Support » Installing WordPress » FileZilla Disconnecting During Upload

  • Resolved stephenwp001



    I’m trying to upload WordPress 4.7.2 to a new hosting account. WordPress has not been installed before or any other CMS or website. Whilst uploading, FileZilla prompts me to overwrite some files, even though, as I say WP hasn’t been installed before.

    I have deleted all of the uploaded files several times and uploaded WP again to trouble shoot the issue, and it appears that the server is disconnecting 4-7 times each upload and I’m prompted to overwrite 4-7 files. The files are not of the same name, there completely random.

    I’ve limited the number of connections in FileZilla and still no joy, the server is still disconnecting.

    Here’s two examples of the error messages:

    Status: Starting upload of D:\Steve\WordPress\wordpress-4.7.2-en_GB\wordpress\wp-includes\js\mediaelement\silverlightmediaelement.xap
    Command: TYPE I
    Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    Command: PASV
    Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (88,105,149,190,147,60)
    Command: STOR silverlightmediaelement.xap
    Error: Connection closed by server
    Error: File transfer failed
    Status: Disconnected from server
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
    Status: Initializing TLS…
    Status: Verifying certificate…
    Status: TLS connection established.
    Status: Logged in
    Status: Starting upload of D:\Steve\WordPress\wordpress-4.7.2-en_GB\wordpress\wp-includes\js\mediaelement\silverlightmediaelement.xap
    Status: Retrieving directory listing of “/public_html/wp-includes/js/mediaelement”…
    Status: File transfer successful, transferred 12,459 bytes in 1 second

    another example:

    Status: Starting upload of D:\Steve\WordPress\wordpress-4.7.2-en_GB\wordpress\wp-includes\pomo\entry.php
    Command: CWD /public_html/wp-includes/pomo
    Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /public_html/wp-includes/pomo: No such file or directory
    Command: CWD /public_html/wp-includes
    Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/wp-includes
    Command: MKD pomo
    Response: 257 “pomo” : The directory was successfully created
    Command: CWD /public_html/wp-includes/pomo
    Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/wp-includes/pomo
    Command: PWD
    Error: Connection closed by server
    Error: File transfer failed
    Status: Disconnected from server
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
    Status: Initializing TLS…
    Status: Verifying certificate…
    Status: TLS connection established.
    Status: Logged in
    Status: Starting upload of D:\Steve\WordPress\wordpress-4.7.2-en_GB\wordpress\wp-includes\pomo\entry.php
    Status: Retrieving directory listing of “/public_html/wp-includes/pomo”…
    Status: File transfer successful, transferred 2,887 bytes in 1 second

    Am I correct in saying these error messages are common and nothing to worry about, WordPress still installed correctly?


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  • I switched to FileZilla years ago because of its persistence in uploading files even when the FTP Server has potential issues on the web host end. But you cannot just ignore all the errors (partially uploaded files being rewritten) and hope for the best. You really do need to make sure that FileZilla has not tried any file too many times and given up.

    All that said, I no longer upload the thousand plus files in WordPress to a web server, because of the risk of missing a failed transfer, but more because I’m just tired to all their prompts to re-upload a file.

    If your web host supports unzipping files, I would recommend using FileZilla to transfer the .zip or .tar.gz from WordPress’ download page to your web host, and unzip it after it is transferred.

    Of course, transferring big files is even more likely to be a problem with FTP timeouts, but it is worth trying.


    I would prefer to upload the zip file, 8mb shouldn’t be a problem. However, my host, SiteGround (linux), doesn’t support unzipping ftp files on the server and has advised I unzip the file using cPanel – File Manager. I’m not sure that is the best option as I’ve read FM has many bugs and is due to be discontinued?

    I considered installing WP using Softaculous, but that doesn’t seem like a good idea either.

    Any advice on how to reset the account would be most welcome.




    Hi again,

    Am I correct in saying that as long as file zilla is showing no files under the Failed Transfers tab after uploading, the transfer/upload was successful?




    @stephenwp001 – Ivan Atanasov here, part of the Senior Support team at SiteGround.

    I decided to post this answer so that I can confirm that it is best to upload the archive (in your case – the zip file) via FileZilla and then extract it from cPanel -> File Manager, or via SSH.

    However, if you prefer not to open a separate connection only for unzipping the file, I believe that the following will work:

    1. Upload the zip file via FileZilla in the destination folder of your hosting
    2. Right-click it and select View/Edit (this will open the zip file for review on your local computer)
    3. Then, you can drag and drop the files from the zip in the destination folder as opened in FileZilla.
    (this should start the a file-by-file upload, which is not always recommended)

    Of course, if you need our assistance, you can always create a Support Ticket from your User Area.



    Thanks Ivan.

    I’ll try the method you describe.

    Sorry that I did not respond to your follow-up questions. I had assumed, incorrectly, that the relatively new WordPress Support Forum update would automatically notify me of responses, but I was wrong.

    Glad that you got some help from your host.

    Hi Jonradio,

    No problem, you can still answer my question(s) if you like, every answer helps.

    Another person responded to this thread, I received an update email including their content/answer, but the information does not appear above. Which is a real shame as they also gave some really good advice.


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