HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player


HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player Plugin enable wordpress users to sing and play song text lyrics.

Free Features

  • Supports MP3 formats
  • Supports Text Song Lyrics
  • Social Links Facebook / Twitter
  • Works in IE, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera
  • Player have shortcode for post/page [html5lyrics id=ID] i.e. [html5lyrics id=1]

Paid Features

  • Supports MP3 formats
  • Supports Text Song Lyrics
  • Support Images on song’s cue points
  • Color / Size Customization
  • Supports Unicode
  • Social Link Customization
  • Multiple player on same page / post
  • Works in IE, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, mobile devices including Android/iOS
  • Supports Wowza / Amazon Cloud Front / S3 HTTP Streaming
  • Facebook page customization with player
  • Player have shortcode for post/page [html5lyrics id=ID … ] i.e. [html5lyrics id=1 … ]
  • Best support on email / skype

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Audio.js Player

HTML5 Audio Read-Along


For support please visit


  • HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player
  • Create HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player with MP3 & text
  • Manage other HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Songs
  • Proccess HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Song -> Listen then click same lyrics text
  • WordPress Shortcode for HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player


  1. Copy folder “html5-lyrics-karaoke” into your wordpress plugins folder, normally located in /wp-content/plugins/

  2. Login to WordPress Admin and activate the plugin

A HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player can be embedded in a post using a tag of the following form:

[html5lyrics id=ID] i.e. [html5lyrics id=1]


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Contributors & Developers

“HTML5 Lyrics Karaoke Player” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fixed MySQL problem