Support » Fixing WordPress » Gutenberg & Yoast seo scrolling issue

  • does anyone face scrolling issue with gutenberg & yoast seo?
    For some reason, we can’t scroll the page using the new gutemberg editor

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  • A Yoast team member answered this question where you asked it in Slack.
    Jip Moors:

    Are you using the latest versions of the plugins?
    This can also be caused by other plugins if they use a specific deprecated action to output HTML. If you know how to inspect a web page you can check if you see any HTML output before the <html> tag.

    Thread Starter Rahul D Sarker


    Thank you.

    This appears to be a bug with Gutenberg. It has to do with the overflow of the editor view in CSS (Don’t hit me up about incorrect terminology please!).
    But with a bit of hacking I got this to work

    Add to functions.php

    add_action('admin_head', 'my_scroll_admin_fix');
    function my_scroll_admin_fix() {
      echo '<style>
        #wpwrap .edit-post-visual-editor .editor-writing-flow {
        max-width: calc( 1200px - 40px );
            overflow: visible;
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