CRITIS is back in Switzerland!

Ten years ago CRITIS 2011 was held in Lucerne. On September 27, 28 & 29, 2021, the 16th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2021) will be back in Switzerland!

*** NEWS ***

22 Sep 21OVER HUNDRED PARTICIPANTS: despite the pandemic, over 100 participants have already registered for the onsite conference and about 70 participants have registered for the online option! Don’t hesitate to join us on Monday!

28 Aug 21REGISTRATION HYBRID OPTION: due to the ongoing pandemic, the conference will take place physically at EPFL (as planned) and will be broadcasted online over the STCC livestreaming platform. You can now BUY A TICKET for either options.

28 Aug 21MANDATORY COVID CERTIFICATE: the SwissTech Convention Center (STCC) will request a mandatory COVID Certificate from each participant at the check-in. This will allow the conference to take place in a sanitary bubble without masks. The EPFL COVID testing center delivers such certificate within an hour.

23 Aug 21POSTERS & DEMONSTRATIONS: there are still a few places left to present posters and/or demonstrations. Don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to book a spot on the convention floor.

17 Aug 21CONFERENCE PROGRAM: have a look at the (almost) final conference planning.

10 Aug 21SHARED DRIVE: pre-proceedings of the papers, pre-recordings and slides of the speakers are available in the following shared drive (protected with a password provided at the registration desk and by email to the participants).

11 Jun 21CYBER STARTUP CHALLENGE: the CYD Campus  is looking for innovative technologies around the subject: Boost your Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC). The three finalists will give a pitch of 10 min. on day 2 (Sept, 28) of the CRITIS conference. The selected startup will be awarded a contract of up to CHF 100’000.- with the Swiss DoD. Deadline for application: August, 25!

14 May 21CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSED: we have received 42 papers that are currently being reviewed by our PC. Notification to authors: July, 5!

25 Feb 21 YOUNG CRITIS AWARD (YCA): if you are below 32 years old, you may apply to the YCA and win up to 3’000 EUR with your paper, thanks to the University of Geneva CUI!

05 Nov 20 – PROCEEDINGS: all accepted papers will be published by Springer LNCS, as in previous CRITIS conferences. This year, we will also offer the inclusion of embedded videos in proceedings papers.

25 Oct 20NEW SPONSORS: thank you to Fortinet, MSF Partners, AWK Group, ELCA, Kudelski and AdNovum!


On September, 28: CRITIS 2021 will be held in conjunction with the Cyber-Defence Campus Conference from armasuisse, the Swiss Federal Office for Defence Procurement.

On September, 27 & 29: CRITIS 2021 will continue the tradition of bringing forth innovative research in the field of critical (information) infrastructures protection (C(I)IP), exploring ideas that address challenges to resilience and societal safety, and fostering dialogue with stakeholders.

*** OVERVIEW ***

CRITIS 2021 aims to bring together researchers, professionals from academia, critical (information) infrastructure operators, industry, defence and governmental organisations working in the field of security of critical (information) infrastructure systems. Thus, CRITIS 2021 aims to encourage and inspire early stage and open-minded researchers in this demanding multi-disciplinary field of research.

Multiple sessions on industry and practical experience reports, EU and Swiss initiatives, and national testbeds for experimentation and research provide a forum for discussion among scientists and experts working on different projects in the C(I)IP domain.

Thus, the Lausanne area is an experience by itself: the Olympic City surrounded by the lake and its mountains is a paradise that has been called “Made in Heaven” by the last Queen’s album! I promise you a valuable experience and we all look forward to seeing you at EPFL in September, 2021.

Dr. Alain Mermoud, General chair CRITIS 2021