Vogue Digital Ad Specs Digital Ad Specs

Standard Banner

AD Size
Condé Nast-hosted File Format
3rd Party Serving
300 x 250px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 250px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 600 x 500px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 300 x 250px < 150kb ( HTML5 Guidelines )
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 300 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 250px < 150kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only
Double sky
300 x 600px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 600px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 600 x 1200px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 300 x 600px < 150kb ( HTML5 Guidelines )
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 300 x 600px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 600px < 150kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only
728 x 90px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 728 x 90px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 1456 x 180px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 728 x 90px < 150kb ( HTML5 Guidelines )
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 728 x 90px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 728 x 90px < 150kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only
970 x 250px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 970 x 250px < 150kb
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 970 x 250px < 150kb ( HTML5 Guidelines )
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 970 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 970 x 250px < 150kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only
420 x 420px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 420 x 420px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 840x 840px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 420 x 420px < 150kb ( HTML5 Guidelines )
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 420 x 420px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 420 x 420px < 150kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only

Richmedia Banner

AD Size
Condé Nast-hosted File Format
3rd Party Serving
Full Screen Responsive Ad (9:16)
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG ] - 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 200kb
  • Video - [ MP4 ] - 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 10mb (15s max.) 15mb (30s max.)
  • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no

* Additional charges will be applied to Interscroller (20%). *

Full Width x 250px
  • Image
    • Front Unit (overlay) - [ PNG ] 640 x 500px < 150kb
    • Back Unit (background layer) - [ JPG/PNG ] 640 x 1240px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no

* Additional charges will be applied to Miniscroller (20%). *

1280 x 720px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG ] 1280 x 720px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only
Full Screen
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG ] 2560 x 1440px < 220kb
    • One image creative provided with a defined top banner/margin height of either 90px, 250px, 400px
    • Unsafe Areas:
      1. Content width 1020px
      2. Vogue Header/Nav height is 230px
    • Safe Areas:
      160px for Left and Right creative text 'safe area' to accomodate common screen resolution sizes
  • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
970 x 250px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 970 x 250px < 150kb
  • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
300 x 600px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 600px < 150kb
  • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no

Youtube Ad

File Format
Non-skippable Video
  • Video - [ mp4 ] 16:9 or 4:3 ( 15s ) < 10mb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 60px < 150kb (optional)
  • Size: 16:9 ( 854 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080 ) or 4:3 ( 480 x 360, 720 x 540, 960 x 720 )
  • Pre, Mid and Post-Rolls
  • 300 x 60px companion banner (optional and only available on YouTube, not on O&O;)
Skippable video
  • Video - [ mp4 ] 16:9 or 4:3 ( min. 12s max. 6mins ) < 10mb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF] 300 x 60px < 150kb (optional)
  • Size: 16:9 ( 854 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920x1080 ) or 4:3 ( 480 x 360, 720 x 540, 960 x 720 )
  • Pre, Mid and Post-Rolls
  • Ad plays for 5 seconds, then viewers can choose to skip or watch the ad
  • 300 x 60px companion banner (optional and only available on YouTube, not on O&O;)
Bumper Video
  • Video - [ mp4 ] 16:9 or 4:3 ( max. 6s )
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 60px < 150kb (optional)
  • Size: 16:9 ( 854 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080 ) or 4:3 ( 480 x 360, 720 x 540, 960 x 720 )
  • 300 x 60px companion banner (optional, delivery is not guaranteed and only available on YouTube, not on O&O; and certain platforms)
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 480 x 70px < 150kb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 250px < 150kb (optional)
  • 480 x 70px display overlay banner
  • Can click through to a website, brand channel or video
  • 300 x 250px companion banner (optional and only available on YouTube, not on O&O;)
  • Priced on CPM
  • Appears on YT and embeds (not mobile)




300 x 250px
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 250px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 600 x 500px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 300 x 250px < 150kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Max loops - 3
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 300 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 250px < 150kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

Double sky

Double sky_Mobile

Double sky_Tablet

Double sky_Desktop
300 x 600px
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 600px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 600 x 1200px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 300 x 600px < 150kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Max loops - 3
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 300 x 600px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 600px < 150kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.



