Print My Blog – Print, PDF, & eBook Converter WordPress Plugin


Offline publishing for you, site visitors, and the world outside WordPress.

Print My Blog makes WordPress content useful outside of your website, like in print, PDFs, and other formats. It has 3 main features:

  1. Quick Print: print thousands of posts in a few clicks
  2. Print Buttons: let site visitors print individual posts
  3. Pro Print: make professional-quality books and documents

Each of which takes your WordPress content and optimizes it for print, PDF, and eBook by:

  • removing ink guzzlers like site logo, sidebars and footer
  • avoiding page breaks inside images, between images and captions, and even right after headers
  • allowing you to use other plugins in your printed output

Read more about each…

Quick Print

Quick Print lets you easily print your entire blog to paper, PDF, or eBook.

  • Print your blog to read offline.
  • Create a paper backup (book or printout) to read when your blog is taken offline.
  • Create a PDF, ePub, or MOBI file as a human-readable, portable backup. Send it to friends, store it in the cloud or a hard drive, or even archive it with a historical organization.
  • Copy your entire Blog for quick pasting into another program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs

Quick Print Features

  • Loads all your blog’s posts into a single web page so you can print them from your web browser (to paper, PDF, ePub, or anything your web browser supports) or copy-and-paste them into another program (although the other program likely won’t format it as nicely)
  • supports printing thousands of blog posts in one click (the record is over 3000 posts)
  • prints posts and pages
  • uses your theme’s and plugins’ styles (so Gutenberg and page builders are supported)
  • print your entire blog, or filter by author, date, status (eg draft, pending, private, password-protected, trashed, etc), category, and tags
  • optionally prints comments
  • optionally places each post on a new page
  • resize text
  • resize images or remove them altogether
  • replaces embedded YouTube videos with a link, full video title, and screenshot
  • optionally removes hyperlinks
  • optionally includes post’s excerpt
  • order posts by date, or pages by the “order” attribute
  • place the “Print My Blog” Gutenberg block on a page and allow site visitors to print your blog too
  • no watermark in print-out, and attribution optional,
  • GDPR compliant (no data is collected about you or your visitors)
  • free, open-source software, so you can use it for whatever you like without fear of changing terms of use,
    customize it to fit your needs (although we’d curious to hear what you’ve done with it), and even redistribute it. There is no lengthy legal document describing how you’re giving up your rights by using this software!

Print Buttons

You can also automatically add print buttons to help your visitors print your blog.

  • Share your content with friends offline
  • Save it for reading later
  • Improve long reads by converting a portion of your blog to eBook or PDF

Print Button Features

  • prints individual posts and/or pages just like Quick Print (eg omits the theme’s header, sidebars, and footer, etc.)
  • display on all posts and/or pages, or specific ones using the shortcode [pmb_print_buttons]
  • enable buttons for print, PDF, and/or eBook
  • customize print output settings for each (using the same print settings from Quick Print)
  • place buttons above or below content, or somewhere in-between using the shortcode [pmb_print_buttons]
  • customize print button text (eg “Print”, “Imprimir”, or just a print emoji like 🖨)
  • buttons use theme’s design
  • make more seamless integration with your design or content using the shortcode [pmb_print_page_url] to just get the URL of the print page (see this FAQ for more details)

Pro Print

Replace Google Docs and Microsoft Word with WordPress! Turn existing posts, pages, and custom post types —or write all new print materials— into professional-looking documents that are ready to share with customers and the world.
Use your browser to print Pro Print projects for free, but some features (like automatic page references, footnotes, and full control of page margins) require printing using our Pro PDF Service for a subscription fee.

Example uses:

  • white paper. Share an in-depth analysis of a topic on your website and in print
  • printed version of entire website or blog. Print it all, except ink guzzlers like site heading, sidebars, footers and pop-ups. Use your own printer or send to a printing service
  • book from select content. Add a title page, introduction, table of contents, and pick existing content from your site to make a book. Sell it on Amazon KDP. Like that, you’re an author!
  • new book from scratch. Write new print-only materials that never appear on your website. Leverage WordPress’ great editors and other plugins.
  • lead magnets. Compile content on a subject into a PDF and grant access after users signup for your email list
  • members-only content. Combine with Restrict Content Pro or other plugins to only allow access to select downloadable PDFs of your content
  • printed course materials. Create a course using an LMS (learning management system) plugin, and use Print My Blog for learners to print
  • event brochure. Let event attendees print a useful copy of your event’s details to take with them
  • printed user manual. And digital user manual on the website
  • product brochure. Use WooCommerce or other WordPress e-commerce plugins to make content accessible to those who would rather not browse online
  • monthly magazine or newspaper. Reuse the same design and blog post content to create a digital or print magazine to send to your email subscribers.
  • research paper. Put your research on your website and print it with a consistent design
  • restaurant menu. Optimized for display on your website, and to look great in print.

Pro Print Features

  • saveable projects
  • create digital PDFs, print-ready PDFs, and ePub eBooks (paid only)
  • select posts, pages, print materials (posts intended only for use in Pro Print) and most custom post types (eg products from WooCommerce)
  • search and filter for posts based on post type, status, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, author, and publish date
  • drag-and-drop reordering of content (and add new print materials on-the-fly)
  • organize posts into parts
  • add front and back matter (usually numbered with roman numerals with Pro PDF Service)
  • select from a variety of pre-built designs (similar to WordPress Themes, but for Pro Print)
  • customize designs (each has different settings and can have custom CSS) and can be saved for future projects
  • Theme Designers will feel at home creating a custom design using HTML, CSS, and even Javascript
  • better integration with plugins than Quick Print (especially those using Javascript)
  • save project metadata (like title, extra cover page content, categories etc)
  • automatic table of contents (with page references using Pro PDF Service)
  • automatically replace hyperlinks to included content with page references (Pro PDF Service only)
  • automatically replace hyperlinks to external content with footnotes (Pro PDF Service only)
  • automatically move or automatically resize images to reduce whitespace and fit better on the page (Pro PDF Service only)
  • choose image quality and maximum image size to reduce filesize or save ink
  • choose article templates (eg “Content Only” or “Centered Content”)
  • choose fonts, font sizes, page sizes and lots more
  • optionally apply your active theme’s CSS (this is optional and because themes usually aren’t designed for print, support for this requires payment)

Some designs have features like:

  • roman numerals for front matter
  • page numbers always in bottom-right corner
  • page numbers appearing in outside corners
  • running titles (an article’s title appears in the top margin on subsequent pages)
  • background colors, even with gradients and choosable logos
  • two-column layout

Read more about Pro Print in our extensive user guide.

