Thank You for Making WordCamp Nairobi Amazing!

WordCamp Nairobi was an amazing experience to everyone who took part in it.

I appreciate our Speakers, Attendees, Volunteers and Vendors for taking time out of their normal schedule to be at WordCamp and contribute greatly to the WordPress Project. It was amazing seeing how everyone owned the event and delivered their best.

On Behalf of the WordCamp Nairobi organizers, Volunteers, Speakers and everyone from WordCamp Central, I take this moment to pass our my sincere gratitude to everyone who participated at WordCamp Nairobi.

Asante 🙂


Today We Close Registration for WordCamp

Its Friday, guess which Friday it is… Black Friday and we are just few hours to closing Registration for WordCamp Nairobi 2016. As much as we don’t want to lock anyone out, we only have this day to accept payments, if by any means you are unable to Register now, kindly send us an email to [email protected] and let us know in advance so we can reserve a spot for you.

Do you know what you will miss if you don’t register, you will miss:

  • A super cool T-Shirt
  • A Fancy Name Badge
  • Yummy Tea Break, Lunch and After-party goodies.
  • Networking and socializing opportunities
  • Sweet WordPress related swag
  • OUR THANKS for supporting the WordPress community

To register now, send Ksh. 1000 to Mpesa till number: 195671 (Buy Goods Option). and email the confirmation code to [email protected].

Over to you.

WordCamp Nairobi – Last Round of Tickets Released

It has been a joy to see the response to WordCamp Nairobi. Thanks to all the speakers, volunteers and sponsors, as well as attendees, for making this a great – must attend event.

We’ve counted tickets and we’ve realized that we’ve a few more left to send out. Please note – this is the last bunch. Once these are gone, they are gone. And we’re expecting them to go very quick, by 25th.

The best thing is that you can register with Mpesa – Till no. 195671 (Buy Goods Option).

So please do not delay. Get your tickets here.

Are you experiencing problems while registering for WordCamp?

WordCamp Nairobi is close (1st Dec 2016). We have a couple of weeks left on the calendar. We have received emails that some people have been having problems registering on the website.

Well, WordCamp Nairobi will only allow attendees who have registered on the website or using MPesa. We will not be accepting registrations at the venue. This is because we need to plan in advance before the WordCamp dates. Registration for WordCamp is successful if you get a confirmation email from us.

The registration deadline is on 25th November, it might be earlier than that if the tickets get sold out, so hurry and secure your spot. If you do not have PayPal account, you can as well register with Lipa na Mpesa, see this page on how to register. If you buy tickets using PayPal, it will cost you $10, and if you are using Mpesa that is Ksh 1,000.

After you pay with Mpesa, send us the confirmation Code to [email protected] and we will provide details to you on how to complete the registration online.

Register now

WordCamp Panel Discussion – How to build a business on WordPress

As you progress in your professional life as a WordPress user, you’ve probably considered starting your own business on WordPress. Maybe you’ve had a few paid freelance jobs. Or perhaps you’ve been refining your skills in your free time. However, you arrived at this point, the logical next step is to start your own Business.
But that next step is a big one. Being a great developer, blogger or designer doesn’t necessarily mean you’re great at sales, marketing, management, or accounting. If you’re willing to develop some new skillsets, though, you can drastically increase your potential for success.
Panelist in this discussion, will share their thoughts about the things to consider as you go from being in business to being a business, and how one can successfully run his business on WordPress.
Mr Frank Mendez CEO of Agrimat, a successful Ugandan business anchored on WordPress will moderate this Panel discussion, and CEO/Co-founder of Agencies running their Business on WordPress will take part in the Panel discussion as a Panelist!

2nd Call for Speakers

The WordCamp Nairobi Team would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who’s rallied behind us to help overcome the rescheduling issues. We still have few tickets remaining and they are only available Online or through Mpesa.

We still have a few holes to fill in our schedules before we can revise the speaker list and talks. This is where we need YOU to help us out. If you are interested in speaking (even if you applied during the first speaker application deadline) we ask that you, please submit an application for consideration for our rescheduled camp.

We are especially looking for business and marketing talks for Friday 2nd track, but all types of talks and levels of user are encouraged! Fill the Speakers form Here

And don’t forget, we are still looking for volunteers! If you are interested, please fill the Volunteer Form and we will follow up with you regarding assignments.

