Tomorrow I'm going to take a coding test. The problem is that I passed the test 8 months ago. I took the questions and managed to solve them all by myself. I was even invited for a face to face interview. But it was canceled due to COVID.

The company where I want to apply forgot about me. They want me to take the same test again. It's bothering me a lot. It keeps me awake at night. It's not ethical at all to do it. I can literally get 100% on a very hard test.

Is it possible to tell them that I already passed the test and that I don't want to take it again? Is it possible to take the test and note that I know the question and this is my solution? What should I do?

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  • 33
    "It's not ethical at all to do it" - Why not? It isn't unethical to study for a test, is it?
    – T. Sar
    2 days ago
  • 7
    @T.Sar Because they know the questions already?
    – AIQ
    2 days ago
  • 47
    Are you 100% sure that the actual questions on tomorrow's test will be identical to the previous test?
    – Peter M
    2 days ago
  • 16
    @AIQ And? I did a billion fizz-buzzes already. I know it by heart. Is it cheating if someone asks me to do a task that I already did? The only thing a coding test checks is if you are able to pass a coding test, anyway.
    – T. Sar
    2 days ago
  • 4
    This isn't detailed enough to warrant an answer, but I think any potential ethical dilemma is removed as long as you don't try to hide the fact that you already took the test previously. You don't even need to go out of your way to tell them, just don't try and hide it. They're the ones who administered the test, and they're the ones asking you to retake it, they can hardly accuse you of "cheating" given those circumstances
    – Bitsplease

This is not an academic setting.

Through practice, you may do slightly better than someone who is a better programmer than you are. This will have little to no impact on the hiring decision. The coding test is used to filter candidates that cannot meet a minimum proficiency, and you are good enough.

If the company fails to account for the possibility that an applicant is assigned the test multiple times in successive applications, then that is a failing of theirs. You can reasonably expect that a company has a few versions of such tests and assigns those randomly.

If you’re indeed given the same test, just be honest about it and do the best you can. A likely scenario is that they’ll appreciate your honesty and ask you to elaborate on your solution for a few questions. Expect them to ask after a trade-off you decided to make, or an alternative solution. That discussion will tell them more about your ability than assigning you a different test.

If you are the original author of the answers you give, there is no dishonesty on your part. Not disclosing that their test questions have leaked online (and using results you found online to your advantage) would be unethical. Scoring 100% and (when asked directly) pretending that you’ve never seen the questions before, would also be unethical.

  • Mvz is it possible to put a comment before my solution. /*Dear Sir, I solved the problem at home. Here is my solution*/ is it ok to type that? 2 days ago
  • 11
    @Hiho-Who'sMonica Just tell them that you have applied previously, have seen the questions before. Put in some extra effort, suggest an alternative solution to a question.
    – MvZ
    2 days ago
  • By the way, if you have your original answers at hand, I would recommend re-implementing over copy-pasting. If they assign the same test twice, I don’t expect them to do plagiarism checking. But I’d rather be safe than sorry.
    – MvZ
    2 days ago
  • 3
    yes of course. I even improved the code a lot! It's really very pretty. Thank youy Mvz 2 days ago
  • 4
    @Hiho-Who'sMonica if you have very clean code, better than someone might expect for a first pass in a 3-hour time period, you absolutely must explain yourself, and this answer gives good tips for doing so. If you don't, they may suspect that you've "cheated" the test by copy/pasting from the web, and discount your application for that reason.
    – FreeMan

Is it possible to tell them that I already passed the test and that I don't want to pass it again?

Of course it's possible.

Is it possible to pass the test and note that I know the question and this is my solution?

Of course that's possible too.

What should I do?

You should do whatever makes you comfortable, and allows you to sleep at night.

If it were me, I'd explain beforehand what transpired 8 months ago, and that I took the questions and solved them on my own.

I'd offer to take it again, if that's what the employer wanted. And I'd offer to take a different test, if that's what they would prefer.

  • 14
    +1 And they would probably appreciate the honesty.
    – camden_kid
  • 3
    If they don't, @camden_kid, that tells you a lot about them as an employer...
    – FreeMan

You are overcomplicating this and, it seems, misunderstanding why companies give coding tests.

It’s not to pose a challenge, it’s to see whether you have the skills needed for the job. Ideally they would just say “oh you took the test already never mind we can skip it.” But there’s nothing wrong with taking the same thing again. It’s not even like you flunked it and went home and studied just for it so your competence would seem higher than it is, you aced it the first time.

As a hiring manager, I say just retake it, ace it, move on. You are worrying based on entirely false assumptions.

  • It's more complicated when one of the skills needed for the job is solving problems the candidate hasn't encountered before.
    – ojs
  • 1
    @ojs except, of course, they hadn't when they first took it (assuming). So giving the same answer is the same answer as when they hadn't encountered the problem. So no issue / no complication.
    – freedomn-m
  • 1
    @freedomn-m Quoting the OP verbatim about re-implementing the answers: "yes of course. I even improved the code a lot! It's really very pretty"
    – ojs
  • Nobody cares. If as the hiring manager I cared I’d go dig out his previous test.
    – mxyzplk

I was in a similar situation the last time I looked for work. Apparently, there was a fad of asking candidates to write code to reverse a linked list, because three different people at two different companies asked me to do it in the same week.

The third time, I was afraid my answer would sound too rehearsed, so I told the interviewer it was the third time I had answered the exact same question that week, and would he prefer to give me something more difficult.

He asked me to humor him anyway, perhaps wondering if I was bluffing or overconfident about my previous answers. I was offered the job.

Bottom line, if you are up front about your situation, you have nothing to lose. The situation you are in is not your fault.

  • 2
    Actually, in after interview discussion that would definitely become a differentiating point during discussions on whether if an offer is to be extended.
    – LeanMan

You can tell them that you already took the test earlier and don't mind taking it again. But the point is that you solved the problems.

They will see your solutions and decide whether you are for the job or not. In a programming test, it is not so important to solve the problem but how you solve it.

If your solutions are good, then you deserve the job. They will decide. With the knowledge that you took in the past, it is their responsibility. If there are better programmers than you, they will find another job.

Everybody has a bad day or a good day, be more prepared for something and less prepared for another thing. This is something on your path. You want that job, you apply, if they take you, it is yours.

You show responsibility and interest in your work by solving the problems at home, then honesty for telling them that you took the test already. These are important qualities as well.

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