Ready to purchase the full version? Here’s the pricing page.

Give your story life outside your blog!

Want more? Tell us what matters to you on GitHub. Thanks to a revenue stream through optional payments, this is actively supported and improved.

Plugin Compatibility Highlights

PMB strives to be compatible with all plugins. But here are some that are especially noteworthy:

If you are delighted how PMB worked with another plugin, or had trouble, please let us know!

Our Mission

  1. Preserve your blog for decades to come in a low-tech format.
  2. Make WordPress an alternative to Microsoft Word and Google Docs for publishing documents.

Alternatives to Print My Blog

If this doesn’t meet your needs, there are good paid and free alternatives.

Alternatives to Quick Print we run a hosted version of this same plugin, so you can print your blog without even installing this. Especially useful for users, or those who can’t install the plugin on their site. (Its free like Quick Print, but won’t use your blog’s styles).
Anthologize is another great plugin for customizing your blog’s content before exporting to an e-book format. Also free.
bloxp converts your blog into an e-book with any type of blog (not just WordPress). Fewer, but different, options. Supported by donations.
Blog To HTML is actually very similar to Print My Blog. It allows you to export your blog to HTML for eBook creation.
blogbooker prints a book, or creates a PDF, from your blog using their pre-made styles. Paid service.
blog2print ditto, but temporarily requests your username and password. Paid service.

Alternatives for adding print buttons
Print, PDF, Email by PrintFriendly lets visitors easily print to paper, PDF, or email themselves a copy. Easy setup and very customizable. Doesn’t use theme’s styles. The free version is not GDPR-compliant and inserts advertisements.
WP Print Friendly automatically adds a link to print the current post, page, or custom post type. Can convert links to endnotes. Doesn’t use theme’s styles.
WP-Print printouts quite customizable. Requires editing theme files. Does not use theme’s styles.
Print-o-Matic add print buttons with a shortcode. Customizable and can work with theme’s and plugin’s styles.

Alternatives to Pro Print
MPL – Publisher is another free eBook creator / PDF converter plugin you can use to self-publish a book. To be honest probably the best alternative right now. There’s both free and paid versions.
PressBooks is a good paid, hosted alternative. Begin creating or import content for free, and can pay to export to PDF and other formats.
Designrr is great for creating short documents, but is a fully paid option.


If you find it useful, please:

Best Wishes Publishing for Print with WordPress!


  • Print My Blog removes junk that doesn’t belong in a printout— like ink-guzzling logos, menus, search-bars, sidebars, footer widgets, etc.
  • Quick Print Setup page. Start printing right away, or customize which posts to print and how to print them.
  • Print Button settings page. Select whether to show on posts or pages and save. Or customize the buttons' and printout appearance.
  • Print Buttons on a post. Notice how much clutter is removed from the printout!
  • Pro Print project organizer. Search for content, drag-and-drop it into your project, organize in front matter, back matter, and parts.
  • Pro Print print-ready PDF table of contents. Notice the page references and how the content is grouped into 3 parts.
  • Pro Print print-ready PDF page spread. Notice the running head of the article title (yellow), the graphs generated via a plugin using Javascript (green), the external hyperlinks converted to footnotes (blue), and the page numbers are on the outside of each page (pink).
  • Pro Print digital PDF using Buurma Whitepaper design. The design adds a background color with a gradient, and a custom logo behind the page number. Designers can use the full power of HTML and CSS in their PDF designs!


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Print My Blog


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/print-my-blog directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress

To Print Your Blog using Quick Print

  1. Under the “Print My Blog” menu item, click “Quick Print.”
  2. Select the format you want, and click “Prepare Print Page.”
  3. When you see the “Print” button appear, click it. Your blog will be printed from your browser.

To Add Print Buttons to Posts and/or Pages

  1. Under the “Print My Blog” menu item, click “Settings.”
  2. Beside “Show print buttons on:”, check “Posts” and/or “Pages”
  3. Click “Save Settings”

Also see this FAQ for more options to show the print buttons using shortcodes and postmeta.

To Print with Pro Print

Under “Print My Blog”, click “Pro Print”
Follow the instructions presented, or refer to our user guide.

To Add a Print Form for Visitors

  1. Add a page using the block editor (added in WordPress 5.0), maybe call it something like “Print My Blog”
  2. Add the “Print My Blog” block anywhere you like
  3. Publish the post or page.
  4. You may want to add a link to the page in a menu, widget, or footer


Can I use Pro Print for Free?

Yes, you can use PMB’s Pro Print for free (it’s included in this plugin) to create projects, and can print or make PDFs with them using your web browser. Your web browser will not, however, support all the features that Pro Print is capable of (eg adding page references, footnotes, and fully controlling page margins).

ePub eBooks with Pro Print require payment.

So, creating PDFs and printing with PMB Pro Print is free, but it’s best when used with our Pro PDF Service which is paid.

I have a question about Pro Print

You’re in luck, we have an entire use guide that walks you through the first project, then onto customizations, and even through making your own custom designs in HTML, CSS, and Javascript (with a bit of PHP). These FAQs are mostly about Quick Print and Print Buttons.

How do I create a PDF using Quick Print?

Quick Print just puts the content onto a single web page so your browser can print it or create a PDF from it. Because your browser is what creates the PDF, it depends on the browser. Check out the instructions that apply to you:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Note: images may be missing from very large PDFs. See the FAQ “My PDFs are missing images” below for help.

If you use Pro Print, you can download the PDF using our print service.

How do I remove the headers and footers from printouts?

One option is to upgrade for the Pro Print service, which adds more professional-looking content to the margins (like just page numbers, running headers, and logos).

You probably don’t want the site’s title, date, and URL appearing in printouts. Here is how to remove it for various browsers:

Google Chrome (for paper and PDF)

Mozilla Firefox (paper)

Mozilla Firefox (PDF)

How do I create an eBook using Print My Blog?

Create ePub eBooks requires payment, or you can create ePub eBooks using Quick Print and dotEPUB browser extension

Note: if your printout has many images, dotEpub warns you it will replace them with links.

Once the eBook has been generated, you can read it from your computer (here’s instructions on how to read ePubs and MOBI files), or a phone or tablet.

Some images aren’t appearing

Print My Blog can work too fast for some webservers, meaning the webservers refuse to load all the content, most noticeably some images.
In order to fix this, you need to tell Print My Blog to slow down. On the configuration page, show options, then scroll
down to show Troubleshooting options, and increase “Post Rendering Wait-Time” (eg to 2000 milliseconds, or whatever
value you need to in order to get all the images to load).