Tickets are now on Sale

Tickets for WordCamp Nairobi 2016 are now available!

Get Your Tickets

The Ksh 1000 ticket gets you in for the entire 2 days (1st to 2nd Dec) to soak in all of the cool stuff the WordPress community has to offer. The days will be jam packed with great speakers, wonderful lessons (for all skill levels), T-shirt, website help, swag, snacks and tasty food.

There’s even an after-party. So plan on hanging around for that.

We’ll start sharing more info about speakers and events, but go ahead and snag your ticket so you don’t miss out.

Once you’re signed up, join the WordPress and WordCamp conversations happening online by using the #wcnairobi hashtags to let everyone know you’ll be attending WordCamp Nairobi 2016.


Call for Speakers

WordCamp Nairobi 2016 will take place on 1st & 2nd December at PAWA 254 in Nairobi. The event will be a 2 days conference with breakout sessions on specific WordPress related topics. We are looking for speakers! We’re expecting nearly 150 attendees with a wide range of experience and interests. All presentations will be recorded and posted to

Session Overview

Sessions will be 40 minutes long with 20 minutes of Q&A. We’re currently looking for talks related to the following topics (though other topics are welcome):

  • WordPress Basics
  • Blogging and Content Creation
  • Custom Website Development
  • Themes and Front End Development (HTML/CSS/JS, etc…)
  • Web Security
  • Mobile World WordPress
  • Mobile Money and Woocommerce Integration
  • Design and User Experience
  • Backend Development, Frameworks, Workflow, etc…
  • Marketing and Branding
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Marketing and WordPress
  • Running a WordPress Based Business

You are not expected to be a professional speaker, but you must know what you’re talking about. We’ll be selecting speakers based on how timely, relevant and useful the topic is.

Apply Now! – Deadline is November 25th, 2016

We have closed Speakers Application 🙂

Call for Volunteers

WordCamp Nairobi is set for the 1st and 2nd of December.

We do love the WordPress community that is vastly growing around the continent. Volunteers help WordCamp to run smoothly and we need volunteers for this year’s WordCamp Nairobi 2016 to bring out their positivist. We give priority to our members, but you don’t necessarily have to be involved with WordPress as we would also love if you come and learn one or two things as a volunteer.

What to expect?

Volunteers will get a free ticket to the two-day event, a free t-shirt. One needs to be able to volunteer for at least 6 hours per day. Also, the exposure and the amazing experience of participating in the worlds most looked upon WordCamp event.

We need a total of 14 volunteers.

  • 2 volunteers for each room
    • Help with the equipment.
    • Any other assigned duties. (need more chairs, Visitor needs assistant.)
  • 2 volunteers at the registration desk.
    • You will have to arrive an hour earlier before the registration open to help in setup.
    • Make sure the registration desk is neat and clean.
    • Make sure walk ins pay at the gate.
    • If someone is not at the attendance page write down their name and be able to make a tag for them at the next table.
  • 1 volunteer for handing out t-shirts to the guests.
    • Make sure area is neat and clean.
    • T-shirt Sizes cannot be traded; visitors will only get the size they registered with.
    • Have a list of attendees and their shirt size.
    • Once handing out the t-shirts, tick off the name from the list.
  • 1 volunteer for ushering the guests to the main room.
    • Be able to direct the guests well in case they have any queries.
  • 2 volunteers for guiding in catering during meal times.
    • Oversee the set up and clean up.
    • Ensure the meal area is neat and clean.
  • 3 MC volunteers.
    • Help set up the speakers’ equipment.
    • Engage the guests in any way possible to make them feel comfortable.
  • 1 volunteer to ensure everything is in order.
    • Confirm if all the other volunteers are doing what they were assigned to deal with.
    • Oversee the cleanliness of bathrooms.
    • Ensure speakers are ready and they have everything they need.

To be a volunteer we require you to be energetic, to smile a lot and adhere to WordCamp Nairobi’s Code of Conduct.

That’s it. Are you up for it? if yes, fill the form below to get started.

Volunteer Positions are already filled.

Check out all of the official details, sign up (ask any questions you have) and we’ll see you in December 8th and 9th, 2016.