GKE and EKS in Mist v4.7

Christos Psaltis profile pic

We are happy to announce version 4.7 of the Mist Cloud Management Platform.

The biggest new feature in this release is support for GKE and EKS clusters.

It is also easier to install Mist itself in a Kubernetes cluster. In fact, thanks to Helm and our updated CLI, you can now install and use Mist without ever leaving your command line!

Check out a demo in the video below.

Under the hood, v4.7 brings better performance and several improvements in GCP, EC2, KVM, OpenStack, Cloudify and Ansible integrations.

Finally, Mist's API v2 and its new CLI are now more mature than ever. Both of them will reach their first stable releases with Mist v5.0 in the coming months.

GKE and EKS support

EKS cluster in Mist's web UI
EKS cluster in Mist's web UI

In Mist v4.7 you can view your clusters in GKE and EKS including their node pools, nodes, and pods. You can also view price information for their control plane and their nodes. All of these are automatically discovered and updated in real time.

Besides viewing your clusters you can also delete them and edit the autoscaling parameters of your node pools.

Finally, you can create new clusters and get auto-renewing kubeconfig credentials for kubectl. These actions are only available in Mist's API and CLI.

Update your kubeconfig with Mist CLI

Future releases will bring additional features and supported flavors. Our end goal is a unified control panel for cloud native, virtualized and bare metal infrastructure.

Installation and CLI

You can install Mist in a Kubernetes cluster, using Helm, or in a single host, using Docker Compose.

The Kubernetes option is constantly gaining steam because it offers better availability and scaling. At the same time, Kubernetes is mainstream now. Tooling has evolved a lot, and you can easily provision a new cluster.

Mist v4.7 streamlines the Kubernetes installation process. You only need to run three commands.

helm repo add mist https://dl.mist.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install mist-ce mist/mist-ce

At the same time, our CLI is more mature than ever. You can now perform all common management tasks e.g. search for resources, send actions to them, create new ones etc.

In fact, you can install Mist and use it on a daily basis without ever leaving your command line!

We have prepared two videos showcasing this. The first, includes installation steps in Linode's Kubernetes Engine (LKE). You can watch it here. The second, includes installation steps in Vultr's Kubernetes Engine (VKE). You can watch it here.

Under the hood

In Mist v4.7 we improved performance with two changes:

  1. We refactored object storage support. Heavy S3 users will notice big improvements.
  2. We reduced the amount of image, size and locations metadata fetched by the web UI. This information is now retrieved only when it is needed.

In the integration front:

  • We updated the price catalog for GCP and EC2 instances.
  • We fixed some bugs that were preventing the execution of Ansible playbooks and Cloudify templates.
  • We fixed an issue with the authentication URL of some OpenStack flavors.
  • We improved the way Mist fetches IPs and network interfaces from KVM guests. Also, we added serial console support.

Finally, Mist allows you to meter usage of block storage volumes and set custom prices for them. These are supported only in Mist's CLI and API respectively.

Getting metering info for volumes with Mist's CLI
Getting metering info for volumes with Mist's CLI


We are very excited about Mist v4.7, the new features and improvements it brings. We hope you enjoy it!

For a quick demo of the Mist platform, you can book a call with me.

If you'd like to try it out for yourselves, sign up for a Mist Hosted Service account and begin your 14-day free trial.

Community Edition users can get the latest version from Mist's GitHub repository.

Mist in Forrester's Now Tech report for hybrid cloud management

Christos Psaltis profile pic


A few days ago, Forrester released its latest Now Tech report for hybrid cloud management. This is the first time that Mist is included and we are very happy about it! It is a recognition of the effort we are putting into our product and our relationships with our customers.

You can find the entire report on Forrester's website.

How to navigate the report

The report is based on Q2 2022 data and includes vendors that fit specific revenue and functionality criteria.

The list of vendors is then split into three categories based on their reported or estimated revenues. For each vendor you get:

  • A high level description of what is offered,
  • geographic presence (based on revenues),
  • vertical market focus (based on revenues), and
  • sample customers.

The report doesn't include public cloud vendors who offer hybrid products, e.g. AWS with Outposts, MS Azure with Azure Stack etc. However, it does include vendors of on-prem infrastructure platforms that can be extended to the cloud, e.g. VMware, Nutanix etc. This is a little confusing and not clearly justified. If the analysts wanted to avoid solutions with hybrid cloud management as an "add-on", they should have left all out.