My PDFs are missing images

This is usually a problem with browsers, which our Pro PDF service hasn’t experienced. So you may want to try Pro Print with the Pro PDF Service.

If your print-page has hundreds of images, browsers may generate PDFs that are missing images at the end.
To fix this, just retry generate the PDF. Each time the browser will fetch more images. Continue re-generating the PDF until the images at the end are included.

The Print Page says “There seems to be an error initializing…”, or is stuck on “Loading Content”, or I can’t filter by categories or terms from the print setup page

This isn’t a problem for Pro Print (even when printing using your browser for free.) If you’d rather use Quick Print, keep reading…

A plugin has probably disabled the WP REST API, which Print My Blog uses for loading data.

This is often done by a security plugin.

  • Don’t use “Disable REST API” plugins
  • “All in One WP Security” has a setting called “Disallow Unuahtorized REST API requests”. Disable it.
  • Wordfence has a setting on their “All Options” page, under “Brute Force Proection”, called “Prevent discovery of usernames through ‘/?author=N’ scans, the oEmbed API, and the WordPress REST API”. Disable it.
  • iThemes security has a setting under “WordPress Tweaks” called “REST API”. Switch it to “Default Access” if you want to let site visitors print your blog.

How do I remove post content from the printout?

There may be text, images, and other stuff that looks great when viewed from a screen, but doesn’t make sense to have in the printout. Eg, related posts, share buttons, etc.
To remove them from printouts, add the CSS class “pmb-screen-only”.
Alternatively, you can use the shortcodes [pmb_web_only_text]...text, text, text...[/pmb_web_only_text] and [pmb_web_only_blocks]...paragraphs, images, other blocks...[/pmb_web_only_blocks].

If you’re handy writing CSS, add some additional CSS to your theme that uses the “pmb-print-page” class which is added to the body tag of the print page.

For example, if you want to hide all divs with CSS class “my-video” in printouts, but not on the regular website, add the following CSS to your theme:


Also, if it’s content automatically added by a plugin or theme, please let us know in the support forum, and we can hide that content in the next release of Print My Blog.

How do I make post content only appear in the printout?

Use the shortcodes [pmb_print_only_text]...text, text, text...[/pmb_print_only_text] and [pmb_print_only_blocks]...paragraphs, images, other blocks...[/pmb_print_only_blocks].

Alternatively, add the CSS class “pmb-print-only”. See the above question for more details.

How do I show or hide background colors in the printout?

  • In Pro Print, the background colors are dictated by your project’s design, which might be easily customizable. Go to your project’s “Customize Design” step and see what settings are available. You can also switch to a different design on the “Choose Design” step, or add some custom CSS to your design (body{background-color:black;}).*

If you’re using Quick Print, the background colors are controlled by your WordPress theme and the browser.

Your theme may use different styles when printed, including setting the background to white in order to conserve ink.

But if not, your browser can also remove background colors.

How do I force a page break before something? (So it’s always at the top of a page)

Add the CSS class “pmb-page-break” onto the the element/block you want to be at the top of the page.

How do I avoid a pagebreak inside something?

Add the CSS class “pmb-no-break” onto the element/block. The browser will avoid a pagebreak in that element if possible.
If browsers ignore that, you force the pagebreak to happen just before an element by adding the CSS class “pmb-page-break”.

How do I print a draft?

The easiest way to print a draft post is to enable the front-end print buttons, then view the preview of the post, and click the print button you want.

How do I show the print buttons on posts or pages?

Using Print My Blog Settings and Custom Fields
You can add print buttons to all posts and/or pages from the WordPress admin dashboard, under “Print My Blog”, click “Settings”, then, next to “Show print buttons on:” select the posts and/or pages.
If you don’t want to show them on certain posts or pages, add the custom field named “pmb_buttons” to them with the value “hide”.
Alternatively, if you only want to show the button on specific posts or pages, add the custom field “pmb_buttons” to those posts or pages with the value “show”.

Using a Shortcode in the Post Body
You can add print buttons directly into your posts and pages by using the shortcode [pmb_print_buttons]. You can also supply it with the ID of a different post or page like so: [pmb_print_buttons ID=123].
You can alternatively use the shortcode [pmb_print_page_url] to just get the URL of the print page for more advanced integrations. You can supply it with the ID of a different post, and the format (defaults to “print”, but also accepts “pdf” or “ebook”), and whether to add_protocol (ie, by default, the URL begins with “http://” or “https://”, but setting this to 0 will prevent that, in case it was already added), like so: [pmb_print_page_url format=pdf add_protocol=0] will produce the URL of the print page for a PDF but not add the “https://” onto the start of the URL.

In a Widget (eg sidebar or footer) using a Shortcode
Alternatively, you can add the print buttons to a widget. In the WordPress admin dashboard, under the “Appearance” menu item, click “Widgets”. Add a shortcode widget and add [pmb_print_buttons] like mentioned previously. The print buttons will only appear on single posts (eg not on an archive page).

Editing Your Theme’s Template Files
If you’d like to add the print buttons somewhere in your theme’s template files, add the following PHP code anywhere inside the loop:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[pmb_print_buttons]'); ?>


<a href="<?php echo esc_url(do_shortcode('[pmb_print_page_url]')); ?>">View Print-Ready Version of Page</a>

How do I change the color of the print buttons?

The print button’s color is determined by your theme. But if you can’t change the button colors using your theme’s settings, you can change it with some custom CSS.
Eg, this here’s how to change the button’s text color to black and background color to white:

  1. Go to wp-admin on your website
  2. On the left, under “Appearance”, click “Customize”
  3. On the left, under Additional CSS” add the the following code:

    div.pmb-print-this-page a{

How do I customize the printouts made with the Print Buttons?

From the Print My Blog Settings page, click “Customize Buttons”. From here you can customize:
* whether print buttons appear by default above or below the post content
* which print buttons appear (print, PDF, and eBook)
* the text used on each button (translate them, or just an emoji, or whatever)

Under each format, you can also click “Show Options”. These options affect the printout produced by the button. These
options are the same as when printing out multiple posts simultaneously: you can remove the printout metadata, the post’s featured image, etc.


