GCU WordPress Glasgow launch – Tuesday 28th Feb.

We had a great night with two really interesting talks. Here’s some photos of the evening:

Steve McLeod’s talk “Fake News, WordPress and Freedom of Speech”
Steve McLeod’s talk “Fake News, WordPress and Freedom of Speech”
John Johnston starting his talk “Scots Edublogging”
John Johnston starting his talk “Scots Edublogging”

Many thanks to the GCU for hosting us and to all who came for making it possible!

Continue reading “GCU WordPress Glasgow launch – Tuesday 28th Feb.”

Glasgow WordPress co-working meet – Thursday 9th Feb

Every 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:30pm at Citizen M’s

WPGlasgow co-working meet, January 2017

Bring your questions, ideas or problems and hopefully we can all help each other out.

The beauty of this group is that you need no knowledge of WordPress to come along and join in straight away.

Do you want to know how to begin building a website, have you got a website and are having difficulties or do you just want to share your knowledge? Then this is the place to do so.

Previous meet-ups have been a great success! Our group is growing each month with new people coming along and sharing knowledge and experience which is great for all us newbie’s like me.

What have you got to lose, come see for yourself, could be the start of great things.

See you there !!

Mags x

Join here – Glasgow Meetup



Bournemouth WordPress meetup – Thurs. 26th Jan. 2017

The next WordPress Bournemouth Meetup is on Thursday 26th January at our usual venue, Box44 in Bournemouth.

Happy New Year everyone! December’s meetup was a great insight into how Chris runs his WordPress sites, and we had crackers! 🎉

This month we are back to having a lightning talk and a main talk, as well as pizza and drinks supplied by our sponsors. Our main talk is a change to the previously advertised talk on freelancing.

WP-CLI – Managing WordPress on the Command Line

WP-CLI’s goal is to provide a command-line interface for any action you might want to perform in the WordPress admin. This short talk will show you the power of WP-CLI and some of the things you can do with it.

Lightning Talk presented by Iain Poulson. Iain is a developer working with Delicious Brains, building WordPress plugins and applications.

Are WordPress Developers Doing Enough Marketing?

It is common that experts in one field, such as WordPress, aren’t doing enough to market their products or themselves. Marketing your product can have some huge benefits, besides the obvious hope that more people will buy it.

For example, marketing your product can:

  • Make you look like an expert in the field.
  • Make your product look more credible.
  • Give you a larger audience for the next product you release.

Presented by Ben Levy. Ben teaches smaller businesses how to maximise their marketing efforts, using focused physical seminars and managed marketing services.

Pizza and drinks supplied by our sponsors. 

  • 6.30pm – Doors Open
  • 6.45pm – Pizza
  • 7.15pm – Talks

WordPress Bournemouth is an informal and friendly meet up for WordPress users, enthusiasts, and professionals. An opportunity to share and learn with WordPressers from in and around the Bournemouth area.

This event is open to all. From people who are wanting to learn more about the world’s most popular content management system, to people who make their living with WordPress.

Follow #wpbournemouth and @WPBournemouth on Twitter for all the latest.  Have a talk you’d like to present?  We’d love to hear from you.


WordPress Bournemouth January Meetup

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017, 6:30 PM

Location details are available to members only.

20 Members Went

Happy New Year everyone! December’s meetup was a great insight into how Chris runs his WordPress sites, and we had crackers! 🎉This month we are back to having a lightning talk and a main talk, as well as pizza and drinks supplied by our sponsors. Our main talk is a change to the previously advertised talk on freelancing.WP-CLI – Managing WordPres…

Check out this Meetup →

Leeds WordPress meetup – Tues. 24th Jan. 2017

The next WordPress Leeds Meetup is on Tuesday 24th January at our usual venue, Futurelabs in Leeds.

This month we will be having a content-focused evening. Our first speaker is Caroline Towers, a blogger and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping others shine online. Our second speaker is Lorna Jane Mitchell, Developer architect at IBM.

Caroline Towers – Getting started with blogging

Is blogging one of your goals for 2017? Or, have you heard of blogging but not sure where to begin? Caroline will share her top blogging tips to help you get started and stay consistent with your blog. She will cover reasons you might want to blog, the benefits of blogging and how to get writing, Whether you want to blog for business or for pleasure she will guide you in the right direction to help you create the blog of your dreams.

About Caroline

Caroline started her own business in 2011, building up an online business as well as helping clients grow their online presence through social media and blogging. A year later she began her own lifestyle blog, Conversations with Caroline. In recent times, her blog and business has evolved and now she loves to help other people when it comes to blogging and growing an online presence.

