Barebone WordPress theme

Barebone Theme

Barebone theme dark mode


Dark Mode

Minimalist monochrome design with built-in dark mode.

Portfolio & Splash page

Portfolio functionality with custom post type and taxonomy, plus splash page.


Built-in privacy-first social media and reader engagement

We respect your privacy and your users’ privacy. No scripts or trackings were used.

  • Social media icons
  • Sharing buttons
  • Related Articles section
  • Custom “About” widget

Customizer theme options

With just a few clicks you can theme colors and texts.
See theme documentation for details

  • Dark mode (activate dark mode for white text on dark background — perfect for emphasizing brightly colored photos for example)
  • Change background (background color, image)
  • Change menu text
  • Add signature image
  • Add logo
  • Add social media icons
  • Hide/show related articles and share buttons

Built with SEO in mind

Optimized out-of-the-box with structured data markup [1], optimal allocation of h1-h4 headings, and breadcrumbs support.

[1] Allows search engines like Google to display rich snippets in SERPS (search results pages).


Built-in shortcodes and content features

  • Shortcodes for pull-quotes (left and right) and intro
  • Upload Logo image option
  • Upload Signature image option

One-click theme updates

No need to reinstall theme when an update is released. Automatic update is just one click away.

Other features

  • WooCommerce support

    Full support for WooCommerce. Easily set you your shop in just minutes!
    View shop page demo

  • Translation-ready

    Includes translation files (.pot, .po and .mo). Informal German translation included with the theme.

  • Syntax highlighter

    For developers and programmers that publish code snippets, highlight.js automatically detects language.

  • Responsive

    The theme’s layout is responsive and features a homepage asymmetric grid posts index.

  • WordPress native options

    Site Identity, Menus, Widgets, Homepage Settings, Additional CSS.

  • Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs

    (you will need the Yoast SEO plugin for this — highly recommended)

FAQs and Support

For answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions see FAQs.
For Support see Support.