April 23, 2022
This plugin perfectly fit the requirements of a site I that am working on. It generates clean and neat print-friendly pages without sending data to a 3rd party site or server as some other print plugins on here do. The printed results look great and the image resizing option is a great feature to save on ink. Furthermore, the developer is friendly, quick to respond to support queries, and clearly has a passionate drive to make this plugin the best it can be. These points combined make me feel that this plugin is in good hands and will most likely continue to improve as time goes on.
March 19, 2022
I've looked for diligently for a way to allow the visitors of my site to print and/or save a copy of my post & pages to a PDF format. I tried a few of the plugins I found on the WordPress database but most did not fit the bill while another one did but you had to purchase credits for a successful creation of the article. I didn't mind paying for such a great service but I knew the on-going credits would create a problem later. I even searched YouTube to see if there was an easy way for me to it myself but found none. Then I came across "Print-My-Blog" by doing a creative word search again on the WordPress database. I was delightfully surprised that this simple plugin did EXACTLY what I need it to do .... and get this, "FOR FREE" at this time. Since I was willing to pay for one of the other plugins, I know it was only fair and right to donate to the developer for the time and resources used to create this gem.
December 21, 2021
Very poor options of presentations HTML copy doesn't work and is not helpful to enhance the presentation I give up
October 21, 2021
I think this is the only plugin available, that serves the purpose of creating a single document comprising of our selected blog posts, and by applying additional filters. It is totally hassle free and user friendly. Also great and prompt support by the plugin author, who once updated the version overnight to address an issue that was causing PMB from working on my site. It works absolutely fine and wonderful ! Thanks again for this great plugin.
September 17, 2021
This plugin is great, especially for Elementor users. I worked with him on some issues with the plugin and he enhanced the plugin to meet my use case, which I thought was awesome! Now I just need to use a shortcode and any print button works to print out the very page it applies to - it's super! Thanks Mike!!!
Read all 79 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Print My Blog – Print, PDF, & eBook Converter WordPress Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Print My Blog – Print, PDF, & eBook Converter WordPress Plugin” has been translated into 3 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Print My Blog – Print, PDF, & eBook Converter WordPress Plugin” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


3.15.6 May 16, 2022

  • Update: assert WP 6.0 compatiblility

3.15.5 May 5, 2022

  • Compatibility: fix only printing one page when using Betheme
  • Compatibility: hide GDPR cookie consent overlay and “pum overlay”
  • Bugfix: Pro Print avoids Javascript error when there is an image with invalid src

3.15.4 April 29, 2022

  • Bugfix: ask for license key immediately when upgrading to Pro version
  • Feature: ask free users to opt in upon activation again (removing it caused the above-mentioned bug)

3.15.3 April 27, 2022

  • Bugfix: support making large ePubs on HTTP
  • Bugfix: don’t try to resize PMB logo in ePubs

3.15.2 April 23, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix ePub downloads for Google Chrome

3.15.1 April 23, 2022

  • Enhancement: debug info includes more projects

3.15.0 April 23, 2022

  • Feature: support making much larger ePubs on HTTPS sites

3.14.2 April 21, 2022

  • Bugfix: don’t cache images already on same domain

3.14.1 April 21, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix code introduced in 3.14.0 which aimed to automatically fix links using the wrong HTTP protocol
  • Bugfix: slow down caching external images so server can handle it

3.14.0 April 21, 2022

  • Feature: in order to show images from external websites in ePubs, cache them on the server (to uploads/pmb/cache) and adds new database table, pmb_external_resources (both are removed when all plugin data is deleted)
  • Bugfix: record PHP fatal errors when generating files even when WP_DEBUG is off

3.13.2 April 18, 2022

  • Enhancement: in case a search engine comes across a Pro Print page, instruct them to not index those either
  • Bugfix: namespace form inputs on settings page to avoid conflicts with other plugins

3.13.1 April 11, 2022

  • Feature: offer email support for all users (it was a hassle to explain how to use it to non-technical folks)
  • Compatibility: hide Axeptio hovering button in print page
  • Bugfix: correct dynamic image resizing images with captions when restricted by width
  • Enhancement: warn if a project is very big, or has a lot of images, a sit can have errors, and suggest workarounds

3.13.0 March 30, 2022

  • Feature: show featured image captions in all built-in designs

3.12.11 March 30, 2022

  • Enhancement: tell free users to first create a GitHub account before reporting the issue
  • Bugfix: prevent galleries from overflowing into the bottom margin by hiding extra content

3.12.10 March 30, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix Quick Print page for Italian users (categories and tags weren’t being shown)

3.12.9 March 30, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix QuickPrint’s and Print Buttons’s print page content being blank (introduced in 3.12.8)
  • Bugfix: tell search engines to not even visit print page

3.12.8 March 28, 2022

  • Compatibility: fix QuickPrint with Thrive ThemeBuilder
  • Bugfix: tell search engines to not index print page

3.12.7 March 10, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix gallery blocks display (WP recently changed the HTML structure so our CSS needed updating too)

3.12.6 March 10, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix dynamic resizing external images based on their original dimensions

3.12.5 March 10, 2022

  • Enhancement: factor in image’s original dimensions when dynamically resizing

3.12.4 March 9, 2022

  • Compatibility: prevent error generating using WPML
  • Bugfix: fix image quality modifier on filenames with dashes
  • Bugfix: avoid image resizing on trickier items (YouTube videos, images in columns)

3.12.3 March 9, 2022

  • Bugfix: shows formats in a consistent order (Digital PDF, Print-Ready PDF, ePub eBook)
  • Bugfix: fix Javascript layouts (eg JetPack’s Tiled Gallery) by having the print-page’s content width match the generate PDF’s width
  • Bugfix: only do dynamic resize when requested

3.12.2 March 7, 2022

  • Bugfix: when adjusting image quality (new in 3.12.0) don’t try to change image quality on external images

3.12.1 March 7, 2022

  • Bugfix: fix regression in 3.12.0 which showed “Protected” and “Private” on post titles in Pro Print

3.12.0 March 7, 2022

  • Feature: all designs allow you to change image quality (uploaded image size, full size on web, or other smaller scaled image qualities)
  • Feature: add option to “Resize Images if they don’t fit on the page” as an “Image Placement” option
  • Bugfix: fix URL being printed out in classic editor’s Publish Box (it should have been a button)
  • Compatibility: update WPML translations of designs and projects when they are edited
  • Compatibility: fix WPML translation flags not appearing in some situations

3.11.4 March 1, 2022

  • Enhancement: update Freemius SDK to 2.5.0-rc2
  • Enhancement: improve a few French translations

3.11.3 Feb 17, 2022

  • Bugfix: prevent emojis in image descriptions in Mayer Magazine design from taking up full column width
  • Bugix: ensure underscore.js is enqueued on print page