The situation is a little different with container platforms, e.g. from Red Hat. Container platforms are more neutral when it comes to the underlying IaaS layer. The only catch here is how invested you are in containers. If your infrastructure is not 100% container-based, then they have little value. Keep this in mind whenever you see a container platform in the report.

As a final comment, the report includes managed service providers like Accenture. I'm sure that such vendors can offer some sort of customized management tools, but their main focus is selling services. This means that you should expect bundles of services with tools and services will dominate.


Wrapping up, we are very excited about being included in Forrester's Now Tech report.

The report offers a broad overview of the hybrid cloud management space. At the same time, this broadness also makes it a bit hard to navigate. I hope the pointers above are helpful.

In any case, this is a great starting point for everyone looking to manage a hybrid cloud.

Mist can certainly help you here. To check out how, you can book a call with me, go over your needs and a demo of our product.

If you would like to try out Mist yourselves, sign up for an account and begin your 14-day free trial or install our Community Edition from GitHub.

Why multicloud platforms fail and how to prevent that

Christos Psaltis profile pic

Originally published at TechBeacon

Mistakes to avoid

The right multicloud management strategy starts with a thorough understanding of why you need to operate in more than one cloud.

Your cloud management platform needs will vary depending on whether you are already using multiple clouds, whether you have legal or historical business requirements, and whether you are pursuing multicloud for strategic business reasons.

These reasons include using best-of-breed tooling in each cloud or having servers located as close to your users as possible to reduce latency.

You can read more about all the ways organizations end up adopting multicloud in an older post I wrote.

At the strategy stage, one common mistake is not fully considering which scenario best fits your organization's situation. This problem has implications for things such as:

  • Whether a top-down or bottom-up approach to platform development is most appropriate.
  • What functionality you will need in the multicloud management platform.
  • Which stakeholders need to sign off on the platform and who would decide if it's a success or failure.

Generally speaking, it is more complicated to build a management platform for existing setups than it is to start from scratch. But as long as you're aware of how complicated things can get, it is easier to plan for that complexity at the architectural phase.

Regardless of whether you are building from scratch or trying to wrangle a mess of existing applications running in multiple cloud environments, building the right platform will help you tame the complexity and create a more consistent experience for everyone involved, from developers to business stakeholders.

Most organizations, however, fail on their first attempts at a multicloud platform. Here's why and how to avoid these common mistakes.

The four most common strategic mistakes

As companies start to pursue multicloud, they make four strategic mistakes that occur regardless of why they decided they needed the platform in the first place.

1. "Let's just do it ourselves. How hard can it be?"

Building a multicloud management platform sounds like an interesting challenge to a lot of engineers. The problem is that the types of engineers with the skills to successfully set up multicloud usually have other responsibilities and can't spend months focused solely on building a new platform.

It is also more complicated than most engineers realize. And, eventually, one or more of the people who built the platform will get a better job offer and leave. The organization will be left with a platform that no one knows how to maintain.

2. "Let's just choose the right silver bullet."

The second mistake people make is thinking that there is one correct technology to manage multiple clouds. The truth is that there are many options.

The best approach is to take advantage of several of them, because none will cover every use case you want on its own. You have to be willing to adapt and modify everything. Every successful multicloud management platform is a custom one.

3. "Just let the ops people choose."

At the end of the day, whatever multicloud platform you choose or build is going to have to work for all of your stakeholders. This includes technical developers, perhaps less technical engineering managers, and even less technical business leaders.

Dev teams, ops teams, and infosec teams are going to have different priorities and different deal breakers. If any of the stakeholders don't like the platform you build, they won't use it and suddenly developers will be spinning up AWS services directly from the AWS portal. Nothing will actually make it into the multicloud platform, rendering it useless.

4. "My friend at company X bought vendor A's solution and is using it off the shelf. Let's just do that."

While completely rolling your own solution nearly always ends in failure, that doesn't mean you should treat multicloud platforms like interchangeable widgets. Each organization's needs are unique, and what works in one place will not necessarily work elsewhere.

