Data Fest2021

May 22 — June 19, Online

Main Data Science community organized event of the year is back!
Still online so far, but for a whole month long

Registration Fest2021 website

That's not all!

We have come up with many new Data Science activities for the whole season ahead

ODS Summer of Code
June 19 июня — August 30

On June 19th we start our first ever ODS Summer of Code. Online Fest and its tracks smoothly flow into summer projects - we will develop Open Source together, create new DS courses, write articles, teach and learn from each other!

Submit project

ODS Course Fest
Spetember 3 — 5 and beyond!

Imagine a Fest cointegrate with the launch of an open courses series - both new and those that have already become ML classics. Have you imagined? And it will also be a Fest :) We can’t promise, but it may not be entirely online

ODS Competition2
May 10 мая — December 1

To boost both our new courses and Data Science in general, we launch an ML competition among ML competitions! We host community-driven ML challenges, with a shared prize pool between both the authors and the participants!


2021 Timeline

Here you can always peek at our plan for 2021:

Looking forward to seeing you at Data Fest!

Registration Fest2021 website

Data Fest2020

Мы обещали вернуться и расширить нашу географию — и мы вернулись!
Как же нам провести Фест в 2020? Не ошибитесь!

Minsk Data Science Major
30 ноября, Space

Data Fest Dubai
7 декабря, Дубай

Data Елка 2019
20-21 декабря, Москва

Data Halloween
31 октября, Москва


Moscow Data Science Major
31 августа, Москва


Data Fest Odessa
7 сентября, Одесса


Data Fest Siberia²
28 сентября, Новосибирск
