Thank you for your interest everyone!  We are completely sold out and can not accept any more registrations.

If you are interested in next year’s WordCamp Boston, please join our mailing list to the right.

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Some quick updates before WordCamp!

With just 1 week until WordCamp Boston (can you believe it?!), I wanted to go over a couple of hot topics to help you navigate #wcbos.  Most of this information will be printed on your nifty badge when you get to registration at 8am Saturday morning.

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Tickets now on sale!

Tickets are now on sale!

We have 2 fun-filled days full of WordPress topics (schedule to be published soon).

Head over to the page for all the details!

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Welcome ZippyKid as Platinum Sponsor

ZippyKid is proud and excited to be Sponsoring WordCamp Boston again

WordCamps are made awesome by people like you who attend them as speakers, volunteers, and organizers. We’re excited to join you, in your quest to learn and share your expertise in all things WordPress. We’re looking to meet some awesome people who want to work with us. We’re hiring, and if you like what we’re about, come find us. We’ll be giving away shirts, stickers, advice and hugs.

For those who don’t know about ZippyKid, here’s the quick blurb:

ZipypKid is the best place to host a WordPress site. When you host with us, you get access to a content delivery network (CDN), expert tuning for speed, automatic scaling, malware scanning, protection and removal, all for one fixed monthly price. We’re already trusted by businesses big and small, like Reuters, McGraw Hill, Sendgrid, Virginia Tech, and Harvard. Chances are, we already host one of your favorite foodie or gossip blogs.

The company started two years ago, we’ve been kicking ass since then. We got this way by focusing on one thing, customer happiness. We recognize that our customers are businesses, and they rely on their website for their livelyhood. So, we treat them with the respect they deserve, and always look out for what’s best for them.

Recently we got some investment capital from the founders of Rackspace, Slicehost and 500 Startups. We’re using this capital to expand our team, and invest in bigger and better hardware. We chose the specific investors for their expertise in the hosting industry, and scaling startups.

So, once again, we’re hiring, if you want to help us help businesses, checkout our careers page , or find us in between sessions.

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Welcome ManageWP as Gold Sponsor

ManageWP is a state-of-the-art management tool that enables users to quickly and easily Manage, Monitor, Backup, Deploy, Publish, and Secure any number of WordPress sites. It has been designed for WordPress users by WordPress users, and ManageWP aims to be the only quintessential management dashboard that users will ever need to take back control of all their WordPress sites.

Sign up to ManageWP and be sure to check visit WordCamp Boston in person for incredible savings!

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Welcome 10up as Silver sponsor

What a great time to be part of the WordPress community.

At 10up, meaningful community engagement is part of our DNA, and WordCamp Boston is a special part of that history. Just last year, 10up sponsored four WordCamps, and team 10up employees have spoken at over a dozen WordCamps around the country, from Seattle, to Miami, to New York. I’ve personally participated in many camps, but Boston is the one I look forward to the most.

WordCamp Boston wasn’t the first camp I attended or spoke at (both of those credits go to NYC). But Boston’s first WordCamp, in 2010, was the first camp that I made a deeper contribution to, as a fellow organizer. It inspired me to deepen my involvement in a community I had been on the periphery of since 2006. I formed lasting professional friendships, and was inspired to start a meet up and community in nearby Providence, Rhode Island. Not 2 years later, that meet up is organizing it’s own WordCamp, led by a fellow 10upper. In February of 2011 I started 10up, and even as we were getting our hands dirty a few months later, I reached into our pockets to sponsor our first conference – WordCamp Boston 2011.

One year later, 10up has blossomed into a leading WordPress agency, with 13 full time employees and a growing network of our contractors. We’re privileged to serve diverse and talented clients, from small non-profits and budding businesses, to publishing powerhouses like Consumer Reports and, to diverse enterprises like Universal Sports and Trulia, to major universities and colleges. When the amazing WordCamp Boston organizing team reached out about a sponsorship, we didn’t even hesitate. For 10up, WordCamp Boston is another opportunity to support our community. For me, it feels like a reunion.

I’m proud that no fewer than three 10up employees, including myself, will be speaking this year, representing the diverse range of skills our team brings to the table. Jess, our Senior Web Strategist, helps kick off the beginner track with inspiring showcases. I’ll explore what it means to pursue and win big deals with WordPress, and Luke will help close out the developer track by showcasing a tucked away side of WordPress core that deserves more attention than it gets.

Of course, we get tired of hearing ourselves speak – we want to hear from you. Whether you’re an organization looking for a first class web experience, an eager developer looking for an amazing work opportunity, or just have an inspiring story to tell about WordPress, we want you to track down us down in our 10up t-shirtsWe’re always seeking new and exciting opportunities, and always recruiting. If you can’t wait till Saturday, or you’re reading this too late, just use our WordPress-powered website.

