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How to get access_token from the uri after the fetch function executes?

I am using this snippet to authorize to the Stack Exchange API const baseUrl = ",no_expiry&redirect_uri=https:/…

QStack (Android Mobile App)

Up to 200 characters of excerpt

Formatting and formatted content is missing for body in search excerpts call

The body returned by the search excerpts call seems to omit formatting and sometimes even formatted content. Example calls follow for this question: Does `inquestion` support multiple question ids?…

Does `inquestion` support multiple question ids?

The q parameter has an inquestion operator that can take a question id. Can it take multiple question ids? My use-case is as follows: I want to get an array of questions with their excerpts. Howe…

Activity Indicator - see if you participated in a Q&A at a glance

Activity Indicator is a userscript that displays a, well, indicator and some useful stats about your interactions with a given post.


Ask questions on Stack Overflow directly from inside VS Code

Stack Exchange API Types - a type declaration package for API types

Stack Exchange API Types adds type definitions for various API types

StackApplet and AskUbuntu

Two questions: Whenever one clicks on the "Ask Ubuntu" in the StackApplet's menu it opens (where ### is the user's id number), but there is no such…

Question close, reopen, and delete votes in the post sidebar

This is for users that cannot normally see these votes. On Stack Overflow that is less than 3,000 reputation points for close and reopen votes, and 10,000 reputation points for delete votes. The sc…

Permission request form is broken, approve button is hidden, css variables are missing

You can check that form doesn't work with this link

CollapsibleBanners - Save screen space when viewing questions

Collapses the closed banner to save screen space

Stack Exchange Global Types - a type declaration package for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange global types adds or augments type definitions for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange to aid userscript authors

Save the waffles! Bringing back custom 404 pages to Stack Exchange

The userscript brings back custom 404 page images to sites of the Stack Exchange network

Wrong sorting parameter in documentation for question/{ids}/answers

It looks like that in the question/{ids}/answers documentation, there is a mistake: votes – score Shouldn't this be votes – votes

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