WPTranslation 2020 events

The week-long WordPress Translation celebration is underway. We will be adding news and highlights on this site and the Make WordPress blog. Do sign-up, follow and share the amazing stories of how WordPress usage and translation is growing around the world and how you too could be a translator. Happy translating!

While International Translation Day falls on Wednesday 30 September 2020, the Polyglots community and Marketing team have paired up to create a week-long celebration of translation. For background on our preparations, please read post by @webcommsat Let’s celebrate International Translation Day. We have also supported mini-events earlier in 2020 including ones for the BengaliFrenchItalian language communities.

Don’t forget to use the #WPTranslationDay hashtag on your social media posts throughout the week to highlight the amazing work of our community!


The United Nations has designated 30 September as International Translation Day to highlight the importance of polyglots and translators in the world. Within the WordPress community, it is an opportunity for us to celebrate and highlight the work of the many volunteer translators and editors who localize WordPress into more than 200 locales.

International Translation Day is a time to reflect on all of the work that we’ve accomplished, and to onboard new contributors to join our community. Within the Polyglots team, a number of locales (listed below) have organized with the WordPress Translation Day and Marketing Teams a number of mini-events to connect with translators in their language. There will be talks spanning locales and drop-in opportunities for individuals or locales to share their successes, answer questions and recruit you, contributors.

You can contribute to the WordPress translation celebration wherever you are based even if your locale is not running an event.

The Schedule


Wednesday 30 September 2020:

  • 08:00 UTC: Global Polyglots Mentor Naoko Takano, status of WordPress Translation. She will be sharing some stats about the Polyglots Team, similar to the opening session on WordPress Translation Day 4 in 2019. This will be held on Zoom.
  • 13:00 – 13:30 UTC: International marketer Maja Loncar, joined by a panel of new and experienced contributors, will share their experiences of being a translator. This will be held on Zoom. Book on the WPMumbai Meetup page – if you have signed-up for the 14:00 talk, you will be automatically registered for this discussion, too.
    There will be an optional Kahoot game in-between the two talks.
  • 14:00 UTC: Keynote on the benefits of translating WordPress into your local language. ‘Why translation is so important and how it can bring benefits to your language’. International communicator and WordPress Translation Day organizer Abha Thakor and a panel of WordPress contributors. The interactive talk will be broadcast via Zoom video-conferencing. The panel will include Multi-Lingual Community Wrangler Erica Varlese, WordPress Mumbai co-lead Meher Bala, Dutch polyglot Yvette Sonneveld, and more.
    You can sign-up through WPMumbai, which is coordinating the talk for other locales. Booking link. Please book early as places are limited.

Sunday 4 October 2020:


Multi-day events:

30 September 2020:

1 October 2020:

2 October 2020:

3 October 2020:

4 October 2020:

10 October 2020:

More on each of these events in our blog.

Drop-in events

A number of locales will also be providing “drop-in” hours in the #polyglots-events channel in Slack. Come and celebrate your locale internationally.

Wednesday 30 September 2020:

More will be added as finalized by the locales.

  • 11:00 to 12:00 UTC (12:00 to 13:00 BST) English (UK) (en_GB) (organized by @markscottrobson)
  • 13:00 to 15:00 UTC Kannada (kn) (organized by @nsuresha)

Sunday 4 October 2020:

Just Translate on Your Own

If your locale is not running a mini-event or a drop-in session, you can still mark the day by translating something!

  • Join Make WordPress Slack #polyglots-events and say hi! You can share what translation you are doing and why. For example, “In celebration of International Translation Day, I’m translating XX (project name) into XX (locale language) today.” You can tell us your city or district, if you are comfortable to do that.
  • Use #WPTranslationDay hashtag to share what you have been doing on social media

How you can participate during the week

For general participation, please join the #polyglots-events channel in the Making WordPress Slack. Say hello, introduce yourself, and share what you’re working on.

If you’re joining an event organized by your community’s locale, be sure to follow any instructions that organizers have shared in their related communications, such as on Meetup.com or social media. If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to join your locale’s Slack instance (check this list to find your locale).

If you’re co-ordinating an event, thank you for making this happen! Don’t forget to share these helpful links with your attendees, including the video tutorials on how to get started with WordPress.org and the Making WordPress Slack.

Are you a new translator? Welcome! We’re so happy you want to join us. It’s thanks to people like you that WordPress is offered in so many different languages, making it easier for people around the world to use and share their voice through WordPress.

We recommend starting with the following pages to get started:

When considering what to work on, it’s always a good idea to check with your locale’s Locale Managers or General Translation Editors (GTEs) on what the current priorities are for the team. In general, it’s a good idea to start with the Core WordPress project. If that is 100% translated already, consider working on top plugins and themes – especially if it’s something that you use on a regular basis.

If you have any questions along the way, please ask! There is almost always someone around in the #polyglots channel on Slack, ready and happy to help.

Please note: the WordPress community’s online event Code of Conduct should be respected in our global and local events. If you or someone you know need to report any issues of harassment, please refer to this Incident Reporting page.

Share on social

Are you hosting or participating in a Translation Day event? Let us know your locale, what you will be working on, and any other fun facts in the comments! And don’t forget to share your photos (where you have permissions) with @TranslateWP on Twitter after your events.WordPress Translation Day is all on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

This post was a collaborative effort by @nao, @meher, @carike, @webcommsat, @markscottrobson, @lmurillom, @oglekler and @evarlese. Thanks @marybaum for the banner design and @zetaraffix for the original Wapuu artwork.

A big thank you to Abha Thakor and Meher Bala for the considerable hours they have donated during the last six weeks leading on preparation for this event and giving support to locales, and to Larissa Murillo, Olga Glekler, Naoko Takano and Erica Varlese for additional work on the planning.

#marketing, #translation-day