
A Brief Intermission

Posted December 6, 2009 by Jen. Filed under General.

picture of core team minus MattJust a heads up that Trac commits will be pretty low over the next couple of days, as all the core committers are in Orlando: Matt, Ryan, Andrew, Peter and Mark. We all came for WordCamp Orlando (fun!) and are staying a couple of extra days to discuss the vision for WordPress in the coming year, the merge, canonical plugins, the WordPress.org site, community stuff, and all the other things that are important but that we never seem to have time to address. Since when things like this come up in the IRC dev chat or in various forums there’s inevitably a point at which someone says, “We really need to have [insert a core committer name here] here to make a decision,” we thought it would make sense to get together and figure out where everyone stands on all these ideas so that we can move forward a little more efficiently. Also, not all the committers had met in person before (and I’d never met Andrew or Peter), so it’s also a chance for us to just get to know each other a little. Watch this space around Tuesday or Wednesday for a post summarizing the things we’ve discussed, and the beginning of planning for how members of community can get involved in (or spearhead) the things that interest them.

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