3.11.2 Feb 17, 2022

  • Bugfix: prevent “pmb-dynamic-resize” images with captions from overflowing
  • Feature: “pmb-dynamic-resize” images respect the designs maximum image height

3.11.1 Feb 16, 2022

  • Bugfix: avoid warning using Ultimate Elementor by bundling a fake theme in PMB
  • Compatibility: fix WPML hiding projects and designs, and hide its language switcher when editing projects

3.11.0 Feb 8, 2022

  • Feature: add Pro ePub option to convert videos to images and links
  • Feature: add clearer links to modify the project and designs to the Generate page
  • Feature: images with class “pmb-dynamic-resize” are resized to fill remaining space on page
  • Feature: Added Italian translation
  • Enhancement: add more links to project steps from generate step
  • Enhancement: improve Mayer Magazine images by increasing priority of making images full width
  • Compatibility: remove WordPress Accessibility plugin’s toolbar from printouts
  • Bugfix: fix warning introduced in WordPress 5.9 (WP_User_Query “who” argument was deprecated)
  • Bugfix: resolve license mix-up by updating Freemius SDK to 2.5.0

3.10.1 January 21, 2022

  • Enhancement: Pro ePubs center images by default
  • Enhancement: Pro ePubs table of contents adds dashes to indicate nested content
  • Enhancement: notify free users of ePubs

3.10.0 January 11, 2022

  • Feature: ePub hyperlinks to internal content now link to the page in the ePub instead of the website
  • Bugfix: fix “file system access is not allowed” downloading test PDFs via Pro PDF Service because of URLs starting with “//” (like those added by LearnDash LMS)

3.9.0 December 29, 2021

  • Feature: Add ePub export format (Pro only)

3.8.2 November 24, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix redirecting to print page when it contains UTF-8 characters (eg Chinese)

3.8.1 November 24, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix a bug in 3.8.0 that prevented pro print from working

3.8.0 November 24, 2021

  • Feature: WPML integration for projects. Blog Post
  • Feature: Quick creation of Print Materials from other posts for customization in projects. Pro only. Video
  • Feature: PMB Print Materials now have their own capabilities which can be granted to users and roles
  • Bugfix: don’t show print buttons in widget areas on archive pages and others using multiple buttons. Video
  • Bugfix: fix a bug whereby PMB prevented the new widgets page from saving
  • Bugfix: print buttons print correct language when WPML is active
  • Bugfix: if there is a fatal error generating the print page, avoid runaway JS trying to parse the error response
  • Bugfix: prevent emojis in gallery image descriptions from breaking layout
  • Bugfix: if WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY setting is on, show warnings when generating print-page
  • Enhancement: Quick Print prevents featured images from being too big
  • Enhancement: improve Mayer Magazine intro text styling (add some padding and left-justify text)

3.7.3 October 8, 2021

  • Enhancement: Mayer Magazine styling improvements, such as revert special list styling changes to Mayer Magazine (they looked bad with like galleries), improving alignment of the table of contents, and don’t show the dividing line in front matter

3.7.2 October 7, 2021

  • Enhancement: further improved styling of title page in Classic Print and Digital PDF Designs
  • Enhancement: removed the “Credit Print My Blog” title page option as it’s usually redundant, credit can also be given in the footer
  • Enhancement: further improve styling of Mayer Magazine

3.7.1 October 7, 2021

  • Enhancement: styling improvements to Mayer Magazine (justified text, aligned lists, smaller side page margins)
  • Enhacnement: improved styling of title page in Classic Print and Digital PDF Designs
  • Bugfix: fix changing project section templates

3.7.0 October 1, 2021

  • Feature: add shortcode pmb_web_only_text to hide text from printouts and pmb_web_only_blocks to hide entire blocks (paragraphs, images, and any other block) from printouts. Also, the corresponding shortcodes pmb_print_only_text and pmb_print_only_blocks were introduced.
  • Feature: add CSS classes to control page breaks in printouts: pmb-no-break-before (avoids pagebreaks before a block), pmb-no-break (avoids pagebreaks inside a block, eg a paragraph), pmb-no-break-after (avoids pagebreaks after a block), pmb-break-before (always add a pagebreak before the block), pmb-break-after (always add a pagebreak after the block)
  • Feature: add CSS class pmb-dont-snap to prevent a block (eg image) from snapping, even if the design specifies it should.
  • Bugfix: on post editor page, don’t refresh available content when pressing tab

3.6.2 September 20, 2021

  • Enhancement: made content editor more keyboard-accessible

3.6.1 September 17, 2021

  • Bugfix: deselect previously-selected items when adding print materials to a project (to avoid accidentally manipulating them etc)
  • Bugfix: fix readme error in example using new shortcode [pmb_print_page_url format=pdf] (don’t put quotes around the format)

3.6.0 September 15, 2021

  • Feature: introduce shortcode [pmb_print_page_url] for just returning the URL of the print page (for advanced integration of print buttons)

3.5.0 September 10, 2021

  • Feature: duplicate projects for Professional and Business licenses
  • Bugfix: avoid sometimes redirecting to PMB welcome screen when activating other plugins
  • Bugfix: when removing an item from a project, don’t remove its parent items too
  • Bugfix: remove hyperlinks and images referring to items from the local filesystem
  • Bugfix: fix showing errors communicating with PMB
  • Bugfix: avoid fatal error when a custom design was deactivated
  • Bugfix: avoid gray background in print pages introduced in WordPress 5.8 and when used with certain plugins like WooCommerce and YARPP
  • Bugfix: avoid block galleries overflowing into subsequent text

3.4.7 August 27, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix external links and internal link footnotes (regression in 3.4.4)
  • Bugfix: fix nested subsections when moving sections between front, main, and back matter

3.4.6 August 25, 2021

  • Bugfix: show correct date of posts in Quick Print

3.4.5 August 20, 2021

  • Bugfix: don’t add the table of contents page to the PDF table of contents
  • Enhancement: temporarily don’t ask for Freemius data collection

3.4.4 August 17, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix anchor links (eg “#figure-2” which links to an element with ID “figure-2”)

3.4.3 August 17, 2021

  • Bugfix: don’t add footnotes when URL already spelled out
  • Bugfix: only add section titles to PDF table of contents
  • Bugfix: avoid conflict with other plugins/themes using WPTRT/admin_notices
  • Feature: snapping images now also snaps tables to improve layout

