Support » Plugin: My Tickets » Currency notation problem

  • Resolved rosowp



    This plugin is quite useful for me so thanks a lot for such a great product!

    Currently I’m facing some troubles with the way how amounts and currencies are being displayed, especially on ‘purchase/cart’ page. I’m using ‘Polish złoty’ as a currency (code: PLN, symbol: zł).

    What I can see (without any changes in source code) is:

    “3 at PLNzł30,00”
    – meaning: 3 tickets, 30 zł each

    “Biletów ogółem: zł90,00”
    – meaning: total amount: 90,00 zł

    …as presented on attached screenshot.

    What I’m trying to achieve is to have a currency symbol after the amount, preferably with a space/comma between. Example: 90,00 zł (not zł90,00).

    Will it be possible in ‘My Tickets’? Which settings or files should be edited and how?

    Additionally, string “3 at PLNzł30,00” seems to be a complete mess as ‘PLN’ and ‘zł’ are combined which should not happen.

    Thanks a lot in advance for your support!


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    I should probably add an option for switching the order of symbols and number; that’s something that’s just missing in the plug-in.

    I’m trying to find where it is that the currency code and the currency symbol are both being displayed, though – that shouldn’t generally be happening, although there are some unique cases where it’s necessary.

    Can you tell me exactly where you’re seeing that combination?

    Thread Starter rosowp



    It’s on ‘purchase’ page, in ‘Order’ column.


    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Just released an update that should resolve this for you, but let me know if not.

    Added a setting to switch the symbol/number order, so you can make that change as well.

    Thread Starter rosowp


    Joe, thank you very much! Works like a charm now 🙂


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by rosowp.
    Thread Starter rosowp


    Dear Joe,

    I’ve just noticed something. It looks good (symbol/number order) when I enter the ‘purchase’ page but when I decide to update the amount of tickets in cart (+/- icons), then the ‘Tickets Total’ field updates and unexpectedly the currency symbol jumps in front of the number.

    I hope it’s a small bug which can be fixed easily. Thanks a lot in advance for your support!


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by rosowp.
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