The Morning After!

If you were looking for a restful morning to follow the busy-ness of WordCamp Glasgow 2020, Storm Ciara is doing its best to disrupt that with rain, floods and winds over 70 mph.

Ah. A peaceful Sunday morning in Glasgow!

But we did it! Thanks to everyone pulling together: team; speakers; volunteers; sponsors; and you fantastic delegates. We had a cracking day.

We managed 2 tracks, thirteen talks plus an excellent ‘Question Time’ panel who were quizzed on all things WordPress and nailed it. We were fed some exceptional food from the Soul Food Sisters and the caffeine addicts were appeased by the lovely folk from Spoons Cafe.

Jeremy opens proceedings at WCGla

We managed to tolerate the ‘Prat in the Hat’ at the start, after which everyone kept to schedule and everyone was lovely to one another. And those still with energy to spare spent a fascinating hour in the Britannia Music Hall / Panopticon next door, where Judith unfolded a tale of one of Glasgow’s hidden gems.

And after that we partied.

Thank you for supporting our first ever WordCamp. Thank you for telling us how much you enjoyed it and thank you for turning up in such great numbers. For those of you safely home, well done. For those of you still struggling to beat the weather and the travel restrictions, please take care, be safe and thank you for coming.

#WCGla is sold out!

A huge thank you to everyone who has signed up for WordCamp Glasgow 2020. It’s official. We’ve sold out.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all. See you on Saturday.

Only 10 tickets left!

Firstly a great big THANK YOU to those of you who have registered for WordCamp Glasgow 2020. We’re adding the finishing touches to make sure you have a cracking day.

As for the rest of you, time is running out. And so are the tickets. There are only TEN left.

WordCamp Glasgow 8th February 2020

Can you afford to miss out? This is Glasgow’s first ever WordCamp and we’ve assembled some experienced WordPress whiz kids to tell you what they know. Get your ticket now and make sure you’re there to hear it.

WordCamp Glasgow 2020 — less than a week to go


Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? Erm, we’ll let you know when it does! There’s less than a week to go before the first ever WordCamp Glasgow and the organising team is busy with all the preparations.

  • Venue? Check.
  • Speakers? Check.
  • Food? Check.
  • Swag? Check.
  • After party? Check.
  • Delegates? Check… but there are fewer than 15 tickets available if you haven’t signed up yet.

So there’s plenty to do but it’s all coming together and we are looking forward to greeting everyone to Project Ability in the centre of Glasgow.

We have a varied selection of talks for you plus the chance to meet up with fellow WordPressers — from beginners to experts. What a great opportunity to indulge yourself with WordPress for a day. And with other WordPress people. Please support our WordCamp… tickets are selling fast.

SpinupWP — our latest sponsor

Please welcome our latest sponsor for WordCamp Glasgow 2020.

Spinup logo

SpinupWP is a modern, Cloud-Based Server Control Panel that helps you implement best practices for every server you spin up. And designed for WordPress.

As one of their Twitter fans put it, SpinupWP

“bridges the gap between scary self-hosting and expensive managed hosting.”

Think of it like a control panel for servers, but modern & with a ton of helpful guidance along the way, much of it specific to hosting WordPress sites.

Setting up and managing a server yourself can mean a lot of manual work for a developer. Now out of beta, SpinupWP has handled a total of 648,220 tasks for its users since it first opened up for beta in November 2018. That’s at least 13 million keystrokes saved!

Weglot — a 'Bird' sponsor

We are delighted to welcome Weglot as a sponsor to WordCamp Glasgow 2020.

Weglot logo

Created to simplify your translation process – the Weglot plugin is a reliable and easy way to make any website multilingual in minutes.

Quick, seamless installation – with no coding required and no developer time needed.

Use Weglot’s simplified interface to manage your translations and order additional manual translation where required. And, say hello to new audiences, as with Weglot all your translated pages are automatically indexed on Google.

Trusted by more than 50,000 websites owners and developers, Weglot is a translation plugin that works.

Introducing our second speakers!

Yesterday we introduced you to our first batch of speakers. Today we’re delighted to bring you the rest of our lineup!

  • Ahmed Khalifa

    Ahmed Khalifa is an experienced freelance WordPress SEO consultant and also runs a deaf awareness business. Since he is also moderately deaf/hard of hearing, combining his professional and personal experiences have allowed him to understand how important it is for everyone to have access to content and how it can benefit the content creators too.

    While most people assume that captions can benefit the d/Deaf and hard of hearing, it can also benefit more people than you think and plays a great part in improving many users’ experience when consuming video content.


  • Chris Brosnan

    Chris is a self-taught developer with almost ten years of professional experience and several more as a hobbyist tinkerer from a young age. He has a particular interest in PHP development with WordPress and Laravel (as well as other MVC frameworks).

