Moderator Note: The intended audience for this document is WordCamp organizers and staff, to help insure quality submissions. This document is also a work in progress. Anything to add/change? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Mentor Exit Survey

  • Your Name: (text field)
  • Your username: (text field)
  • Your Mentee’s Name: (text field)
  • Their WordCamp location: (text field)
  • Your last WordCamp location: (text field)
  • How were you matched with your mentee? (radio)
    • I was the outgoing organizer that volunteered to mentor.
    • The mentee contacted me and asked me to mentor.
    • I was matched via the WCMP matching system (?).
  • Do you feel like your mentee was a good match? (radio yes/no)
  • Explain why. (text area)
  • How did your mentee do as a WordCamp organizer? Please explain. (text area)
  • On a scale of 1-3 please rate the following: (radio buttons)
    • How well did your mentee communicate with you? (1 – not well, 3 very well),
    • How available was your mentee to be mentored? (1 – not available, 3 – always available)
    • How well did your mentee take appropriate responsibility for their event, but still incorporate some of your advice? (1 – not well, 3 – very well)
    • Rate the overall quality of the event. (1 – poor, 3 – amazing)
    • What other feedback do you have? (text area)

Mentee Exit Survey

  • Your Name: (text field)
  • Your username: (text field)
  • Your WordCamp location: (text field)
  • Number of attendees: (text field)
  • Your Mentor’s Name: (text field)
  • How were you matched with your mentor? (text area)
  • Do you feel like your mentor was a good match? (radio yes/no)
  • If yes/no, explain why. (text area)
  • Would you recommend this mentor to others? (radio yes/no)
  • Please explain. (text area)
  • On a scale of 1-3, please rate the following: (radio buttons)
    • How well did your mentor communicate with you? (1 – not well, 3 – very well)
    • How available was your mentor to help you? (1 – never, 3 – anytime)
    • How much did your mentor’s advice help with your event? (1 – it didn’t, 3 – helped a lot)
    • Did your mentor listen to your concerns? (1 – never, 3 – always)
    • Did your mentor provide appropriate direction? (1 – never, 3 – always)
  • What other feedback do you have? (text area)