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Site Building

site building

Building a website gets easier all the time. WordPress alone has made it infinitely easier to build websites, with the right theme, you can be up and away in no time. Of course, as an affiliate, there are specific things (such as SEO) that you need to keep in mind when building your affiliate website.

These lessons will take you through everything from getting set up with your websites domain name (eg www.yourdomain.com) and web hosting, through to the overall structure of your website and pages. 

One of the easiest and most common ways to get started with this is to use a theme, such as AffiloTheme. There are a lot of themes for you to check out all over the internet, but some are better than others for the specific purpose of affiliate marketing. 

It's important to spend the time learning about website building so you can get it right as early as possible, so have a look through these lessons to find out what to do, and even what not to do!



Learn About Affiliate Website Building

Step-by-step: Building a Basic Web Page

The aim of this lesson is to show you a step-by-step guide to building a basic webpage. Discover how easy it actually is to create basic web pages!

Uploading your website with Filezilla

FTP is a system that allows you to log into a server and upload, download or modify content. Today we're going to show you the basics of FileZilla, a free FTP client!

Linking Your Domain with Your Hosting

If you've purchased your domain name and your hosting separately, you need to link the two together. In this lesson we'll take a look at how.

What to Look For in a Hosting Provider

After you've found yourself a domain name, you need to get set up with web hosting. Just be careful to pick the host that's right for you!

Finding and Registering a Domain Name

Finding an appropriate domain name is essential. We look at how you can find the best domain name and domain name registrar for your site.

Anatomy of a Web Page

Even if you don't code your pages by hand, it's important to learn some of the structures that make up your web pages, especially for SEO.

Good Housekeeping

Websites have a habit of getting very large, very fast. Here are some important issues to avoid that will help you down the line.

Web Design Troubleshooting

Sometimes when you upload your site, or view it on a different computer, things can look wrong. Here's some issues that affiliates encounter, and how to fix them!

Anatomy of a Web Page #2

In this lesson we're going to look at a few more elements that make up your average web page, as well as a brief introduction to CSS!

How to hide your affiliate link with redirects

Affiliate links are ugly, and can sometimes put people off clicking them. In this lesson we look at making your links friendlier (and safer) by using redirects!

Simplifying Navigation with PHP Includes

Websites with more than one page can be a pain to update. However, 'PHP includes' allow you to change multiple pages at a time, and we’ll show you how.

Date Scripts

What better way to get your visitors to act now than to give them a deadline? "Act now! This offer expires tomorrow!" Here's how to use "date scripts."


When you become desperate to find a particular page on a site, you need to refer to the sitemap. Learn what it does, and how to create one!

How to Move Your Pages With 301 Redirects

If you've got a page on your affiliate site that's doing well, but you want to move its location without losing any traffic or backlinks, then read how here!

URL Canonicalization – To www or not to www?

Why are www.example.com and example.com not the same website? We take a look at what that "www" means for you as an affiliate.

Robots.txt - Telling the search engines what they can and cannot index

To index your site, search engines send spiders to crawl all your content to check for relevant information. But what about the bits you don't want indexed?

How to create a rollover button

In this lesson we'll be explaining the steps involved in creating a rollover button and how to add it to a page on your site.

7 Crucial Site Building Mistakes You Need to Fix

We cover the 7 most crucial site-building mistakes that you need to fix, as well as the effective solutions to turn your site into a strong affiliate money-maker.


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