    He has shared his passion for both in different industries including the charity, travel, financial, blockchain and fashion sectors. When not coding, Chris enjoys film, board games, blogging and watching football.


  • David Artiss

    By day, David Artiss works as a Support Engineer and hiring lead on the WordPress VIP team at Automattic. His nearly thirty years of experience in IT support roles has given him the chance to cultivate the art of truly taking care of people and writing so anyone can understand.

    David has been active in the WordPress community for 12 years, first as a plugin author, then as a speaker and volunteer at various WordCamps, as well as contributing to Core, Support, Documentation, Translations, and WordPress.TV.

    By night, David has performed in 18 musicals and concerts, so is no stranger to the stage. He also writes for the straight-talking technology site The Big Tech Question. He lives in Nottingham, England, with his wife, two daughters, and a room full of Lego.


  • Jessica Thomas

    Jessica Thomas is a freelance digital marketer who brings her WordPress and SEO skills together to help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed online. Jessica began her career in the auction industry and now builds websites that reach the top of Google. Jessica is especially known for her SEO services and WordPress websites.

    Jessica teaches WordPress beginners how to use WordPress at her ‘WordPress in a day’ workshops.

    When Jessica is not on Google Analytics, she is eating Middle Eastern food or completing her challenge of visiting every UNESCO world heritage site, currently at 53/1092.


  • Kayleigh Thorpe

    I am a WordPress Specialist at You’ll often find me socialising at tech meetups throughout the UK. When I’m not learning about WordPress, I like to travel and I am passionate about the WordPress community.


  • Simon Kraft

    Simon is an avid WordPress user since 2008. While working as a developer he also runs one or two German news outlets, is an active community member and spends quite some time organizing meetups and helping the community.


  • Tammie Lister

    Tammie Lister works at Automattic, where she is an Experience Designer donated to the project full time. Her background is varied and includes psychology, design, front end development and user experience. She is passionate about Open Source and community.


Introducing our first speakers!

While we’re still confirming all of our sessions, we want to introduce you to our first batch of speakers. Check back tomorrow for more!


  • Claire Brotherton

    Claire is a web developer, blog writer and accessibility advocate based in Edinburgh. Part of the WordPress accessibility team, Claire’s ideal clients are businesses, nonprofits and entrepreneurs who are passionate about access and inclusion. She loves learning and blogs regularly on her site A Bright Clear Web.


  • James Osborne

    Technical Account Manager at Google, he started to work in awarded agency with CMSs since 2011, where he had worked with small and medium business and created solutions that were sold over 40 nations. After that he moved to Google where he audit and develop strategies for publisher account managers to improve their web performance. Actually he provide supports globally for plugins such as Google AMP plugin and Site Kit by Google.


  • Nigel Pentland

    I’ll start by trying to convince folks why they should be considering the subject of security testing in relation to their WordPress sites. Assuming I’ve managed to convince you why, then I’ll move onto showing you just how anyone can use Kali (don’t worry, I’ll explain what Kali is!) as a tool for doing some basic security testing with a minimal learning curve to get started. This is being aimed at the novice level in terms of ‘security people’ but very inclusive in terms of anyone who is part of the WordPress community.


  • Rhys Wynne

    Rhys Wynne is a WordPress Plugin developer, author and speaker. In 2013 he penned bbPress Complete (ISBN-13: 978-1782167242) and has written plugins that have been downloaded over 100,000 times. Rhys has a keen interest in commercial WordPress development, SEO, security and open source technologies, and enjoys the community that has surrounded open source technologies. He can be found on Twitter at @dwinrhys. He also takes on Freelance work through his freelance portal –


  • Tim Nash

    Tim is the WordPress Platform Lead & Developer advocate. He is responsible for the management of the WordPress platform and keeping thousands of sites running fast and staying secure. He is also known to give the odd talk here and there and when he can blog and appear randomly on Youtube. Tim’s own site is and he writes about everything from security to home automation with a healthy dose of WordPress and humour.


  • Tom J Nowell

    Lead developer for the VVV project, WordPress engineer, and Stack Exchange moderator, Tom is coming from Manchester UK.

    Tom has a particular interest in all things block editor, follow him on twitter at @tarendai



Why come to Glasgow?

Those of us who are lucky enough to live in, or near, Glasgow in Scotland, know that it is a vibrant place and home to world renowned architecture, music, museums, bars, restaurants and sport.

This year it will also be the host city for the UK’s first WordCamp of 2020.

For those of you from further afield who are wondering why someone would want to visit Glasgow in February, let me reassure you that this is one of the driest and clearest months of the year in Glasgow.

Continue reading Why come to Glasgow?