
Rescue disk error: cannot find device with data/kernel.dat

  • 20 August 2019
  • 4 replies

I just downloaded Kaspersky Rescue disk Image and created a disk. Trying to run it I always end up with the above mentioned error. What can I do? Using the search function I only come to a russian Statement 🙂, so I decided to create a new Topic. Thanks in advance for any help!

4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3
I just downloaded Kaspersky Rescue disk Image and created a disk. Trying to run it I always end up with the above mentioned error. What can I do? Using the search function I only come to a russian Statement 🙂, so I decided to create a new Topic. Thanks in advance for any help!


1) What storage do you use? USB, CD/DVD, etc
2) How do you record an image? Did you use instruction https://support.kaspersky.com/14226 ?
3) Try create hardware report https://support.kaspersky.com/14233
Dear Yury N.,
1) CD
2) with Deep Burner according to the instruction
3) I am not able to create the report according to the instruction. I come to Point 4, then start with Point 5 using the key tab and do not finde save anywhere.
Userlevel 5
Badge +3
2) with Deep Burner according to the instruction

Please try Windows builtin utility "isoburn /Q path_to_iso". Or try USB flash drive.

Has there been any progress on this?  I have the same issue.  I downloaded the latest version and burnt it onto CD.  Ran fine on my Windows 8.1 box and was able to do full scan and spotted some annoying adware but nothing serious, luckily.  Then tried on my newer Windows 10 box, selected graphical interface same as with other box, then after a while it just comes up with a bunch of

Cannot find device with data/kernel.dat.  Retrying…

messages then fails and ends up on mini shell which isn’t very useful.  See attached.

