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Custom Query (9 matches)


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Results (9)

Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3305 Improvements to marking a user as a Spammer johnjamesjacoby enhancement high Component - Users
#3306 User Email changes should use User Meta, not Options johnjamesjacoby defect high Component - Users
#3292 Add caching back to User Engagement strategy for 2.5 back-compat johnjamesjacoby defect normal API - Engagements 2.6.0
#3302 Consistency in using ERROR johnjamesjacoby enhancement normal Locale - i18n/l10n
#3312 Docs: Fix typo in setup_actions() DocBlock johnjamesjacoby defect normal General
#3313 Docs: Fix typo in src/includes/core/capabilities.php Doc johnjamesjacoby defect normal General 2.6.3
#3314 Undefined index: echo in includes/forums/template.php on line 791 johnjamesjacoby task normal Tools - Code Improvements 2.6.3
#3315 Fix typo in src/templates/default/css/bbpress.css johnjamesjacoby defect normal General - UI/UX 2.6.3
#3316 Docs: Fix some typing in \tests\phpunit\testcases\topics\template\links.php netweb defect normal Tools - Unit Tests
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.