Feuille de route

WordPress is continually under development. Currently, work is underway on Phase 2 of the Gutenberg project. The Gutenberg project is a reimagination of the way we manage content on the web. Its goal is to broaden access to web presence, which is a foundation of successful modern businesses. Phase 1 was the new block editor, which was released in WordPress 5.0, you can see that in action here. In 2021 we’re focusing on merging full site editing (Phase 2) into WordPress which brings block editing to the entire site, not just posts and pages. For more information on full site editing, its components, and other active feature work, check out the Feature Projects Overview page.

For 2021 the project has some big picture goals, as outlined in this post:

  • Full site editing: Bring into the Gutenberg plugin, and subsequently WordPress Core, the ability to edit all elements of a site using Gutenberg blocks. This will include all in-progress features designed to help existing users transition to Gutenberg as well. Scope/Timeline: MVP in the plugin by April 2021, v1 in Core by WordPress 5.8.
  • LearnWP: Enable WordPress skills-leveling by providing workshops, pre-recorded trainings, and self-serve learning opportunities on learn.wordpress.org. Scope/Timeline: regularly publish new workshops and lesson plans, maintain a high pass rate on workshop quizzes to establish learner success and comprehension.
  • Contributor tools: Decrease the manual overhead of maintenance work for teams through better tooling. Scope/Timeline: Varied, and pending additional testing.

Want to get involved? Head on over to Make WordPress! We can always use more people to help translate, design, document, develop, and market WordPress.

Versions actuellement planifiées

Voici les versions actuellement planifiées, et les liens vers leurs jalons respectifs dans notre outil de ticket. Toutes les dates prévues sont en discussion et objectif de planification, elles seront confirmées au fur et à mesure de l’avancement.

Version Planifié
5.9 (Trac) Décembre 2021

Pour plus d’informations sur le alendrier des prochaines versions, veuillez consulter l’article « Tentative release calendar for 2020-2021 » (en anglais) sur Make WordPress Core.

Le mois précédant une version introduisant de nouvelles fonctionnalités sont « gelés » et l’attention se porte sur l’assurance de la qualité de cette mise à jour en éliminant les bogues et en améliorant le code et ses performances.

You can see an overview of past releases on our history page.

Feuille de route à long terme

Phase 2 of Gutenberg won’t be finished when it’s merged into WordPress. The work to gather feedback and iterate based on user needs will continue after WordPress 5.8 is released. As a reminder, these are the four phases outlined in the Gutenberg project:

Les 4 phases de Gutenberg

  1. Édition simplifiée – déjà disponible dans WordPress, avec des améliorations à venir
  2. Personnalisation – édition de site, motifs de blocs, répertoire de blocs, thèmes basés sur des blocs
  3. Collaboration – Une façon plus intuitive de cosigner du contenu
  4. Multi-lingue – Implémentation du cœur pour les sites multilingues