This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Seriously Simple Stats


This plugin is an add-on for Seriously Simple Podcasting and requires at least v1.13.1 of Seriously Simple Podcasting in order to work.

So you love using Seriously Simple Podcasting to broadcast your content? Well, now you can enjoy the plugin’s simplicity while also gathering useful and extensive stats about how people are engaging with your inevitably brilliant content.

Seriously Simple Stats offers integrated analytics for your podcast, giving you access to incredibly useful information about who is listening to your podcast and how they are accessing it.

Primary Features

  • Track listen counts for every episode
  • View detailed stats for your podcast
  • See a quick overview of your most recent stats at a glance
  • Narrow stats down to view data specific to any episode or series
  • Access stats for any selected date range
  • Find out exactly which of your episodes are the most popular
  • Find out how people are listening to your content
  • Automatically detect crawlers/bots to prevent false stats

Check out the screenshots for a better idea of what stats you can expect.

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to Seriously Simple Stats, you can fork the GitHub repository – all pull requests will be reviewed and merged if they fit into the goals for the plugin.


  • An example of the stats page showing all the available information.
  • The Episode Stats meta box on the episode edit screen.


Installing “Seriously Simple Stats” can be done either by searching for “Seriously Simple Stats” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What version of Seriously Simple Podcasting does this plugin require?

In order to use this plugin you need to have at least v1.13.1 of Seriously Simple Podcasting. If you do not have Seriously Simple Podcasting active or you are using a version older than v1.13.1 then this plugin will do nothing.

I just installed this plugin, but I don’t see any stats. What gives?

Your podcast stats will only be gathered while this plugin is active, so if you have just installed it wait a few days and you will start to see your stats growing.

What listening sources are tracked?

Seriously Simple Stats tracks the following listening sources for your podcast:

  • iTunes / iOS Podcasts
  • Overcast
  • Pocket Casts
  • Direct downloads
  • Audio player listens
  • ‘Play in new window’ clicks

Any other listening sources will simply appear grouped as ‘Other’ in your stats. If there is another service that you think would be valuable to have tracked, then please create a new issue on GitHub to suggest it.

Note that Stitcher download stats are not currently possible to gather accurately due to the way that Stitcher offers up episode downloads to users.

Does this plugin block crawlers or bots?

Yes. This plugin uses the Crawler Detect library to make sure that crawlers/bots are not recorded as listens.


July 4, 2020
It's got the basics and works well and is simple. It has a problem supporting podcast series named with non English language (the drop down shows the language, but when the series is selected, it switches back to the english one in the drop down). Other than that problem it supports international characters.
November 16, 2017
I'm a newbie podcaster and I'm very concerned about statistics of my episodes. I love this plugin because it makes things really simple. You can see how many times an audio has been downloaded and it's graph is a very useful tool to see if your audience is growing. I totally recommend it.
June 4, 2017
I really wish it would separate Google Play Music into its own category. I have 74% of my listening in the "Other" Category and would love to see where those are coming from. I'd also like to see average listening time, or have the option for more advanced analytics.
March 7, 2017
This is a great plugin! You can see the stats of your podcast. It works and is simple! I hope the plugin will evolve, so you can more information: e.g. for one day or one week, which episodes were played.
September 3, 2016
I can add podcasting stats to this already awesome plugin? Yes, please!
Read all 9 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Seriously Simple Stats” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Seriously Simple Stats” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Seriously Simple Stats” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • 2021-03-24
  • [FIX] Fixes a style bug when there is a big number of listens
  • [UPDATE] Added development npm dependencies


  • 2020-12-21
  • [FIX] Fixes a bug in the per episode stats meta box
  • [UPDATE] Updated crawler detect library to version 1.2.103


  • 2020-07-07
  • [FIX] Fixes a JavaScript bug related to the Google Charts libraries, when loading regular admin pages (props lrynek)


  • 2020-06-19
  • [FIX] Fixes a bug in the loading of the Google Charts libraries


  • 2020-05-25
  • [UPDATE] Updated crawler detect library to version 1.2.95


  • 2019-12-20
  • [UPDATE] Updated crawler detect library


  • 2018-08-13
  • [FIX] Fixed a bug in the All episode stats pagination (props wudanbal)
  • [UPDATE] Default sorting for All episode stats set to date (props wudanbal)
  • [UPDATE] Date display field uses WordPress Date Format setting, to display date (props wudanbal)


  • 2018-07-31
  • [FIX] Fixed a PHP warning which only occurs on the last day of the month


  • 2018-07-10
  • [NEW] Added the ability to sort the “All Episodes for the Last Three Months” Stats data
  • [FIX] Fixed a bug where filtering stats data by series was broken.
  • [UPDATE] Updated the plugin to use composer based autoloading
  • [UPDATE] Updated the CrawlerDetect library


  • 2018-05-28
  • [FIX] Fixed a bug introduced in the 1.2.1 update


  • 2018-05-25
  • [NEW] Included a stats table upgrade to anonymise IP addresses stored


  • 2017-10-11
  • [NEW] Added stats widget to WordPress dashboard
  • [NEW] Added new listening sources (PodcastAddict, Player FM, Google-Play)
  • [NEW] Added new stats view for all episodes for the past three months


  • 2016-09-07
  • [NEW] Including Crawler Detect library to prevent crawlers/bots from bring recorded as actual listens
  • [NEW] Checking for reverse proxies when fetching user’s IP address for more accurate listenership stats (props cgill27)
  • [TWEAK] Recording correct time for all stats (based on WordPress settings)


  • 2016-07-21
  • [FIX] Making sure that time-based stats respect WordPress’ saved time zone instead of basing everything on UTC
  • [FIX] Improving tracking of iTunes/iOS Podcasts app referrer (props tbibby)
  • [FIX] Making sure that stats never show without labels
  • [TWEAK] Improving localisation support
  • [TWEAK] Generally improving referrer detection (props tbibby)


  • 2015-11-16
  • Initial release