Constant Contact Forms


The official Constant Contact plugin adds a contact form to your WordPress site to quickly capture information from visitors.

Work smarter, not harder. The Constant Contact Way

Create branded emails, build a website, sell online, and make it easy for people to find you—all from one place.

Constant Contact Forms is the easiest way to connect your WordPress website with your Constant Contact account.

  • Effortlessly create sign-up forms to convert your site visitors into mailing list contacts.
  • Customize data fields, so you can tailor the type of information you collect from your users.
  • Captured email addresses will be automatically added to the Constant Contact email lists of your choosing.

BONUS: If you have a Constant Contact account, all new email addresses that you capture will be automatically added to the Constant Contact email lists of your choosing. Not a Constant Contact customer? Sign up for a Free Trial right from the plugin.

How To Get Started.

  1. Signup for a Free Trial. ( Existing Constant Contact users can skip this step).
  2. Follow first-time setup instructions.
  3. Create your first form.
  4. Add a form anywhere on your website.
  5. Watch as your visitors turn into lifetime contacts!


  • Adding a New form when connected to Constant Contact account.
  • Viewing All Forms
  • Lists Page
  • Settings page
  • Basic Form


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Constant Contact: Single Form


Installation and Setup

HELP: Install the Constant Contact Forms Plugin for WordPress to Gather Sign-Ups and Feedback

Constant Contact Forms Options

HELP: Add email opt-in to a WordPress Form created with the Constant Contact plugin

Frequently Asked Questions

HELP: Enable Logging in the Constant Contact Forms for WordPress Plugin

Constant Contact List Addition Issues

HELP: Troubleshooting List Addition Issues in the Constant Contact Forms Plugin for WordPress

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem

HELP: WordPress cURL Error 60: SSL Certificate Problem

Add Google reCAPTCHA to Constant Contact Forms

HELP: Add Google reCAPTCHA to Your WordPress Sign-up Form to Prevent Spam Entries

How do I include which custom fields labels are which custom field values in my Constant Contact Account?

You can add this to your active theme or custom plugin: add_filter( 'constant_contact_include_custom_field_label', '__return_true' );. Note: custom fields have a max length of 50 characters. Including the labels will subtract from the 50 character total available.

Which account level access is needed to connect my WordPress account to Constant Contact?

You will need to make the connection to Constant Contact using the credentials of the account owner. Campaign manager credentials will not have enough access.

Error: Please select at least one list to subscribe to.

Some users are experiencing errors when upgrading from an older version of the plugin. If you are receiving an error “Please select at least one list to subscribe to” on your form submissions we recommend “Sync Lists with Constant Contact”, this can be found in your admin dashboard Contact Form > Lists. If problem still persists we recommend recreating the form from scratch.


Julie 24, 2021
The simplest possible function, user provides email, it submits to Constant Contact and user is added to specified list; just doesn't work. I've read through multiple threads that have the same 'Must select list' error warning upon submission, tried every trouble shooting step and fix a half dozen times each. Deactivated, deleted, started over completely and still the same error. Shame really because you do always want these plugins coming directly from the service provider as you assume they'd be the ones building it properly.
Julie 22, 2021
I'm writing a review to push users to the solution that worked for us. After the plugin we were using stopped working, I started hunting around for other options and figured I'd try Constant Contact's solution, thinking it would be the most reliable. Well, I kind of got it to work, but there's no control over the form and everything looks hideous like it was designed by a monkey. After trying to customize it for about an hour I just gave up and uninstalled it. We use gravity forms on our site, and they just so happen to have an add-on for Constant Contact. It gives you foolproof instructions to connect to the CC API and from there you have full control of how you want it to look. I was able to set it up and the form and button nicely matches everything else on our site. If you want an easy solution that works, I'd suggest checking it out.
Maart 8, 2021
It connects fairly well - and has a reasonable feature set, but with 50 lists across 16 websites and installing this plugin on most of them, I have come across the following shortfalls that is requiring us to find another compatible plugin that will record data into CC: * Fields are extremely limited - can't add anything but some generic first/last/phone/email and custom text field, but no dropdowns, selections, checkboxes, etc. * Address field hardcodes State/Zip into fields - as a Canadian company, we are forced to leave this here even though we'd love a toggle for Province/Postal Code, and I am sure other countries would agree. * Output limits how much flexibility you have to design - basically just forced to go down in a vertical single line form unless you seriously hack out some bad-syntax css rules to add columns. * No ability to customize the 'agreement' disclaimer at the bottom - we want it to be unique to each website, not just the same generic one for the main CC account. * I am personally ok with the bare visuals as it is really easy to override all the elements to design the form how you want, but could see why some users may find it too basic who don't have much html/css knowledge.
Maart 6, 2021
It's functional but if your website is well designed I can guarantee you this form will be the ugliest thing on the page. It's embarrassing. It's like forms from 1999. Literally. UGLY! Come on CC. Get with the times and spend some $$ on better UX and design. Shameful 🙁
Februarie 11, 2021
You're totally on your own with this thing. The form function uses shortcodes but ConstantContact support says it doesn't use shortcodes. Look for guidance from ConstantContact and you probably won't find it. The more I attempt work with ConstantContact the more I am perplexed as to how they remain in business. There are a few with a helpful attitude but the structure does not match reality.
Januarie 13, 2021
This would be a much better tool if they didn't try to rigidly style the forms. We've spent many days trying to massage the output to fit our site. It's leading us to reconsider Constant Contact (after a decade with them).
Read all 67 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Constant Contact Forms” is oopbron sagteware. Die volgende mense het bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van hierdie uitbreiding:




