applications while learning React hooks in-depth, CSS-in-JS with TailwindCSS, increase performance with code splitting and server-side rendering, add TypeScript, state management with Redux, test your app with Jest …and more!
    6 hours, 7 minutes CC
    Intermediate React, v3
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    Editor's Notes

    Learn patterns for managing state throughout your React application.
  • State Management in Pure React, v2

    Use React APIs to manage state in class-based components, and in React hooks. Create custom hooks, use reducers, add routing, and then learn ways to do more complicated state management techniques such as using the Context API.
    4 hours, 27 minutes CC
    State Management in Pure React, v2
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    Editor's Notes

    There are even more React courses! You can also learn d3.js for data visualization on top of React. Use Firebase as your back end. Or cross-compile React across native mobile. Functional programming is used a lot in React as well, so it would be good to brush up on your functional as well.

Elective Coursework