Even in the best-case scenario, you should expect to customize the platform to some extent. It is not something that you can realistically expect to just plug-and-play and get everything your organization needs.

Avoid failure with the right approach

Multicloud management platforms are complex, and you will have failures. You want to end up with a successful solution after many minor failures instead of with a spectacularly expensive failure of what was supposed to be a finished product.

The best way to do this is to take small steps and iterate constantly, with continual feedback from all of your stakeholders.

You will need to customize the right mix of tools, workflows, and functionality and make sure everyone who needs to use the finished platform buys into the process and has a voice in its direction.

Ultimately, the right mix of vendors, open source projects, and homegrown customizations will depend on the unique needs and skill sets of every organization.

Approach the search for a multicloud management platform with clarity about why you need to be in multiple clouds and with organizational self-awareness about your strengths and weaknesses. You'll be more likely to end up with a solution that helps you reach your strategic goals while taming the inherent complexity of operating across environments.

Mist on the Vultr Marketplace

Mist on the Vultr Marketplace

We are happy to announce that Mist is now available on the Vultr Marketplace. You can spin up our open source Community Edition and begin managing your multicloud infrastructure in just a few minutes!

Follow the instructions below to get started.


  1. Go to Mist's marketplace listing and click Deploy.

  2. Fill in the options required. We recommend a VM with at least 4 vCPUs and 8GB of RAM. The simplest such option will cost you $40/month.

  3. Once everything is ready, hit Deploy Now. Provisioning will take a few minutes. In the meantime, you can check out a video demo of Mist.

  4. When the VM is running, connect to it over SSH with ssh root@yourPublicIP.

  5. Go to the Mist folder with cd /mist and check if all Mist containers are up. This normally happens a couple of minutes after boot. You can check the status with docker-compose ps.

  6. Once all containers are up, run docker-compose exec api sh. This will drop you in the shell of a Mist container.

  7. In the shell, add an admin user with ./bin/adduser --admin [email protected]. This will prompt you to enter a password.

  8. Everything is now ready. Visit http://yourPublicIP:80 and login with the email and password you specified above.

  9. Once you log in to Mist, click on the Add your Clouds button, select Vultr from the list of supported providers. You will need to provide your Vultr API token and then click Add cloud. You can get your API token from your Vultr settings page where you should also whitelist your VM's IP in the Access Control section.

You are all set!

Your Vultr cloud has been added and your resources will be auto-discovered by Mist in a few seconds.

You can repeat step (8) above to add more Vultr accounts to Mist. You can also add any number of other clouds you are managing by following the relevant instructions. Mist supports more than twenty public and private clouds, hypervisors, container hosts and even bare metals.

Mist dashboard with Vultr cloud added
Mist dashboard with Vultr cloud added

Please note that new users will not be able to create an account through Mist's sign up form. We turn this off for security reasons. If you would like to enable it, edit ./settings/settings.py and set ALLOW_SIGNUP_EMAIL = True. Then, restart Mist with docker-compose restart.

In some cases, such as user registration, forgotten passwords, user invitations etc, Mist needs to send emails. By default, Mist is configured to use a mock mailer. For more information about mail mock and how to set up Mist with your existing email server, check out our docs.

If you would like to use a custom domain for your Mist installation, you will need to update Mist's CORE_URI.

Finally, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS.

We would love to hear your feedback at [email protected] or on Github.

Kubernetes and VictoriaMetrics in Mist v4.6

Christos Psaltis profile pic

We are happy to announce the release of Mist Cloud Management Platform v4.6!

Mist v4.6 introduces first class support for Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters. There is also initial support, available only from Mist's API, for managed clusters in Google Cloud (GKE) and AWS (EKS).

Kubernetes in Mist's web UI
Kubernetes nodes, pods and containers in Mist's web UI

On the monitoring side, Mist v4.6 brings integration with VictoriaMetrics. You can now choose to store your metrics either there or in InfluxDB.

In the web UI, the biggest addition is a tree view. This is ideal for visualizing machines with some hierarchical relationship, e.g. Kubernetes nodes > pods > containers.

Finally, there are several updates to supported clouds. The biggest addition is support for VEXXHOST, a public cloud with a 100% OpenStack compatible API.