Caroline has a BA (hons) in Creative Writing and English Literature and has been nominated three times for the Yorkshire Women of Achievement Awards.

As well as sharing her blogging tips online, Caroline also works with clients to help them develop their blogging skills and has an online course called Trigger Your Blog.

Lorna Jane Mitchell – Creating compelling content

Lorna shares with us her recent talk from DevRelCon.

About Lorna

Lorna is the Developer Advocate for IBM Cloud Data Services a regular speaker at conferences around the world. Based in Leeds, she is a regular attendee and speaker at a range of user groups.


A big thank you to FutureLabs who let us use their fantastic venue for free! Thanks to the lovely folks at Delicious Media, there will be pizza for everyone at the start of the event.


6:00pm: Doors open for pizza and drinks
6:15pm: Introduction and welcome
6:20pm: WordPress news from Tim Nash
6:30pm: Talk from Caroline Towers
7:10pm: Break for refreshments
7:20pm: Talk from Lorna Jane
8:00pm: Q&A open discussion
8:30pm: Event finishes & Social

After the event, we will be heading to Headrow House for further discussion and drinks.

Full details are on the WordPress Leeds website. The event is, of course, free to attend but we’d appreciate it if you could let us know you are attending via our Meetup group so we can arrange for food and drink.

WordPress Leeds – January

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017, 6:00 PM

Future Labs
1 Eastgate LS2 7LH Leeds, GB

38 Members Went

Our monthly meetup for WordPress users, bloggers, and developers.This month we will be having a content-focused evening, with a talk from Caroline Towers, a blogger and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping others shine online. Caroline Towers – Getting started with blogging Is blogging one of your goals for 2017? Or, have you heard o…

Check out this Meetup →

Glasgow WordPress meetup – Tues. 24th Jan. 2017

The Glasgow WordPress meetup started the year last Thursday 12th Jan. with a great co-working evening and is meeting again this month for a round-table discussion that should give for great conversation and a useful exchange of ideas for everyone.

Come and join us at meetup.com. All welcomed!

What it takes to build a website. Focus: web designer’s role.

Traditionally, the 3 roles involved in getting a website up and running have been very separate and well-defined. There is the website owner, the web designer and the backend developer. And although normally there is enough communication between them to get the job done, sometimes there is also a fair bit of misunderstanding.

This event will be the first of a series of three, where we will focus on each of the roles in turn, starting with that of web designer and frontend developer.

We are currently working to bring you a couple of lightning talks plus a roundtable discussion covering points such as:

• What makes a good theme or template?

• What would you add to the list of must-have best practices of web design?

•  Custom vs template.

• Frameworks vs. child theme.

• Which criteria do you use to decide when to use either?

• From the web design point of view, is the customer always right?

If you are a frontend developer, come along to share your thought processes and compare them with others.

If you are a website owner or backend developer, come along to find out what makes a web designer tick!

If you would be interested in giving one of the lightning talks, please get in touch on [email protected]

When and Where

Tuesday 24th January from 6.00 pm until 8.00 pm

At Gulliver’s Cafe, 59 Cambridge Street, Glasgow G3 6QX.

This is an accessible venue in Glasgow city centre, close to all major public transport links and opposite the Cambridge Street car park.


WordCamp London 2017: Call for Speakers & Sponsors, Creche & more!

WordCamp London 2017 is well underway and we’re speeding into sixth gear as we approach the 9 weeks left until showtime!

We’ll be cross-posting information from the 2017 website to this site, but here are some of our most important announcements in the past weeks:

Please don’t hesitate to share and re-post announcements from our Twitter page too!

Thanks everyone 🙂

Getting started

Update 2015-11-09: Note that since this was published four years ago, the technical aspects of translations have changed. Projects in GlotPress do need to be 95+% translated for language packs to be deployed with core, plugins and themes. This post is kept for posterity.

I thought it was time we got started on a “proper” English translation of WordPress so here we are.

The plan for the first version of the translation is to go through GlotPress and remove any translations which don’t change the text and just focus on fixing up the pesky z’s and color’s so that everything is spelt correctly.

en-gb is probably the only translation that will never appear in GlotPress as 100% complete because most of the strings don’t need translation and therefore shouldn’t be translated so I am going through and rejecting any translations which don’t change the string as these will just fill up the translation file unnecessarily and increase the memory usage of WordPress when running the en-gb locale.

If you want to help out then please head over to GlotPress and search for strings which need translating –