  • Updated: New admin styling to update the overall look and feel of the plugin in the WordPress admin.
  • Updated: Amend honeypot field input for accessibility purposes.
  • Added: Plugin setting to disable the loading on Constant Contact plugin CSS on the frontend.
  • Added: Native browser validation for phone number (tel) field input type.
  • Fixed: Amended admin notification for Bad Request results.


  • Fixed: Removed accidental extra parentheses on a function call.


  • Added: Toggle to our Forms Block to display Form title or not.
  • Added: Support for displaying a form in Beaver Builder.
  • Added: Support for displaying a form in Elementor.
  • Fixed: PHP Notices about usage of deprecated functions.
  • Updated: Touched up styles for the Constant Contact Forms Block.


  • Fixed: Removing duplicate IDs on form submit button.
  • Fixed: Preventing Bad Request request errors from rendering an admin notice.
  • Fixed: Various other admin and front-end fixes.


  • Added: Ability for site owners to multiple lists for users to choose which to sign up for.
  • Fixed: Issues around enabling list signup on user registration.
  • Fixed: Unintended markup in email notification text.
  • Fixed: Inappropriate or unneeded markup around hidden fields.
  • Updated: Max length values for first/last name fields.
  • Updated: Deprecated some functions in order to get consistent naming across all our code.


  • Updated: Added extra security output escaping of custom input values


  • Improved: Implemented recommendations for improved accessibility.
  • Improved: Avoid duplicate ID attributes when more than one form is present on a page.
  • Fixed: Submit button targeting for recaptcha v2.


  • Fixed: Removed invalid property being sent to the API, causing rejected requests.
  • Fixed: Failure to log API errors for support purposes.


  • Added: Forced email notifications to admin when Constant Contact API request fails on attempted form submission.
  • Fixed: Addressed issues with plugin error logging and addressed false-positive error messaging.
  • Fixed: Cleaned up style minification task to allow for unminified version of stylesheet.
  • Updated: Updated support error messaging in admin to reference tab structure of plugin settings.


  • Fixed: Compatibility issue with PHP 5.6.


  • Fixed: Potential compatibility issues around Gutenberg block.
  • Fixed: Conflicts with multiple reCAPTCHAs on different Constant Contact Forms from the same page.
  • Fixed: Conflicts with multiple reCAPTCHAs on the same Constant Contact Form on the page multiple times.
  • Fixed: Removed incorrect usage of WordPress nonces on user submissions to forms.
  • Fixed: Address missed logging enabling for cases that potentially lead to missing debugging information.


  • Updated: Amended logging location for more hopefully more consistent write-ability and smoother support requests.


  • Fixed: Google reCAPTCHA issues with jQuery dependencies.
  • Fixed: Google reCAPTCHA undefined class errors when allow_url_fopen is disabled.
  • Fixed: Array to string errors when API errors occurred.


  • Added: Form and field IDs parameters to the constant_contact_input_classes filters.
  • Added: Site owners will be notified if they have stray shortcodes or widgets using a newly deleted form.
  • Added: Separated the settings page into tabs for better purpose organization.
  • Updated: Reduced frequency of admin notifications for potentially momentary issues.
  • Updated: Clarified details regarding “Redirect URL” setting.