Kubernetes support

Mist v4.6 Kubernetes support matrix

The biggest new feature in Mist v4.6 is the introduction of first class support for Kubernetes clusters. You can now view your nodes, pods and containers across any number of Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters. In preview mode, and only from Mist's API, you can do the same with managed clusters in Google Cloud (GKE) and AWS (EKS).

Our work on this front has just started and future releases will bring additional features and supported flavors. Our end goal is to give you a unified control panel for cloud native, virtualized and bare metal infrastructure.

To get started with Kubernetes in Mist, check out our docs.

VictoriaMetrics integration

VictoriaMetrics logo

Another major new feature in Mist v4.6 is the integration with VictoriaMetrics. VictoriaMetrics is an open source time series database which is ideal for high performance scenarios. It is easy to scale horizontally, clusters are included in the open source version, and runs nicely in Kubernetes clusters thanks to an operator.

Mist's existing integration with InfluxDB is still the default. VictoriaMetrics is just an additional option. Our objective is to give you the freedom to choose the right tool for the job.

To try out VictoriaMetrics, in a fresh Mist installation, edit your settings.py and set DEFAULT_MONITORING_METHOD = "telegraf-victoriametrics". Then restart Mist with docker-compose restart.

Tree view

With the introduction of Kubernetes support we felt that flat listings of machines in the web UI were not enough. Mist v4.6 includes a tree view to better visualize hierarchical relationships between machines, e.g. Kubernetes nodes > pods > containers.

Changes in supported clouds

First of all, Mist v4.6 brings brand new support for VEXXHOST. VEXXHOST provides OpenStack-based public and private cloud solutions. Their APIs are 100% compatible with the community version of OpenStack. This proved extremely helpful for our testing. We can now run our OpenStack test suite using our account on VEXXHOST's public cloud and don't have to maintain additional environments.

The second biggest update is support for Vultr's API v2. We contributed all the relevant work to the latest version of Apache Libcloud.

In terms of minor updates:

  • In OpenStack, you can choose a security group during the machine creation step.
  • In Alibaba Cloud, there is now support for networks.

Behind the scenes

Mist schedules and runs a lot of asynchronous tasks in the background, e.g. polls clouds for changes in your inventory, performs long running operations etc. Over time, this critical part of our stack has gone through several iterations to ensure maximum performance and stability.

In Mist v4.6 we are replacing Celery with Dramatiq and Celery Beat with APScheduler. Although these changes are deep in the core of Mist, you will notice faster response times and more linear performance, especially when managing large fleets of infrastructure.

Finally, Mist v4.6 includes our latest work on Mist's API v2. You can check out the docs here. Our new CLI which leverages API v2 is also moving forward. You can get its latest version from Github. Some features are still missing both from the CLI and API v2 but they are rather stable and ready to use. Their stable versions will be out with the next Mist release.


We are very excited about Mist v4.6 and the major new features it brings, specifically Kubernetes support and VictoriaMetrics integration. We hope you enjoy it as well!

For a quick demo of the Mist platform, you can book a call with me.

If you'd like to try it out for yourselves, sign up for a Mist Hosted Service account and begin your 14-day free trial.

Community Edition users can get the latest version from Mist's GitHub repository.

How to improve your multicloud, self-service workflows with Mist

Christos Psaltis profile pic

Woman using self-service machine

One of the best ways to increase your team's velocity is to provide self-service workflows for any infrastructure required during development, QA, and testing. Everyone should be able to come in, get the resources they need, and proceed with the work at hand in just a few seconds. The simpler the process, the bigger the productivity gain.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. In many cases, providing a streamlined experience for developers puts a lot of burden on the shoulders of DevOps and Platform teams. Especially in organizations with multicloud setups, the situation can quickly get out of hand.

Who has control over which resources? How do we avoid breaking the bank when people spin up instances all over the place and then forget them running? How do we simplify the provisioning process so developers don't have to deal with an endless amount of configuration options and ops don't have to deal with supporting them?

In this post, I will go over how Mist can help you address such issues in a quick and easy way. In summary, it all comes down to Mist role-based access controls (RBAC) and constraints. You can think of Mist's RBAC as a cross-cloud IAM service. Each team can have its own set of rules that apply across your entire inventory with just a few clicks.

