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Pay Per Click


Pay per click (or PPC for short) is a type of online advertising where you only pay when somebody clicks on your advertisement. Along with search engine optimization (SEO), it's one of the major methods affiliates can use to get traffic to their websites.

A pay-per-click ad is a small, four-line ad consisting of a headline, two short lines of text and a URL. It doesn't contain graphics, color variations, music or video, and you can't pay extra to get more space. Although they sound and look rather basic, PPC ads are one of the most powerful ways of advertising online because they are so targeted.

Rather than just displaying to whomever happens to be in the vicinity, as with TV or billboard advertising, pay-per-click ads only display to people who have shown an active interest in the topic by either searching for related information, or by going one step further and visiting a website. What this means for you as an affiliate is that your chances of success are higher than if you were using another type of advertising.

Another enormous benefit is that you only pay for the times when someone clicks on the ad. While that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get a sale, it's a lot better than paying merely for the privilege of having your ads show somewhere (called pay-per-impression), which was the norm before pay-per-click was introduced.

In this section of Affilorama, you'll learn our essentials for making PPC work, including:

  • Keywords – how to find profitable keywords and how to categorize them.
  • How to write an exciting and compelling ad.
  • Ad placement — How to get your ad ranking in the top four positions for maximum exposure.
  • How to design your landing page (the page your ad links to) to win maximum brownie points with the search engines.
  • How to track your conversions so you can learn which ads are doing well and which ones aren't.


Learn About Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing PPC

In this lesson we give you a quick introduction to PPC and teach you how to get visitors to your site. We'll also let you know some pros and cons of this traffic-generation method.

What is PPC?

Here's the low-down on this unique-to-the-Internet advertising model, how much it costs, the importance of keywords, and some campaign-enhancing secrets.

How to do Keyword Research: 7 Techniques & Tools

In this lesson we cover 7 valuable techniques and tools to help you develop the best keywords for your niche.

PPC Landing Pages

Landing pages for PPC need optimization so that they make as much money as possible, or you'll quickly find yourself spending more on advertising than you earn!

Writing and Placing Google Ads

Google's AdWords is the biggest beast of the PPC marketing world: it has the largest PPC engine, and the fiercest competition! Today we show you how to use it.

Conversion Tracking

When you're paying for traffic, it's important to keep track of which keywords, ads and landing pages give the best results so you can focus your efforts (and money)!

Bonuses for better PPC conversions

The "free bonus when you make a purchase" concept is as old as the hills. See how affiliate marketers use this technique to make their offers irresistible!

Alternative sources of traffic

PPC doesn't start and end with Google and Yahoo; We cover some more great sources of traffic (some paid, some not) that can deliver great results!


Products to Help You With Your PPC Campaigns


A content strategy for affiliate sites that boosts traffic, increases sales, and leads to a fantastic passive income.

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AffiloTools crunches data from a range of premium sources to find out what's REALLY happening on your website. Search engines, social media, revenue... All your most important data, all in one place. You can check the health of your website to ensure nothing is holding you back, manage your keywords, check up on your traffic, and even manage your social media efforts. 

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