WordPress events in România

2021-10-26 (Tuesday)
Calin Biris, Rolul website-ului in mixul de comunicare - October Meetup

Community: WordPress Bucharest

2021-10-26 19:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

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Signed up 9.

Hei WordPresseri,

Avem o luna ploioasa care ne invita sa stam comozi in casa (mai ales considerand si evolutia actuala a pandemiei), dar ramanem in continuare activi si voiosi.
Astfel, echipa organizatoare a grupului Bucharest WordPress Meetup impreuna cu echipa Cluj-Napoca WordPress Meetup, va inivita la o noua intalnire, de aceasta data, pe 26 Octombrie.

Ultima intalnire a fost una extraordinara si am decis sa repetam experienta!

De aceasta data, invitatul nostru este Calin Biris.

Calin este fondatorul programului Online Mastery, un centru online de invatare a marketing-ului, de la A la Z, ce nu trebuie ratat. Este si Business Partener al agentiei Loopaa din Cluj-Napoca, o agentie de marketing ce a are in protfoliul sau clienti precum Raiffiesen, Terapia, Mtv Mobile, Home Garden, Betfair, Motul, Garmin si altii.

In 2015, Calin a fost unul dintre cei 30 de tineri romani care au primit premiul Forbes 30 under 30, pentru cei mai talentai 30 de tineri romani ai anului si in trecut a fost director de marketing pentru doua dintre cele mai cunoscute branduri online romanesti: Zonga si Trilulilu.

In cadrul intalnirii noastre, Calin ne invita la o discutie deschisa despre rolul website-ului in mixul de comunicare si ne va ajuta sa intelegem ce inseamna acest mix, de ce este important, ce ar trebui sa contina si care este locul website-ului in aceasta structura.

Vom discuta despre:
- Ce este important sa contina mixul de comunicare online
- Rolul siteului in mixul de comunicare
- Alegerea canalelor potrivite
- Ce inseamna un site bun
- Cum construiesti un site bun
- Cum te asiguri ca siteul livreaza conform asteptarilor

Desigur, intalnirea nu ar fi completa fara sectiunea noastra speciala de stiri dinaintea prezentarii.

Asteptam cu nerabdare sa va vedem pe toti!

Link-ul de zoom mai jos.

Stay safe!

Hey WordPressers,

We have a rainy month that invites us to stay comfortable, in our homes (also, considering the new evolution of the world's pandemic), but we remain active and joyful and with this, the Bucharest WordPress Meetup and Cluj-Napoca WordPress Meetup organizing teams invite you to a new meetup, on 26th of October!

Our last meetup was a blast and so, we decided to make it again!

This time, we invited Calin Biris to be with us.

Calin is the founder of the Online Mastery program, an A-to-Z online marketing must-use learning platform, and a Business Partner at Loopaa, a marketing agency with great clients in its portfolio ( Raiffeisen, Terapia, MTV Mobile, Home Garden, Betfair, Motul, Garmin, etc. ).

In 2015, Calin was one of the Romania 30 under 30 Forbes Award for the most remarkable young Romanian entrepreneurs and in his past, he worked as marketing director of two of the most well-known Romanian online brands: Trilulilu and Zonga.

For our meeting, Calin is inviting us to open discussion about the Website's role in the mix of online communication channels and he will help us to understand what this mix means, why is important, what needs to contain, and where the website needs to be in this structure.
Here are the headlines:

- What needs to contain the online communication mix
- The role of the website in this mix
- Choosing the right communication channels
- How to build a good website
- How to assure the website delivers according to the expectations

Of course, the meeting will not be complete without our special news section before the speech.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our online meetup!

Zoom link, below.

Stay safe!

Calin Biris, Rolul website-ului in mixul de comunicare - October Meetup

Community: WordPress Cluj-Napoca

2021-10-26 19:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 22.

Hei WordPresseri,

Avem o luna ploioasa care ne invita sa stam comozi in casa (mai ales considerand si evolutia actuala a pandemiei), dar ramanem in continuare activi si voiosi.
Astfel, echipa organizatoare a grupului Bucharest WordPress Meetup impreuna cu echipa Cluj-Napoca WordPress Meetup, va inivita la o noua intalnire, de aceasta data, pe 26 Octombrie.

Ultima intalnire a fost una extraordinara si am decis sa repetam experienta!

De aceasta data, invitatul nostru este Calin Biris.

Calin este fondatorul programului Online Mastery, un centru online de invatare a marketing-ului, de la A la Z, ce nu trebuie ratat. Este si Business Partener al agentiei Loopaa din Cluj-Napoca, o agentie de marketing ce a are in protfoliul sau clienti precum Raiffiesen, Terapia, Mtv Mobile, Home Garden, Betfair, Motul, Garmin si altii.

In 2015, Calin a fost unul dintre cei 30 de tineri romani care au primit premiul Forbes 30 under 30, pentru cei mai talentai 30 de tineri romani ai anului si in trecut a fost director de marketing pentru doua dintre cele mai cunoscute branduri online romanesti: Zonga si Trilulilu.

In cadrul intalnirii noastre, Calin ne invita la o discutie deschisa despre rolul website-ului in mixul de comunicare si ne va ajuta sa intelegem ce inseamna acest mix, de ce este important, ce ar trebui sa contina si care este locul website-ului in aceasta structura.