On top of RBAC, you can then set up advanced policies by combining four types of constraints:

  • Cost constraints allow you to impose cost quotas. They help you stay οn budget and avoid unpleasant surprises in your cloud bills.
  • Expiration constraints allow you to enforce machine leases and take action automatically, shutting down and/or destroying machines, after the lease period has lapsed. Expiration constraints help you reduce machine sprawl and avoid long forgotten VMs running in vain for months.
  • Size constraints give you control over the amount of resources a new or resized machine can have. Size constraints help you avoid a fleet of unnecessary XL instances in AWS or a KVM host with all its resources dedicated to a single VM.
  • Field constraints let you hide and/or suggest reasonable defaults for all provisioning options. Field constraints help you simplify the machine provisioning process for your end users.

Please keep in mind that Mist RBAC and constraints are available only in Mist Hosted Service (HS) and Mist Enterprise Edition (EE).

The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a 14-day free trial of Mist HS. Alternatively, you can book a call for a 30 minute demo.

Multicloud RBAC

Mist's RBAC enables the management of user permissions across infrastructure; public and private clouds, containers, hypervisors, and bare metal servers. Each organization can have any number of teams, each with different access policies.

RBAC policy example
RBAC policy example

For example, let's assume that you are running infrastructure on AWS Frankfurt region and DigitalOcean. You can enforce the following policy for your Dev team:

  • Read-only access to AWS Frankfurt.
  • Full access to DigitalOcean.
  • Full access to all machines tagged as "dev" on AWS Frankfurt AND DigitalOcean.
  • When a member of the team creates a new machine, it will be automatically tagged with the "dev" tag.

For more details you can check out RBAC's documentation.

Cost constraints

Cost constraints, or cost quotas, help you stay within budget and avoid unpleasant surprises in your cloud bills.

Mist supports cost quotas per team and organization. Quotas are checked when users attempt to create, start or resize machines. Mist will compare the current run rate with the relevant quota. The requested action will be allowed only if the run rate is below the quota.

Cost constraints example
Cost constraints example

For example, with cost constraints you can implement the following policy:

  • The Dev team must spend less than $500 per month on machines.
  • The total run rate of all machines in the organization must be less than $2,000 per month.

For more details you can check out our docs on cost constraints.

Expiration constraints

Expiration constraints, or machine leases, help you reduce machine sprawl and avoid long forgotten VMs running in vain for months.

Mist can automatically turn off or destroy machines when their expiration period lapses. Before this action happens, it can also notify relevant team members over email so they have the chance to take action.

Expiration constraints example
Expiration constraints example

For example, with expiration constraints you can implement the following policy:

  • Machines created by members of the Dev team must be set to expire in less than 30 days.
  • By default, machines will expire in 7 days.
  • When a machine expires, Mist will automatically destroy or stop it.
  • The default action will be to automatically destroy the machine.
  • The owner of the machine will receive an email notification 1 day before the machine expires.

For more details you can check out our docs on expiration constraints.

Size constraints

Size constraints help you control the amount of resources a new or resized machine can have. This way, you won't end up with a fleet of unnecessary XL instances in AWS or a KVM host with all its resources dedicated to a single VM.

Some clouds allow you to choose the size of your machine from a list of predefined sizes. Others, allow you to completely customize the amount of CPU cores, RAM and disk a machine has. Mist's size constraints can be applied on both types of clouds.

Size constraints example
Size constraints example

For example, let's assume that your RBAC policy allows members of your Dev team to create machines only in AWS Oregon and Linode. You can apply the following size constraints:

  • In AWS Oregon, team members will be able to use only t3-small and t3-medium sizes.
  • In Linode, team members will be able to use any size except the very big Dedicated 512GB.

For more details you can check out our docs on size constraints.

Field constraints

With constraints on fields you can hide and/or suggest reasonable defaults for all provisioning options. This helps you simplify the machine provisioning process for your end users.

Below is Mist's default create machine web form for DigitalOcean. As you will notice, you need to provide several details. Some are optional and some are required. The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).

Default machine create form
Default machine creation form

With field constraints you can e.g.:

  • Hide all optional fields to simplify provisioning.
  • Allow only the use of an Ubuntu 21.04 x86 image.
  • Hide the image field since there will be no other options available.
Machine create form after applying filed constraints
Simplified machine creation form after applying field constraints

For more details you can check out our field constraints docs.