3.4.2 August 16, 2021

  • Bugfix: some themes overflowed the page
  • Security Fix: prevent access to uninstall from unauthenticated users. @props WPScan for responsible disclosure

3.4.1 August 2, 2021

  • Bugfix: only exclude items starting with “pmb-” from the table of contents
  • Bugfix: if removing images from PMB Pro by setting image size to 0, avoid having captions becoming super tall columns
  • Feature: render shortcodes in title page content (eg title, subtitle, coverpage preamble, etc)
  • Bugfix: fix page references and footnotes in front and back matter by wrapping all project content in a div with CSS class “pmb-project-content”
  • Bugfix: fix internal links to posts with special characters in their permalink

3.4.0 July 28, 2021

  • Content editing page redesign (select all, move buttons, improved design)
  • Content Editing defaults to not show content already in project
  • “Choose Design” step now has a “Customize” button to customize the design, and “Choose Design” to skip customizing it
  • Add integration with Google Language Translator plugin
  • Allow showing custom fields (postmeta) in classic designs
  • Pro Print show password-protected posts completely
  • Color-code formats to help identify when choosing or customizing the digital or print PDF formats

3.3.9 June 18, 2021

  • Remove left margin on leftmost print button

3.3.8 June 18, 2021

  • Add support for back matter to Mayer Magazine
  • Remove promocode notice

3.3.7 June 17, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix footnote numbers in front and back matter
  • Bugfix: fix cropped block galleries so they don’t take up the full page height

3.3.6 June 17, 2021

  • Bugfix: don’t show article title in header of new parts

3.3.5 June 12, 2021

  • Enhancement: Pro Print defaults to showing most recent posts first (rather than alphabetically)
  • Bugfix: allow Print Materials to be trashed and deleted
  • Bugfix: don’t break right on all back matter in Classic Print PDF

3.3.4 June 11, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix integration with Oxygen pagebuilder by getting it to add <base> tag to the header too

3.3.3 June 10, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix relative links in Pro Print by adding a <base> tag to print pages

3.3.2 June 10, 2021

  • Bugfix: fix Pro filtering by custom taxonomies
  • Bugfix: fix error generating print page when Oxygen page builder is active

3.3.1 June 1, 2021

  • Bugfix: remove “pmb_content” from sitemap
  • Bugfix: initialize shortcode and print buttons before opting in or out of Freemius

3.3.0 May 25, 2021

  • Introduces Freemius integration for selling Print My Blog Pro (plugin zip file about 2MB now, sorry, but I hope the often-requested improvements and having an actual business model will compensate for that)
  • Introduces Pro Print to Free features include: saveable projects, drag-and-drop project organizer, custom post type support, customizable title page, table of contents. Features requiring Pro PDF Service: page references, footnotes, clean page numbering and running headers, automatic adjustments of image position, and others. See for more info, pricing, and user manual.
  • FYI Previous versions on was 2.9.9; version 3.0.0 to 3.2.4 were released to Founding Members only separately.
  • “Print Now” renamed “Quick Print”, but otherwise the same. The old print buttons (configured on the Print My Blog > Settings page) are also unchanged.
  • Removed dashboard notice for Print My Blog Pro (because it’s released! This is it.)
  • Added French, German, and Spanish translations

3.2.4 May 17, 2021

  • Fixed a bug when using the same article twice in a project
  • Don’t use theme’s custom CSS in projects (unless using the theme)

3.2.3 May 13, 2021

  • Print Materials now have permalinks and appear in link searches (like private posts)

3.2.2 May 12, 2021

  • Default to not show “Powered By” in Professional plans
  • Avoid caching plugins caching the print pages by adding a unique querystring parameter onto the URLs

3.2.1 May 12, 2021

  • Include French, Spanish, and German translations
  • Add “Powered By” for new Hobby plans

3.2.0 May 10, 2021

  • New Feature: change page reference and footnote text

3.1.2 May 4, 2021

  • Improvement: removed a few unused JS and CSS files
  • Bugfix: require answering the format question during project setup (which otherwise led to a fatal error on the next step)

3.1.1 April 30, 2021

  • Improvement: use flexbox for WP column blocks in pro again (they’re handled much better since 3.1.0)

3.1.0 April 24, 2021

  • Bugfix: improved integration with built-in galleries and gallery plugins by using browser-based Javascript rendering
  • Improvement: add button to print PMB Pro projects from the browser and clarify which features are supported

3.0.2 April 8, 2021

  • Integration: Hide MailChimp pop-up form in printouts
  • Bugfix: Avoid Javascript error if there is a bad link

3.0.1 April 8, 2021

  • Don’t put roman numeral on first page of front matter of Classic Digital PDF design
  • Bugfix: don’t make all print-ready PDFs use double-spaced lines
  • Add Digital/Print-Ready Classic design setting “Title page and Part Header Font Size” and reorganize settings into hidden sections

3.0.0 April 5, 2021

  • Add “Byline” as a project meta which appears in all title pages
  • Add CSS classes “pmb-float-top” and “pmb-float-bottom”

2.9.9 March 1, 2020

2.9.8 December 23, 2020

  • Fix pmb-screen-only CSS class
  • Undo LaTex2HTML forcing page dimensions
  • Load theme compatibility files for parent themes too
  • Improve theme compatibility by adding the ID “content” on the PMB main content div

2.9.7 December 1, 2020

  • Expand all Arconix plugin accordions

2.9.6 October 26, 2020

  • Make print setup options easier to find
  • Don’t require a pagebreak before gallery blocks and let them span multiple pages

2.9.5 September 16, 2020

  • Fix a conflict with OceanWP theme from registering select2 JS unnecessarily
  • Prevent images in multi-column layout from spilling over into other columns

2.9.4 September 12, 2020

  • Fixed images not appearing when selecting that they be “fullsize”

2.9.3 September 2, 2020

  • Fix a warning when used with AMP for WP plugin

2.9.2 August 22, 2020

  • Improve integration with Hueman theme by adding the CSS class “entry” onto posts in print page
  • Add WPML integration by adding “lang” attribute to print page
  • Fix printing single pages without a parent, and when the parent not included in printout

2.9.1 August 11, 2020

  • Fix Twentyseventeen theme so it displays authors

2.9.0 July 30, 2020

  • Add [pmb_print_buttons] shortcode for adding print buttons anywhere to post body
  • Fixed removing images from printouts
  • In Twentyseventeen theme, add more space between featured images and post content
  • When resizing images, only resize ones that would be bigger than the desired maximum size
  • Recommend Chrome or Edge for generating PDFs as others don’t include working hyperlinks

