WordPress Accessibility Team


Making WordPress accessible is a group effort, please join us. If you're doing a talk on WordPress & Accessibility, let us know!

Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2013


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    21 thg 9, 2020

    The WP Accessibility Day event schedule is now available at !

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  2. đã Tweet lại
    7 thg 11

    I get so bummed when I find a cool block plugin I want to use and then check the demo and it's completely keyboard inaccessible. 🙁 <buttons> are not supposed to be <divs>! And if they are, don't intentionally hide them from screen readers.

    Chrome dev tools open on a website showing an image carousel with inaccessible previous and next buttons. There is an arrow pointing at the code for the button which is built with a div containing an SVG that has been hidden from screen readers with aria-hidden="true".
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  3. đã Tweet lại

    Beware of companies claiming automated solutions. is not a magical quick fix. Attorney has a great article on what’s happening in this space.

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  4. đã Tweet lại
    4 thg 11

    You can’t actually empower someone. You can foster environments where people empower themselves. If you think you can empower someone, it’s because you still have power to keep or give. Empowerment comes from within.

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  5. đã Tweet lại
    2 thg 11

    Seeking a plugin or theme dev who wants a free audit of their product. Joyce Oshita, an accessibility test engineer who happens to be blind, has offered to test and provide feedback to a dev at our December . Ideally lots of active installs.

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  6. 1 thg 11

    It's time for the WordPress Accessibility team to change team reps! Make your nomination here:

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  7. đã Tweet lại
    19 thg 10

    Blaming screen readers for not understanding your weird bunny head made of parentheses and slashes is easy, but also the wrong take. Unless your intent is to annoy and exclude their users. In which case, 👍.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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    Have accessibility chops? Want to take your experience to the next level? TPGi is seeking Accessibility Engineers to join our team to help our clients build an accessible future. Submit your resume today! Please RT!

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  9. đã Tweet lại

    Me pretty much every time I hear that an overlay will solve all your web issues. Hint don’t buy it. Not only do they not fix all the issues they can create new barriers. Teach people how to make their stuff accessible by default.

    Neil a white male in his mid forties with sandy hair and a beard looks wide eyed and shocked at the box he is holding. The box has a green snake on the front and the words “Snake Oil”
    , ,7 người khác
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  10. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 10

    Injecting <style> rules between blocks breaks CSS like .element1 + .element2 and .element:last-child. And some other annoying side effects using theme.json file.

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    20 thg 8

    I was invited to speak at the WP meetup in October. I'm very excited for this opportunity. Looking to get plugged in with a great meetup community as well.

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  12. đã Tweet lại
    28 thg 9

    If we did plugin audits during the WordPress Accessibility Meetup, would any plugin devs volunteer to have us audit their plugin live? It would be a great way to get free feedback and recommendations for fixes and would help attendees learn how to do audits.

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  13. đã Tweet lại
    13 thg 9

    Nothing says “we don’t care about accessibility” like sending accessibility feedback to the legal department.

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  14. đã Tweet lại
    31 thg 8

    There is no doubt these folks are scammy as Karl says: Both & have the same two people with zero credentials, content is written for SEO, information is wrong, and they favor overlays. Resellers, scammers, liars, ?

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  15. đã Tweet lại
    30 thg 8

    New post: Notes on the WordPress Classic Editor plugin

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  16. đã Tweet lại

    Testing Twitter captions. It looks like you can finally upload an SRT file, y'all! 1/2

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  17. đã Tweet lại

    I'm hosting Ethics in Technology and Design: A Special Event in one hour. My most requested conference talk from 2020, completely free and available to everyone:

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  18. đã Tweet lại
    4 thg 8
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  19. đã Tweet lại
    26 thg 7

    Join us with , Accessible Web , as he shares his passion for creating an equitable experience for all, using the web’s favorite CMS: 👩‍💻 📅 Aug 03, 2021 🕔 10 AM CST | 5 PM CET Register here ⬇

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  20. đã Tweet lại
    27 thg 2, 2019

    You're a developer. Imagine if one day you woke up after someone in your team redesigned your app so that it was only accessible via the keyboard, had black-on-black text and you had to use a screen-reader to navigate it. You'd be livid wouldn't you?

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  21. đã Tweet lại
    17 thg 7

    If you missed it or want to know all the links I mentioned: The text of my talk "Automated Accessibility Testing, A Few Scenarios" is on:

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