Call for volunteers WordCamp India

Call for Volunteers

The call for volunteers has now been closed!

As WordCamp Central defines:

“WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you…”

So all WordCamps are powered by volunteers (lots of volunteers!) to run the show alongside event organisers to help make them wonderful, accessible and welcoming events.

Everything during a WordCamp – from registration to speaker support – is set up and managed by volunteers.

Read on to find out more and learn how to apply!

Why volunteer?

The quality of a WordCamp depends entirely on the people who donate their time to make it happen. Volunteers make a wordcamp a WordCamp, they basically make it happen.

So what’s in it for you?

  • Volunteering makes you an integral part of the WordPress global project. It is the perfect opportunity to get involved with WordPress, the world’s most popular website Content Management System (CMS). WordPress also has a powerful and growing community, which is empowered, connected and inspired by WordCamps. 
  • You will meet (virtually) folks from all over India and, indeed, the world: fellow volunteers, attendees, speakers and sponsors. Not only is this a great opportunity for starting or strengthening friendships, but also for networking and developing professional relationships.
  • You will get an exclusive look behind the scenes of organising the regional WordCamp India.

What’s the commitment?

Volunteering is vitally important, so we do have some specific guidelines, but we also want you to have fun! Here’s what you can expect:

  • Time commitment
    Your commitment depends upon the role you choose or the role you are chosen for. Some of these roles will be busy before the WordCamp, some will be busy during the WordCamp. This will not be a full time commitment, but definitely your presence will be required when the duty beckons.
  • Responsibilities
    Specific responsibilities vary by role, and you can indicate which roles you are most interested in on the application form. 

Various roles for volunteers:

  • Communications
  • Design/Creatives
  • Social Media
  • Emceeing
  • Timekeeping
  • Technology support
  • Show running
  • Video editing
  • Live streaming
  • Monitoring the live meetings.
  • Sponsor Support
  • Speaker Support
  • Workshop Support
  • Contributors Support
  • Timetable/Schedule Support
  • Captioning

Regardless of your role, you will be expected to:

  • Be the friendly face of WordCamp India and the WordPress project, abiding by the Code of Conduct at all times and working to be as helpful as you can throughout the conference.
  • Attend a Volunteer Orientation (date/time to be announced soon).
  • Perform volunteer duties as assigned.  

The Call for Volunteers closes on 10 January 2021.
You will be informed about your selection by 14 January 2021.

For more information, reach out to [email protected] or contact us directly.

Thank you for your help! We couldn’t do this without you!

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