El Free Software Supporter está disponible en español. Para ver la versión en español haz click aqui: fsf.org/free-software-supporte

The FSF is seeking a motivated and organized individual to be our full-time outreach and communications coordinator: u.fsf.org/3fx

Software patents are still a real and present threat. Read campaigns team intern Panos Alevropoulos's post for our campaign: u.fsf.org/3fp

Happy software freedom day! In some countries it is already underway, start your freedom day in Australia and follow it around the world! u.fsf.org/2be

Software freedom day is tomorrow with events happening all around the world! We're excited to see all the talks and community gatherings. Check out u.fsf.org/2be to see what is happening in your area!

Gnusocial update alert: work has started on a modern looking, consistent and accessible UI, with Non-JavaScript version as the primary focus. Read about the update to the eldest federated social media site here: u.fsf.org/3g1

GNU Radio Conference 2021 (GRCON21) will be going ahead on Sept 20 - 24 with virtual and in-person events. u.fsf.org/3g3

The threat of software patents persists está disponible en español. Para ver la versión en español haz click aqui: u.fsf.org/3g2

Part of our core mission is to advance policies that promote the progress of free software. Copyright handling is just one of the things we do at the FSF, this article explains a little more about the process: u.fsf.org/3fu

You better believe FSF staff was at Fight for the Future's protest at the Apple store in Boston! All users deserve to have full control, full freedom, and full privacy on their devices. u.fsf.org/3fy

The FSF is seeking a motivated and organized individual to be our full-time outreach and communications coordinator: u.fsf.org/3fx

Le Free Software Supporter est disponible en français. Pour voir la version française cliquez ici: u.fsf.org/3fz

Le Free Software Supporter est disponible en français. Pour voir la version française cliquez ici: u.fsf.org/3fz

Apple's postponed their surveillance system for now, but no matter what changes they make, we anticipate it falling short of what their users truly deserve: freedom to control every program running on their iPhones and other devices. u.fsf.org/3fy

As the fight for free software becomes more vital every day in an increasingly tech-dependent world, our generous donors become more important as well. to Richard Haase and Robert Read for your support! u.fsf.org/398

The September 2021 issue of the Free Software Supporter is live! fsf.org/free-software-supporte Get a whole month's free software news delivered hot and fresh to your inbox at the start of every month by signing up here: u.fsf.org/1ac

Apple has announced that it will begin actively monitoring photos and videos stored on iPhones in the US. Whatever it claims it is searching for, what it really is is a way to use proprietary software to constantly search and spy on its users' devices: u.fsf.org/3fy

The FSF is seeking a motivated and organized Boston-based individual to be our full-time outreach and communications coordinator: u.fsf.org/3fx

Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps us defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Sepideh Eskandarlou for assigning their copyright to the FSF!

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