Courses and training

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The ODI learning programme provides data literacy and capability for everyone.


Upcoming courses

Courses we run

Free eLearning

Who we’ve worked with

Data skills framework

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People to talk to about Courses and training

With ODI support, people, teams and businesses across the world are developing new data skills to help them get value from data, whilst avoiding harmful impacts.

What type of learning and training you are interested in?

We offer online, blended and face-to-face courses designed to help you build your data literacy and the data skills you need in your role.

Learn more about:

Upcoming training courses

Courses we run

Free eLearning

Strategic data skills

Got a group of people who need new data skills? Our courses can be run for groups of up to 14 people. And, we can tailor our content to meet your context and needs.

Learn more about:

Our wide range of courses

Request a private course

We work with leaders to identify the data skills needed across their business to meet strategic goals. We then create training that meets their organisation’s needs. Our training approaches include:

  • E-learning
  • Interactive, virtual workshops
  • Games
  • Blended learning programmes  Our work is underpinned by the data skills framework – a tool for identifying the right balance of data skills needed by an organisation.

Learn more about:

Using the skills framework to create a strategic view of data skills

An example of custom content – the European Data Portal

Request a discovery session with an ODI learning consultant

Upcoming courses

Courses we run throughout the year