Self-service workflows in multicloud setups should not be a pain. In this post, I went over how Mist can help you implement a number of complicated scenarios in a quick and efficient way.

We will be happy to assist with setting up your own policies and answer any questions you might have. Reach out to [email protected] or book a call via calendly.

Are You Multicloud? Understanding "Island" and "Russian doll" deployments

Christos Psaltis profile pic

Originally published at The New Stack

Russian dolls

Unfortunately, multicloud is a poorly defined term in the industry. There are some use cases that are unambiguously multicloud setups - for example, running simultaneously in Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Azure. But there are also many gray areas - where is the line between multicloud and hybrid cloud? What are the functional differences between the two?

At Mist.io, when we think about multicloud and the complexity it brings to deployments we don't actually think in terms of number of vendors or public cloud providers but rather our ability to manage the entire deployment with a single API and get a global view of the deployment in one place. This means that an organization could be having a multicloud-like experience even on just one cloud provider.

There are two deployment patterns we see, one that we call "island" deployments and the other "Russian doll" deployments, both of which behave very much like multicloud even if there is only one cloud provider involved. Both patterns involve deployments on a single cloud that nonetheless require separate management and end up having many of the same complexities as operating in multiple public cloud providers. Most users with an island deployment or Russian doll deployment would almost certainly not say that they were using multicloud, and yet they have to deal with many of the same issues that someone in multiple public cloud environments would.

Here's more about the two deployment patterns, why organizations use them and the complexities they create.

"Island" deployments

Many organizations segment their workloads to such an extent that they are essentially different clouds. The API calls might be the same, but there are different accounts, different use cases, different people connecting to each cloud and running different types of workloads.

If you have three completely independent Kubernetes clusters, one for production, one for staging and one for development, are you in multiple clouds or a single cloud?

In another example, OpenStack users rarely upgrade old deployments, and as a result, end up using multiple versions of OpenStack. When you consider that they might have production, staging and dev environments for each version of OpenStack, the number of OpenStack installations can easily get into the double digits. Is that still a single cloud?

Each AWS region has its own regional API endpoint, and you can't manage all of your resources across different AWS regions in a single API call. So are you multicloud if you have multiple AWS regions?

While these scenarios don't meet the usual definition of "multicloud", they present many of the same challenges, like lacking central management and visibility capabilities. If you have this "island" approach, you might not be technically multicloud, but your actual experience of managing your cloud environment(s) will be more similar to a multicloud approach than to a single cloud environment.

"Russian doll" deployments

This is more frequently seen in bare metal clouds, but can apply to any public cloud that allows nested virtualization. For example, I could create some AWS instances and then install OpenStack on top of those instances. At Mist.io, we're doing something like this with Equinix Metal. We get bare metal from Equinix, then install VMWare vSphere on top of that, then OpenStack and then Kubernetes. We need all of these environments so we can test our integrations, and we use this environment for our testing and QA.

So is this one cloud? Or four? We have only one vendor, but there are a lot of environments on top of what that vendor is providing. Just because everything depends on the bare metal doesn't mean that I can control all of the environments from a single API endpoint.

Most people who have an "island" or "Russian doll" deployment would say they aren't in multiple clouds. But that doesn't take into account how complicated these types of set-ups can be, and how much they resemble the situation when working with multiple cloud environments. There are similar challenges related to cross-environment visibility, management and control.

When discussing the challenges and complexities around operating in multiple cloud environments, it's important to remember that some application architectures, even in a single cloud, present many of the same issues as a true multicloud deployment. This is one of the reasons the best way to think about multicloud is not as a yes/no binary but as a spectrum, with some architectures being "pure' single cloud, some being clearly multicloud and many falling in a gray area in between. Doing so will help organizations not just be more successful with true multicloud deployments but also with their deployments on a single cloud that are nested and/or highly segmented.

Mist on the DigitalOcean Marketplace

DigitalOcean logo

We are happy to announce that Mist is now available on the DigitalOcean Marketplace. You can spin up our open source Community Edition and begin managing your multicloud infrastructure in just a few minutes!

Follow the instructions below to get started.


