
KRD disk corruption

  • 23 September 2021
  • 3 replies


After booting KRD (the 2018 version i think) i got a communicate that warned me about the thing my Windows session is on hold, and proceeding may cause damage. Of course, i proceeded by clicking "x". After full scan, I've chose option " Clean all krd artifacts" and proceeded to boot windows. Now it runs chkdisk everytime i set it on, after scanning the drive on my own, Windows detected that it is damaged immediately, but chkdsk can't fix it. First time when it booted, it did something with "/?/Filesystem (something)" directory. I don't remember what, it was chkdsk at startup. I tried to boot krd back and chose the remove artifacts option to maybe fix the prob but it didn't change anything. To mention, I've never had Linux on my machine. 


Edit: sorry for bad english, I am not a native, also I am kinda in panic. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@Shattered Employee Welcome.

It looks like your operating system is corrupted , please visit the Microsoft Community?

No, my disk is, the sfc says its fine and integrity does so

The os is fine by itself

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi, @Shattered Employee !

Now it runs chkdisk everytime i set it on, after scanning the drive on my own, Windows detected that it is damaged immediately, but chkdsk can't fix it. 

Can you provide screenshot or photo of chkdisk error, please?
