• Wordpress has automatically update to WordPress 4.7 and this has wiped my custom CSS completely, I think partly because this feature has been redesigned in this update.

    The site is now all over the place because there were quite a few updates.

    Irrespective of how to do this in the future – does anyone know if there is a way to restore the CSS that was there before, or go back to the previous version of WordPress?

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  • The best place to start is with your hosting. They should have a recent backup that you can restore. You will need to restore both the files in the WordPress directory (and all subdirectories) and the WordPress database.

    Thread Starter languagesforlife


    Thanks, I will try that, do you think it would be possible to obtain just the CSS file? I think if I could get that then I could copy into the new version’s CSS editor.

    Yes, talk to your host about that.

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