  1. Go to Mist's marketplace listing and click on Create Mist Droplet.

  2. Fill in the options required. We recommend a Droplet with at least 4 vCPUs and 8GB of RAM. Provisioning will take a few minutes. In the meantime, you can check out a video demo of Mist.

  3. Once the Droplet is running, connect to it over SSH with ssh root@your_droplet_public_ipv4.

  4. Go to the Mist folder with cd /mist and check if all Mist containers are up. This normally happens a couple of minutes after boot. You can check the status with docker-compose ps.

  5. Once all containers are up, run docker-compose exec api sh. This will drop you in the shell of a Mist container.

  6. In the shell, add an admin user with ./bin/adduser --admin [email protected]. This will prompt you to enter a password.

  7. Everything is now ready. Visit http://your_droplet_public_ipv4:80 and login with the email and password you specified above.

  8. Once you log in to Mist, click on the Add your Clouds button, select DigitalOcean from the list of supported providers. You will need to provide your DigitalOcean API token and then click Add cloud. If you do not have an API token, read here how you can create one.

You are all set!

Your DigitalOcean cloud has been added and your resources will be auto-discovered by Mist in a few seconds.

You can repeat step (8) above to add more DigitalOcean accounts to Mist. You can also add any number of other clouds you are managing by following the relevant instructions. Mist supports more than twenty public and private clouds, hypervisors, container hosts and even bare metals.

Mist dashboard with DigitalOcean cloud added
Mist dashboard with DigitalOcean cloud added

Please note that new users will not be able to create an account through Mist's sign up form. We turn this off for security reasons. If you would like to enable it, edit ./settings/settings.py and set ALLOW_SIGNUP_EMAIL = True. Then, restart Mist with docker-compose restart.

In some cases, such as user registration, forgotten passwords, user invitations etc, Mist needs to send emails. By default, Mist is configured to use a mock mailer. For more information about mail mock and how to set up Mist with your existing email server, check out our docs.

If you would like to use a custom domain for your Mist installation, you will need to update Mist's CORE_URI.

Finally, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS.

We would love to hear your feedback at [email protected] or on Github.

Object storage and enhanced multicloud governance in Mist v4.5

Dimitris Moraitis profile pic

We are happy to announce the release of Mist Cloud Management Platform v4.5!

First of all, Mist v4.5 introduces support for object storage. Also, it enhances your multicloud governance thanks to new ways of controlling who provisions what. Finally, this release includes support for Ansible v2 playbooks and a pleasant surprise for Kubernetes users.

AWS S3 bucket in Mist
An AWS S3 bucket in Mist

For a glimpse into the future of Mist, you can check out the docs for the upcoming version 2 of our RESTful API. You can also install and try out the Mist CLI. Both of these are under heavy development and not feature complete yet. They will be ready later this summer with the release of Mist v5. In the meantime, we would love to hear your thoughts and comments at [email protected].

Object storage support

Our first iteration includes a read-only view of AWS S3 and OpenStack Swift buckets. Future releases will extend support to more clouds and add more functionality. Our end goal is to help you manage all your buckets, across clouds, from a single point.

This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, go to the relevant cloud page and toggle the Object Storage switch. In a few moments, Mist will auto-discover your buckets in that cloud.

Enabling object storage support
Enabling object storage support

The largest portion of this feature was contributed by active community members. A special thank you to Sergey, Vova and Denis!

Enhanced multicloud governance

Mist gives you fine-grained control over provisioning and lifecyle policies across more than 20 infrastructure platforms. This is done through Mist's RBAC and constraints.

For example, Mist admins can specify that team A will be able to create new machines only in AWS US-East, will have a quota of $1,000/month and machines will expire and auto-shutdown three days after launch.

In Mist 4.5 we add two new types of constraints:

  • Allowed and Disallowed machine sizes. Allowed sizes become the only available options for your team members. If you just want to exclude some, mark them as disallowed.
  • You can also control which fields of the machine provisioning form are visible and their default values. This helps limit available options and simplify the provisioning process for your end users.

To configure constraints, your only option until recently was JSON. Mist v4.5 keeps the JSON interface but also adds a more user-friendly web form.

Add constraint form
Mist's add constraint form

For more details on constraints, check out our documentation.