Happy camping,

Jake Goldman – President, 10up

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Welcome Shareaholic as Silver sponsor

Shareaholic, creators of illustrious sharing plugin Sexy Bookmarks, is thrilled to sponsor WordCamp Boston! Our whole Boston team will be there to meet you over in the Happiness Lounge. We’ll be handing out official Shareaholic swag: super-soft cotton t-shirts, water bottles, stickers and more. Plus, you’ll get a first-look at new stuff we’re working on: new styles of social media buttons and more.

Also, our Head of Marketing Janet Aronica will be there to speak. To get you as excited as we are, we thought we’d give you a little preview of
Janet’s session, “Everyone’s a Publisher: Create Awesome Content, Not Noise.” Janet will be going over how to create an editorial calendar, what to do before you write, how to get your posts written by a team of people, and how to measure your results.
If you can’t wait to see her session, check out our blog for some insights before the conference.

We can’t wait to see old friends and meet new ones at this year’s WordCamp! See you soon.

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Welcome Oomph, Inc. as Platinum Sponsor

Fellow Campers: The most wonderful time of the year is upon us! WordCamp Boston 2012 is just weeks away. And if you love WordPress like we at Oomph love WordPress, you’ll agree it feels like Christmas in July. In fact, we’re all coming in Santa suits. Okay, that’s not true—it gets a little hot here in July. What is true is that the Oomph team lives for Camp. It’s an unequaled event in terms of the opportunity it affords us to share what we’ve learned so far, while also discovering brave new worlds of brilliance happening within the WordPress community, right here in our own neighborhood and beyond. For this reason and many more, we’re proud to be a Platinum Sponsor this year.

One thing we’re really looking forward to is Saturday evening, when we have the pleasure of hosting Camp’s can’t-miss afterparty. We’re also excited that our very own Erick Hitter—who’s not only an expert developer, but also a core WordPress contributor and Camp veteran—will be back for a repeat performance, presenting insider tips that will guide you through some existing yet hidden WordPress functionality and help you to both improve efficiency and alleviate frustration. Erick’s part of our wow factor … we kind of have to bring the wow factor on account of the exclamation point in our logo.

And, bring it we will. At Oomph, we’re a full-service digital agency providing strategy, design and development solutions across web, mobile and social media platforms. Like you, we’re always thinking creatively about this digital world we share, and we’ve directed a great deal of our passion and talent to developing within the WordPress and VIP platforms. Quite frankly, we floor our clients with what’s possible. From international corporations to busy blogs, we keep jaws dropping when we deliver impressive, innovative solutions that yield high-end results, all within WordPress.

At WordCamp Boston, we hope to contribute to your great Camp experience, and tell you a good Oomph story or two. Look for us! We’ll be wearing Oomph red—kind of like Santa. By the way, we’ll be looking for you, too, because we’re hiring fellow WordPress lovers. Go ahead and peek early—, we won’t tell.

See you in July!

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Welcome Growth Spark as Silver Sponsor

Growth Spark is pleased to be sponsoring WordCamp Boston for its third year in a row. As a Boston-based WordPress design/development company, we value WordCamp for the business opportunities it provides, but also for the community it fosters. Each year, WordCamp gets bigger and better, and each year, more of the WordPress-loving community comes out to support it. It’s been energizing meeting so many WordPress-specialized designers and developers, as well as the individuals and companies who are embracing the WordPress CMS for their websites.
This year, we will be speaking at WordCamp about a couple of different topics. Our first talk will be delivered by Growth Spark developer Sean Butze. It will revolve around customizing the WordPress dashboard. Oftentimes we find that when we develop WordPress sites for clients, they use much less of the functionality within WordPress’ administrative interface than is offered. We will be speaking about how developers can create custom or slimmed-down administrative interfaces so that clients aren’t overwhelmed by the options presented.
Our second talk, “Selling WordPress: Roping, Scoping and Closing Deals,” will be delivered by Growth Spark founder, Ross Beyeler. This talk will focus on the sales process for selling WordPress as a platform. Over the years, Growth Spark has crafted a refined strategy for qualifying leads and determining which questions to ask to determine whether WordPress and Growth Spark are a good fit for the client. Ross will cover sales methodology, sales process, how to properly scope a WordPress project, and some general sales do’s and don’ts.
We look forward to meeting many new faces at this year’s WordCamp Boston. Anyone with questions about Growth Spark, or designers/developers interested in partnering with Growth Spark, should contact Chris Beaman at [email protected]. We are very grateful to the WordCamp team for their hard work in planning and hosting WordCamp Boston, and very excited for this year’s conference!
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Welcome A Small Orange as Gold Sponsor

What’s up, Boston? We’re A Small Orange, a web hosting company out of Durham, NC, and we’re proud to be sponsoring WordCamp Boston again. We’ve been to a few WordCamps in our time, and we know it takes a lot of planning to run an event like this, so thanks to everyone involved for having us aboard!



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