Your own Community? Get in touch!

Make sure your customers are getting the value they need from your product with inSided's Customer Success Community software.

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  • 49%

    Customer self-service

  • 80%

    Customer engagement

  • 19%

    Customer-driven roadmap

Grow Customer Success WITH your customers

You did not hire Customer Success Managers to repeat FAQ's to customers

Our Customer Success Community Platform provides a central place for your customers to ask questions, start conversations, help each other grow and provide your with invaluable Product Feedback. 

  • 49% Customer self-service
  • 80% Customer engagement
  • 19% Customer-driven roadmap

The Mixpanel Community Team is focused on making it easier for users to find the information that they are looking for, and share information about how they are using the Mixpanel platform.


Cherise Goode

Engagement Manager at Mixpanel