2.8.0 July 20, 2020

  • Add setting for placing print buttons below post content
  • Fix issue with Restrict Content Pro and printing posts as less-privileged users

2.7.2 July 9, 2020

  • Add CSS class “post-content” in addition to “entry-content” which improves the look in some themes like Rowling 1.x
  • Wait 30 seconds before assuming print page isn’t loading instead of only 10

2.7.1 July 3, 2020

  • Fix a warning if print settings erroneously set

2.7.0 June 26, 2020

  • Add option to show print buttons on pages
  • Use postmeta “pmb_buttons” with value “show” to always show print buttons on a post/page, “hide” to always hide

2.6.3 June 11, 2020

  • Resize gallery blocks like images
  • Clarify the Print My Blog header only appears on the first page

2.6.2 June 6, 2020

  • Fix activation redirect
  • Improve image layout of inline images, gallery block, and images in multi-column layouts
  • Disable image lazy-loading on REST requests so images in print-pages appear without needing to scroll

2.6.1 June 2, 2020

  • Fix filtering by category and author if REST API is restricted to logged-in users
  • Fix YouTube video screenshots sometimes not appearing
  • Fix if the user can’t see post’s content, don’t include it in printouts

2.6.0 May 30, 2020

  • Allow filtering posts by any status

2.5.1 May 27, 2020

  • Fix copying as HTML, not plaintext

2.5.0 May 25, 2020

  • Add printing draft posts
  • Fix frontend print buttons so they work for drafts too
  • Fix copying HTML for iOS devices
  • Fix printing private and password-protected posts when using frontend print buttons

2.4.2 May 15, 2020

  • If there is an error loading posts, show an error message and give links to FAQ
  • Don’t wrap small images in pmb-image so they won’t take up the full page width
  • Add VideoJS plugin compatibility
  • Remove emojis from print button labels if database doesn’t support them
  • Add pmb-no-break CSS class to instruct browsers to not break during an HTML element
  • Update minimum WordPress version to 4.7 and enforce it in order to avoid errors
  • Fix an error when used with WordPress 4.7 which assumed the has_block function existed
  • Fix saving print settings even when emojis aren’t supported by the database.

2.4.1 May 8, 2020

  • Fix warnings on posts when settings weren’t re-saved

2.4.0 May 6, 2020

  • Add front-end print settings
  • Add filter ‘PrintMyBlog\controllers\PmbFrontend->addPrintButtons $show_buttons’
  • Add invitation to signup for Print My Blog Pro

2.3.6 Mar 31, 2020

  • Fix bug that loaded unnecessary script on every page

2.3.5 Mar 26, 2020

  • When printing a single post, put the post’s title into the HTML page title

2.3.4 Mar 18, 2020

  • Re-add “pmb-img” wrapping div around images

2.3.3 March 18, 2020

  • Instruct users to print with their browser (in case the button doesn’t work)
  • CSS added for compatibility with Avada Theme/”Fusion Styles”
  • Add “pmb-format-{format}” (eg “pmb-format-print” and “pmb-format-pdf”) CSS class to body
  • Only force background white for print; other formats use the theme’s background color
  • Fix Avada’s lazy-loading

2.3.2 March 5 2020

  • Fix fatal error for PHP 5.2 and 5.3 users

2.3.1 February 24 2020

  • Add filter to place print buttons below post content, and their settings can be customized
  • Update to jQuery debounce 1.1
  • Avoid requests to taxonomies endpoint unless print settings block is actually in-use
  • Use new RSS feed

2.3.0 February 17 2020

  • Added “HTML” format for easy copy-and-pasting
  • Printing a post using the print buttons now defaults to putting links in parentheses
  • Remove unrendered shortcodes
  • Hide PowerPlay playback controls as they don’t work in printouts
  • Fixed a bug that happened first time loading the print-page
  • Add a “Return” button when the print-page is ready
  • Code cleanup

2.2.2 January 30 2020

  • Fix innocuous Javascript error in 2017 theme
  • Work even if site has no title
  • Set text to black in printouts
  • Mention Safari and Firefox remove hyperlinks in printouts

2.2.1 January 29 2020

  • Wait a few more seconds before assuming the print-page didn’t initialize properly.

2.2.0 January 29 2020

  • Optionally place URLs in parentheses after hyperlinks
  • JetPack’s Tiled Gallery captions should still have a background because they’re overlayed over images
  • Show an error message if the print-page fails to initialize. Recommend using a newer browser and enabling the WP REST API

2.1.5 January 25 2020

  • Fix dotEpub integration (all the text was appearing in a header, and only the first post was being included)

2.1.4 January 14 2020

  • Add autoloading, props @szepeviktor
  • Make Easy Footnotes plugin show footnotes in printouts
  • Clarify date filtering by date includes the selected dates
  • If users enter dates backwards, fix it for them

2.1.3 January 10 2020

  • Cleanup main file props @szepeviktor

2.1.2 January 7 2020

  • Fix styling of Intergalactic 2 printouts
  • Remove “Protected:” and “Private:” from post titles

2.1.1 December 30 2019

  • Don’t redirect to welcome page on bulk activations or reactivation
  • Hide print buttons when printing a page without Print My Blog
  • Hide print buttons when post is password-protected

2.1.0 December 27 2019

  • Add option to reverse the order of posts or pages
  • Style the print-page like a single page, not like the homepage. Introduces filter “pmb-print-page-treat-as-single” which can override this.

2.0.0 December 12 2019

  • Adds new top-level Print My Blog admin dashboard menu, with sub-items “Print Now” and “Settings”
  • Add full-page welcome screen
  • Deprecate the old menu item under Tools
  • Optionally add print buttons to posts
  • When not showing “Filters Used” in Header Content, also remove the post type (so it doesn’t say “Posts.”)
  • CSS improvements to help with printouts with various themes
  • Several translated strings changed (sorry translators!)
  • Only show “What do you think?” to logged-in users
  • Provide more in-page help converting the print-page to PDF (rather than redirecting the user elsewhere.)