Vom discuta despre:
- Ce este important sa contina mixul de comunicare online
- Rolul siteului in mixul de comunicare
- Alegerea canalelor potrivite
- Ce inseamna un site bun
- Cum construiesti un site bun
- Cum te asiguri ca siteul livreaza conform asteptarilor

Desigur, intalnirea nu ar fi completa fara sectiunea noastra speciala de stiri dinaintea prezentarii.

Asteptam cu nerabdare sa va vedem pe toti!

Link-ul de zoom mai jos.

Stay safe!

Hey WordPressers,

We have a rainy month that invites us to stay comfortable, in our homes (also, considering the new evolution of the world's pandemic), but we remain active and joyful and with this, the Bucharest WordPress Meetup and Cluj-Napoca WordPress Meetup organizing teams invite you to a new meetup, on 26th of October!

Our last meetup was a blast and so, we decided to make it again!

This time, we invited Calin Biris to be with us.

Calin is the founder of the Online Mastery program, an A-to-Z online marketing must-use learning platform, and a Business Partner at Loopaa, a marketing agency with great clients in its portfolio ( Raiffeisen, Terapia, MTV Mobile, Home Garden, Betfair, Motul, Garmin, etc. ).

In 2015, Calin was one of the Romania 30 under 30 Forbes Award for the most remarkable young Romanian entrepreneurs and in his past, he worked as marketing director of two of the most well-known Romanian online brands: Trilulilu and Zonga.

For our meeting, Calin is inviting us to open discussion about the Website's role in the mix of online communication channels and he will help us to understand what this mix means, why is important, what needs to contain, and where the website needs to be in this structure.
Here are the headlines:

- What needs to contain the online communication mix
- The role of the website in this mix
- Choosing the right communication channels
- How to build a good website
- How to assure the website delivers according to the expectations

Of course, the meeting will not be complete without our special news section before the speech.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our online meetup!

Zoom link, below.

Stay safe!

Calin Biris, Rolul website-ului in mixul de comunicare - October Meetup

Community: WordPress Constanta

2021-10-26 19:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 3.

Hei WordPresseri,

Avem o luna ploioasa care ne invita sa stam comozi in casa (mai ales considerand si evolutia actuala a pandemiei), dar ramanem in continuare activi si voiosi.
Astfel, echipa organizatoare a grupului Bucharest WordPress Meetup impreuna cu echipa Cluj-Napoca WordPress Meetup, va inivita la o noua intalnire, de aceasta data, pe 26 Octombrie.

Ultima intalnire a fost una extraordinara si am decis sa repetam experienta!

De aceasta data, invitatul nostru este Calin Biris.

Calin este fondatorul programului Online Mastery, un centru online de invatare a marketing-ului, de la A la Z, ce nu trebuie ratat. Este si Business Partener al agentiei Loopaa din Cluj-Napoca, o agentie de marketing ce a are in protfoliul sau clienti precum Raiffiesen, Terapia, Mtv Mobile, Home Garden, Betfair, Motul, Garmin si altii.

In 2015, Calin a fost unul dintre cei 30 de tineri romani care au primit premiul Forbes 30 under 30, pentru cei mai talentai 30 de tineri romani ai anului si in trecut a fost director de marketing pentru doua dintre cele mai cunoscute branduri online romanesti: Zonga si Trilulilu.

In cadrul intalnirii noastre, Calin ne invita la o discutie deschisa despre rolul website-ului in mixul de comunicare si ne va ajuta sa intelegem ce inseamna acest mix, de ce este important, ce ar trebui sa contina si care este locul website-ului in aceasta structura.

Vom discuta despre:
- Ce este important sa contina mixul de comunicare online
- Rolul siteului in mixul de comunicare
- Alegerea canalelor potrivite
- Ce inseamna un site bun
- Cum construiesti un site bun
- Cum te asiguri ca siteul livreaza conform asteptarilor

Desigur, intalnirea nu ar fi completa fara sectiunea noastra speciala de stiri dinaintea prezentarii.

Asteptam cu nerabdare sa va vedem pe toti!

Link-ul de zoom mai jos.

Stay safe!

Hey WordPressers,

We have a rainy month that invites us to stay comfortable, in our homes (also, considering the new evolution of the world's pandemic), but we remain active and joyful and with this, the Bucharest WordPress Meetup and Cluj-Napoca WordPress Meetup organizing teams invite you to a new meetup, on 26th of October!

Our last meetup was a blast and so, we decided to make it again!

This time, we invited Calin Biris to be with us.

Calin is the founder of the Online Mastery program, an A-to-Z online marketing must-use learning platform, and a Business Partner at Loopaa, a marketing agency with great clients in its portfolio ( Raiffeisen, Terapia, MTV Mobile, Home Garden, Betfair, Motul, Garmin, etc. ).

In 2015, Calin was one of the Romania 30 under 30 Forbes Award for the most remarkable young Romanian entrepreneurs and in his past, he worked as marketing director of two of the most well-known Romanian online brands: Trilulilu and Zonga.

For our meeting, Calin is inviting us to open discussion about the Website's role in the mix of online communication channels and he will help us to understand what this mix means, why is important, what needs to contain, and where the website needs to be in this structure.
Here are the headlines:

- What needs to contain the online communication mix
- The role of the website in this mix
- Choosing the right communication channels
- How to build a good website
- How to assure the website delivers according to the expectations

Of course, the meeting will not be complete without our special news section before the speech.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our online meetup!

Zoom link, below.

Stay safe!