Ansible v2

Mist v4.5 includes an Ansible upgrade and a relevant architectural change. You can now upload and execute Ansible v2 playbooks from Mist's script section. Playbook execution is done from a short-lived container, created on the fly for this purpose. This adds another layer of isolation and increases the overall security of the platform.

Other updates

In terms of other changes and updates:

  • Helm chart for installing Mist in a Kubernetes cluster. Mist Community Edition can be installed in Kubernetes clusters for some time now but the process was lacking and was not documented. In Mist v4.5, we adapted the Helm chart of our Enterprise Edition and you can now use it as seen in our docs on Github.
  • Configurable portal name in automated emails. In several occasions, Mist sends automated emails e.g. for notifications, rule triggers etc. By changing the PORTAL_NAME parameter in your settings.py all automated emails will mention the portal name you chose. This is available only in Mist Community and Enterprise editions.
  • Email notification when creating an API token. When you create a new Mist API token, Mist will send an automated email notification to the relevant user's address. This is meant as an additional security precaution.


Mist v4.5 brings object storage support, more fine-grained provisioning policies, support for Ansible v2 playbooks, and several minor features and enhancements. We hope you enjoy it!

For a guided tour of the Mist platform, please reach out to [email protected].

If you'd like to try it out for yourselves, sign up for a Mist Hosted Service account and begin your 14-day free trial.

Community Edition users can get the latest version from Mist's GitHub repository.

Running an open source multicloud with Ubuntu, LXD, and Mist

Christos Psaltis profile pic

Originally published on the Ubuntu blog.

Mist and ubuntu logos
Image source

One of the advantages that Ubuntu brings to the cloud equation is improving an organization's ability to run in multiple clouds. Running containers on top of Ubuntu further increases portability. Mist is an open-source multicloud management platform that helps teams centrally manage and control their Ubuntu instances across many different cloud environments and/or bare metal. This removes some of the operational and financial barriers to running applications in multiple clouds.

One recent example of how Mist works with Ubuntu came from a customer who runs a WordPress hosting service in Europe. This company is extremely security conscious and wanted a completely open-source stack. They run in multiple public clouds as well as on bare metal, and completely isolate their customers' workloads.

This customer was already using Ubuntu and LXD, both chosen for their baked-in security and robustness, and both open-source. LXD is a container and VM management tool that allows users to create, run, and maintain containers as if they were VMs, and VMs as if they were their own cloud. LXD uses pre-made images available for a range of Linux distributions and is built around a powerful, but simple, REST API. A good tool for orchestration of 'single-cloud' virtual environments.

However, the customer still needed to have visibility and control over the entire stack, from LXD down to the cloud environment, and they needed a way to centrally manage all of their deployments in different clouds. For both general monitoring as well as to make changes around access control if someone joined the team, was reassigned, or left.

They adopted Mist to get a unified view of their entire setup and to be able to centrally control certain aspects of their deployments. Here are some of the things that Ubuntu users get by layering Mist on top:

Spin up Ubuntu instances anywhere, from one dashboard. Instead of having to toggle between environments to spin up Ubuntu instances in different public and private clouds, you can spin new instances up from a single dashboard.

Mist create vm

Centrally control role-based access (RBAC) for your entire setup. Many organizations, like the customer noted above, choose an all open source stack for security and privacy reasons. Privacy and legal compliance can also be a reason organizations need to operate in more than one cloud environment. With Mist, it's easy to control RBAC for the entire suite of servers from one place, decreasing the likelihood of errors and the accompanying security exposure.

Mist control role-based access

Automatically set up workflows from one dashboard. Instead of managing workflows separately for each cloud environment, the organization can automate workflow creation and operation in a way that is cloud agnostic. This gives developers a standard, repeatable process to follow regardless of cloud environment and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Mist script

Optimize cloud costs. Operating in more than one cloud can get very expensive. Mist helps companies track, understand and control their cloud spend across multiple providers, so that multicloud doesn't become a major business liability.

Mist cost analytics

The customer discussed above adopted containers and LXD specifically for portability and the ability to run in multiple cloud environments. Combining Ubuntu, LXD, and Mist to centrally manage these environments enabled this company to take advantage of the portability that containers offer, while controlling their cloud costs. Mist makes running in multiple clouds practical, so companies can run in multiple environments without running up huge bills or spending too much engineering time on cloud management.

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