Support » Installing WordPress » WordPress 4.7.2 install error problem

  • Hello ,
    I have faced WordPress Installation Error Problem. When I was drop my exciting database data and install again in same database I saw an error. Please see this link. any solution ?

    Sorry for my poor English.

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  • Moderator t-p


    Installation Error Problem

    Please quote the error.

    Its saying the table in your database does not exist. So it sounds like an issue with your database. Did you drop an pre-existing database into your wordpress database? Is it also a wordpress Database?

    If you are doing fresh installation, there should not be any data in the table. You can try to create a new database and try again to install it.

    Hi @rahi6039,
    Any progress with your installation?

    If you are still stuck at the same problem, it will be good idea to drop the database and create another with same name. If that is not possible or you don’t want to do, then the easiest way to empty a MySQL database is through phpMyAdmin.

    Once in phpMyAdmin, select the database you wish to empty.

    A list with all the database’s tables will appear. Click [Check All] to select all tables.

    Click the box [With selected:] and choose Drop and confirm. This will execute the DROP TABLE SQL query on all tables and the database will be emptied.

    Hope you have PHPADMIN access. If not you can check what tables are there in the database by running “show tables;”
    then you will have to run “DROP TABLE table1,table2, table3,…;” Here replace the table names you got as result of “show tables;”

    Hope you get your installation done soon.


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