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Don't Be a Statistic! Your Quick Guide to Avoiding Common Online and Affiliate Marketing Scams in 2021

Don't Be a Statistic! Your Quick Guide to Avoiding Common Online and Affiliate Marketing Scams in 2021

As common as the scams we listed down here is the misconception that affiliate marketing is a scam too. With all the affiliate marketing courses out there telling you that there is plenty of money to be made through affiliate marketing matched with the number of people and reviews saying they earned nil through the same methods, it does throw a shade over affiliate marketing to say the least.

The hundreds of legit affiliate programs we recommend and...

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The Ultimate List of 100 Beauty Affiliate Programs for Health & Beauty Influencers in 2021

The Ultimate List of 100 Beauty Affiliate Programs for Health & Beauty Influencers in 2021

The cosmetics industry is definitely a large one, and despite the Coronavirus pandemic, it continued to remain profitable, particularly the skincare niche as reported by Statista.

There's a strong need in all of us to look good, and this is why these types of blogs are growing in numbers. They're not limited to women, either: There are beauty blogs for men, too.

Currently, there are around 45,000 beauty and fashion vlogs on YouTube. These vloggers don’t necessarily have a blog to...

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20 High Paying ClickBank Alternatives for 2021: A List of Top Affiliate Networks

20 High Paying ClickBank Alternatives for 2021: A List of Top Affiliate Networks

Affilorama is often confused as an affiliate network. While our members are mostly affiliates, and we do have our own affiliate program, we are not an affiliate network.

Like Affilorama, an affiliate network has affiliates for members. Unlike us, affiliate networks have merchants or vendors, sometimes even product creators and owners, as members. Affiliate networks help merchants and product owners find affiliates to help promote their products. They also manage each merchant’s...

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Best Email Marketing Services for Affiliate Marketers

Best Email Marketing Services for Affiliate Marketers

“Is email marketing dead?” has been asked around the internet often enough that various articles have popped up from Forbes.com to CampaignMonitor.com to tell everyone that, no, email marketing isn’t dead.

Affiliate marketers know the real deal. Email marketing is still generating income for marketers as this Statista survey proves. It remains a powerful marketing tool that both marketers and businesses use to promote directly to their customer base.

While businesses can have their...

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Top Wordpress Web Hosting Providers for Affiliate Marketers in 2021

Top Wordpress Web Hosting Providers for Affiliate Marketers in 2021

I asked Google how many web hosting providers are in the world:

Yes, over 300,000 web hosting providers. All of them provide web hosting service, but not all of these 300,00 web hosting providers deliver the same quality and features.

As with us humans, not all web hosting providers are made the same.

Whether you’re out to replace your current web host, or are looking for one...

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