Support » Fixing WordPress » Moving WordPress from /public_html/ to /public_html/home/

  • Hyflex



    I’m looking to move my wordpress from /public_html/ to /public_html/home/ and I’m not sure on the correct steps, I’ve read the post but this isn’t quite what I am trying to acheive.

    I essentially want to have my /public_html/ folder tidy with only a few folders:

    `/public_html/home/ (
    /public_html/static/ (
    /public_html/testing/ (`

    I have the following DNS rules setup in my cPanel:

    I also have the following:

    What do I need to do in order to move my wordpress across?

    1) Copy wordpress files across to /public_html/home/?
    2) Change the subdomain to point the document root to /public_html/home/

    Anything else?

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  • Long ago, I decided to do the same thing. Now all my WordPress sites are in subdirectories, but come up as the domain name, i.e. – look as if they are the root.

    I follow the instructions in the Codex URL that you mention. In your case, I would simply follow the steps in the “Moving a Root install to its own directory” section.

    The key piece is the modification of the copy of the index.php file that you put in the root directory.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by jonradio.
    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by jonradio.

    You have already installed wordpress website or you are starting to built new one?



    – That’s the thing, I don’t want to do it by index.php in the root. I want to do it by dns/.htaccess.

    – The WP has been installed for several years, I just want to move it to /home/ to tidy things up and make it so my test copies of wordpress can be installed to /testing/ or /dev/ etc. I can then do things to the subdomains without the root’s .htaccess from interfering.

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