Support » Plugin: Timber » Args passed to twig_array_filter() must be an instance of Twig\Environment

  • Hello,
    in new version Twig 2.13.1 was change function twig_array_filter() in twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.
    The function needs 3 parameters now.

    The function is used in Helper::filter_array

    I use in my project symfonyForm and the form component return FormView so it is fatal error, because first parametrs is not a Environment object.
    Look at twig_array_filter() twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension 1556.

    To fixed it please bind Environment object to filter_array() function.

    Can you fixed it?


    Now I chaned twig to 2.13.0 and all working good but will be cool if will working in 2.13.1! 🙂

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