How Your Plugin Assets Work

The assets folder in your plugin is where you can store images (like plugin headers, icons, and screenshots) used on your plugin’s display page.

All files should be placed into the assets directory of your SVN directory and will work for all versions of your plugin. This is a top level directory, just like trunk. You would not place the screenshots into trunk/assets or tags/1.0/assets.

All images are served through a CDN and cached heavily, so it may take a some time to update when changed or added. Please give the proxy some time to retrieve your images and cache them before reporting it’s not working. It should only take a few minutes, but 6 hours is not unheard of when the servers are under high load (like the week before and during a release of a major version of WordPress).

Default Image Sizes Default Image Sizes

Image sizes should be the same as implied by the names. That is, banner-772x250.png should be 772 pixels wide by 250 pixels high. Similarly, icon-256x256.png should be a 256×256 square.

We have not defined any new banner sizes so please don’t try to be clever and rename yours thinking they’ll work. They simply won’t show. Similarly, don’t make your images larger (or smaller) and use the existing names. Things will look terrible.

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Plugin Headers Plugin Headers

Plugin headers are those images you see at the top of a plugin page:

When designing your header image, keep in mind the use of international plugin directories. Some of these, like Hebrew and Arabic, use Right-To-Left (RTL) languages. Ideally, design your banner such that the elements included in the image can be positioned from right to left or from left to right. You can create a different image for RTL pages, with -rtl in the name.

Filenames Filenames

  • Normal Banner: banner-772x250.(jpg|png)
  • Normal Banner (RTL): banner-772x250-rtl.(jpg|png)
  • High-DPI (Retina): banner-1544x500.(jpg|png)
  • High-DPI (Retina RTL): banner-1544x500-rtl.(jpg|png)

If RTL images are available, then they will be displayed on plugin pages in languages that use RTL. For example of an RTL image, look at Custom WP Login in English and then in Arabic.

For an example of Retina images, check out Hello Dolly or Pluginception. You cannot use the retina image alone, it only works as an “add-on” to the 772×250 image. The larger ‘retina’ image is only used on displays that can show the higher detail.

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Plugin Icons Plugin Icons

Plugin icons are square images that show on the side of the plugin in searches on but also on the back-end of

Akismet with it's Plugin Icon

In addition to JPG and PNG formats, you can also use SVG. Vectors are perfect for icons, as they can be scaled to any size and the file itself is small. If you chose to use SVGs, you must also use a PNG icon as a fallback, otherwise your plugin icon will not display properly in older browsers or on Facebook.

If you do not use an icon, an auto-generated one will be made for you. Some examples are the circled icons below:

Example of auto-generated icons

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Filenames Filenames

  • Normal: icon-128x128.(png|jpg)
  • High-DPI (Retina): icon-256x256.(png|jpg)
  • SVG: icon.svg

There are no plans to change these sizes.

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Screenshots Screenshots

Screenshots show on the main page of your plugin, and are used to illustrate aspects of the plugin admin dashboard or live examples. There should be one screenshot for every line in your readme.txt file. The content of the lines will become the captions of the screenshots on your plugin’s page.

For example: 1. This is a monkey

That would show the caption ‘This is a monkey’ under the first screenshot. Presumably of a monkey.

Screenshots must be local to display. Links to external files won’t work.

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Filenames Filenames

  • screenshot-1.(png|jpg)
  • screenshot-2.(png|jpg)

All filenames should be lowercase; uppercase names won’t work.

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Issues Issues

If you find your images are downloading when people click on them from your Plugin Directory page, you’ll need to make a change in how you upload them via SVN. It’s due to how some images are sent with the Content-Type application/octet-stream.

To fix it, run this command:

svn propset svn:mime-type image/png *.png
svn propset svn:mime-type image/jpeg *.jpg

Alternatively, plugin authors can set this in their ~/.subversion/config file:

*.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
*.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg

That’ll apply to only new files though. Fixing already-committed files will require the command above.