1.14.0 November 11 2019

  • Allow filtering posts by author
  • Optionally add the post’s author below each post

1.13.2 November 5 2019

  • Resize images based on page height instead of width
  • Add a little space after post meta info

1.13.1 October 7 2019

  • Fix error when posts start rendering before taxonomies fully loaded
  • Center resized images
  • Default to medium-sized images instead of full-width

1.13.0 September 30, 2019

  • Make printing site title, tagline, URL, printout filters, and Print My Blog credits optional

1.12.2 September 26 2019

  • Require PHP 5.4 (don’t just rely on WordPress core to enforce it)
  • Give an error message if two versions of Print My Blog are running

1.12.1 September 26 2019

  • Added translator comments to translated strings

1.12.0 September 17 2019

  • Replace each Youtube video with the video’s title, URL, and screenshot

1.11.2 September 10 2019

  • Fixed a fatal error
  • Made change to readme in order to rank for searches for “PDF Generator”

1.11.1 August 15 2019

  • Fixed incorrect translation domain

1.11.0 August 15 2019

  • Add option to exclude private and password-protected posts
  • Fix datepicker pop-ups not appearing correctly on HTTPS sites

1.10.0 August 9 2019

  • Add better support for creating ePub and MOBI eBooks using dotEPUB
  • Print setup page now asks for desired format, then tailors the print-page for it

1.9.6 July 30 2019

  • Add “site” CSS class to top-level div on print-page, as styles may use it for styling

1.9.5 July 24 2019

  • Add a suggestion to use the browser’s print preview

1.9.4 July 18 2019

  • Allow thumbnail and medium images to be inline

1.9.3 July 9 2019

  • Add a link to explain how to print to PDF
  • Add link to cancel printout

1.9.2 July 5 2019

  • Fix some strings which weren’t translatable

1.9.1 June 26 2019

  • Fix Print My Blog WordPress News posts not dismissable

1.9.0 June 26 2019

  • Add Print My Blog to WordPress News dashboard widget (and make it dismissable)

1.8.0 June 14 2019

  • Allow filtering posts by date
  • Print meta line now mentions the post type, categories, and dates used in filtering

1.7.1 May 29 2019

  • Include private and future posts in printouts for privileged users

1.7.0 May 21 2019

  • Hide Adcontrol and Sharedaddy content in printouts.
  • Add CSS classes to facilitate only showing content when on a screen (“pmb-screen-only”), or only showing in printouts (“pmb-print-only”).
  • Put post date, url, categories, etc, onto different lines by default (add custom CSS .pmb-post-meta{display:inline;} to instead show them inline).

1.6.8 April 30 2019

  • Escape site parameter when printing it out.

1.6.7 April 26 2019

  • Fixed a bug with WP REST Proxy while trying to sanitize the site parameter.

1.6.6 April 26 2019

  • Fixed category and taxonomy selectors so they don’t interfere with each other.
  • If REST Proxy plugin isn’t active, ignore thee site parameter. Props to Magnus Klaaborg Stubman for finding it and practicing responsible disclosure (see
  • Add wp_footer() in the print-page footer.
  • Do a better job of handling polluted AJAX responses.

1.6.5 April 8 2019

  • For logged-in users, try to show protected and private posts content.
  • Allow users who can read “private posts” to use Print My Blog from the admin.

1.6.4 April 1 2019

  • Fixed a bug that made WP REST API Proxy integration only work when logged in.

1.6.3 March 29 2019

  • Fixed a 1.6.0 bug that made this not work for sites.

1.6.2 March 20 2019

  • Fixed a new bug (introduced in 1.6.0) that prevented WP REST Proxy from working correctly.

1.6.1 March 20 2019

  • Removed some PHP7-only code.

1.6.0 March 20 2019

  • Add filtering by post taxonomies (categories, terms, and custom taxonomies).
  • Foo Gallery support.
  • Handle polluted JSON responses.

1.5.0 Feb 27 2019

  • Allow adding or removing any part of post content.
  • Optionally add a divider.
  • Enfold theme compatibility.

1.4.0 Feb 20 2019

  • Allow printing comments.
  • Tweaked “What do you think?” text.

1.3.5 Feb 12 2019

  • Make showing printout meta info (blog’s URL, date of printing, and that it was done with this plugin) optional.
  • Allow removing hyperlinks from content.

1.3.4 Feb 8 2019

  • Add links to support, review, and sponsor.

1.3.3 Feb 3 2019

  • Fix fatal error when function “register_block_type” isn’t defined.

1.3.2 Jan 31 2019

  • Remove ellipsis from “Initializing…”.
  • Added assets/styles/plugin-compatibility.css for CSS that is for compatibility with specific plugins (so far that’s Yuzo Related Posts and I Recommend This).

1.3.1 Jan 30 2019

  • Move pretend page down a bit so we dont hide the page title.
  • Remove ellipsis because they look ugly in RTL languages.

1.3.0 Jan 30 2019

  • Improved print-page to look more like a print preview.
  • Use submit inputs instead of buttons because themes generally style them better.
  • Add link to make donations.

1.2.4 Jan 15 2019

  • Add Gutenberg Block so site visitors can print the blog.
  • Increased post rendering from 500ms to 200ms per post.
  • Moved WP REST Proxy area outside of advanced area.

1.2.3 Jan 7 2019

  • Fixed a bug from 1.2.0 that caused text resizing to not load.
  • Fixed some featured images not loading because of unusual REST API response.
  • Fixed JetPack’s Tiled Galleries by enqueuing its stylesheet.

1.2.2 Jan 1 2019

  • Bump minimum compatible version of WordPress to 4.6 (this will help with translations, and now is probably the easiest time to make the change).

1.2.1 Jan 1 2019

  • Add text domain for translators.

1.2.0 Jan 1 2019

  • Add support for printing pages.
  • Fixed a bug where header tags don’t appear when printing from Google Chrome.
  • Show categories, terms, and other custom taxonomies.
  • Add option to remove inline javascript from posts (defaults to remove them).
  • Add option to slowdown post rendering (if it’s too fast, images might not load).

1.1.6 Dec 17 2018

  • Improved layout of WP Video and (JetPack) Tiled Gallery shortcodes.

1.1.5 Dec 17 2018

  • Move featured image and post excerpts into columns.
  • Improved image resizing by using inline styles instead of stylesheets.
  • Updated translated strings for image and text size option names.
  • Improved text resizing.

1.1.4 Dec 8 2018

  • Replaced “Print Preview” with “View Printable Content”.

1.1.3 Dec 8 2018

  • Improved compatibility with themes twentyeleven and twentyfourteen.

1.1.2 Nov 5 2018

  • Update minimum PHP version in readme.txt.

1.1.1 Nov 2 2018

  • Fix image sizes.
  • Fix translation domains.

1.1.0 Nov 2 2018

  • Added page setup options: columns, text size, page-break on new post, and image size.

1.0.1 Nov 1 2018

  • Changes to readme.

1.0.0 Nov 1 2018

  • Initial version.