728 x 90px
Desktop & Tablet only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 728 x 90px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 1456 x 180px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 728 x 90px < 150kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Max loops - 3
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 728 x 90px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Video - Backup Image - [ JPG ] 728 x 90px < 150kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


970 x 250px
Desktop only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 970 x 250px < 150kb
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 970 x 250px < 150kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Max loops - 3
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 970 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 970 x 250px < 150kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


420 x 420px
Mobile only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 420 x 420px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • 840x 840px (for @2x) < 150kb
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 420 x 420px < 150kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Max loops - 3
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 420 x 420px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 420 x 420px < 150kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


PSD Template
Full Screen Responsive Ad (9:16)
Mobile only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG ]
    • 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 200kb
  • Video - [ MP4 ]
    • 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 10mb (15s max.) 15mb (30s max.)
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
* Additional charges will be applied to Interscroller (20%). *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


Full Width x 250px
Mobile only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image
    • Front Unit (overlay) - [ PNG ] 640 x 500px < 150kb
    • Back Unit (background layer) - [ JPG/PNG ] 640 x 1240px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
* Additional charges will be applied to Miniscroller (20%). *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


1280 x 720px
Desktop only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image [ JPG/PNG ]
    • 1280 x 720px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


PSD Template
Full Screen
Desktop only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
    File types that can be provided: JPG/PNG
  • Image [ JPG/PNG ]
    • 2560 x 1440px < 220kb
    • One image creative provided with a defined top banner/margin height of either 90px, 250px, 400px
    • Unsafe Areas:
      1. Content width 1020px
      2. Vogue Header/Nav height is 230px
    • Safe Areas:
      160px for Left and Right creative text 'safe area' to accomodate common screen resolution sizes
    • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


PSD Template
970 x 250px
Desktop only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 970 x 250px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 10-14 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.




PSD Template
300 x 600px
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 600px (for @1x) < 150kb
    • Safe area templates Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 10-14 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

Non-skippable Video

Non-skippable Video
Non-skippable video ads must be watched before a video can be viewed.
  • Video - [ MP4 ] 16:9 or 4:3 (15s) < 10mb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 60px < 150kb (optional)
  • Size: 16:9 (854 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080 ) or 4:3 (480 x 360, 720 x 540, 960 x 720)
  • Pre, Mid and Post-Rolls
  • Max ad duration : 15s
  • 300 x 60px companion banner (optional and only available on YouTube, not on O&O;)

Skippable Video

Skippable Video
Skippable video ads allow viewers to skip ads after 5 seconds.
  • Video - [ mp4 ] 16:9 or 4:3 ( min. 12s max. 6mins ) < 10mb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 60px < 150kb (optional)
  • Size 16:9 (854 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080) or 4:3 ( 480 x 360, 720 x 540, 960 x 720)
  • Pre, Mid and Post-Rolls
  • Min ad duration: 12s
  • Max ad duration: 6mins
  • Ad plays for 5 seconds, then viewers can choose to skip or watch the ad
  • 300 x 60px companion banner (optional and only available on YouTube, not on O&O;)

Bumper Video

Bumper Video
Short, non-skippable video ads of up to 6 seconds that must be watched before a video can be viewed. Bumper ads are turned on when skippable or non-skippable ads are turned on.
  • Video - [ MP4 ] 16:9 or 4:3 ( max. 6s ) < 10mb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 60px < 150kb (optional)
  • Size 16:9 (854 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080) or 4:3 ( 480 x 360, 720 x 540, 960 x 720)
  • Max ad duration: 6s
  • 300 x 60px companion banner (optional, delivery is not guaranteed and only available on YouTube, not on O&O; and certain platforms)


In-video Overlay Ads

Standard Display Ads
InVideo & Display ONLY available with Sponsorships.
Display banner that hovers over the lower third of a video.
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 480 x 70px < 150kb
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ] 300 x 250px < 150kb (optional)
  • 480 x 70px display overlay banner
  • Can click through to a website, brand channel or video
  • 300 x 250px companion banner (optional and only available on YouTube, not on O&O;)
  • Priced on CPM
  • Appears on YT and embeds (not mobile)