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The true cost of free labour — and how startup founders can find their way around it

ITMO University corporate blog Internet marketing Content-marketing Start-up development Product Management *

Starting a startup can be tricky. To make money, you need clients. To attract clients, you need a portfolio. To have an attractive portfolio, you need to… Well, you see where I’m going with this. A lot of founders offer their services for free to escape this cycle. However, there are plenty of issues with this approach. It’s certainly not the silver bullet it might seem. Here we are discussing this topic in detail.

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Startups going global: a guide to Product Hunt

ITMO University corporate blog Project management *Internet marketing Content-marketing Start-up development

Product Hunt is a Y-combinator backed discovery platform, founded by Ryan Hoover in 2013. Conceived as an email list, it has gone on to become one of the most popular directories, raised $7.5 million in backing and was acquired by AngelList — a social network for entrepreneurs — in December 2016.

Exposure on the platform contributed to viral successes of Yo and Ship Your Enemies Glitter, and brought multi-million dollar companies, like Robinhood and Gimlet Media, to the public eye.

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Tarantool: an analyst's view

Mail.ru Group corporate blog System Analysis and Design *Database Administration *Internet marketing Tarantool *
Hi all! I'm Andrey Kapustin. I work as a system analyst at Mail.ru Group. Our products form a unified ecosystem. Many independent infrastructures generate data in it: taxi and food delivery services, email services, social networks, etc. The faster and more precise we can predict a client's needs, the sooner and more correctly we can offer our products. 

Many system analysts and engineers are keen to know: 

  1. How to design the architecture of a trigger platform for real-time marketing?
  2. How to arrange a data structure that would be in line with the requirements of a marketing strategy for interacting with clients?
  3. How to ensure the stable operations of the  system under very heavy workloads? 

Such systems are based on technologies of high-load processing and Big Data analysis. We have accumulated considerable experience in these areas. Our expertise is in high demand on the market.  I'm going to show how we help our customers to switch from off-line to on-line in their interactions with clients using Real-Time Marketing solutions based on Tarantool.
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How to rank higher on Google?

Client optimization *Internet marketing Content-marketing Search engine optimization

There are different approaches to manage construct a brand online, get leads and win in business. By the by, on the off chance that you know a smidgen at a time measure on the most proficient strategy to rank higher on Google first page nothing can stop your business developing expedient. Different SEO methodologies are basic when ranking on Google typically. Additionally, you head the centre insider real factors.

Once more thing you ought to have is consistent quality considering the route that in 2019 SEO requires some certified imperativeness and only the best page that gives the most spurring power to the clients will rank. Notwithstanding, for that, your site page ought to get made and more references must come towards the site page with backlinks. Backlinks are an inside factor to rank higher on Google search. After the On-page, SEO is done well, by and large, your next off-site SEO work begins with vault posting for citation building. It must be done by specialists and Dinesh is the world's best as for citation building.
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Why Should You Analyze Your Competitors When Planning an SEO Campaign?

Alconost corporate blog Internet marketing Search engine optimization

Before offering any options of cooperation to our new client, we conducted a free preliminary analysis of competitors' strategies, as well as a review of search demand. We managed to surprise the client already at this stage.

Real Competitors’ Websites Analysis Case

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Amazing Tactics to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Internet marketing Social networks and communities

The benefits of a great social media strategy include increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, quality leads, and increased sales.

However, these kinds of results are not easy to achieve.

There’s fierce competition on social media and different ranking algorithms judging the content you post. Social media audiences also choose what content they deem relevant.

You can no longer post content and hope that people will follow your account, engage with your content, and convert. Instead, you need to implement tactics that can help you gain market traction while enhancing your social presence.

Moreover, a good social media app is what can actually bring you fruitful results. You can hire dedicated mobile app developers from reputed mobile app development companies to boost your social media marketing ROI.

In this post, I’ll discuss some of the tactics you can implement to boost your social media marketing efforts.
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Programatic content marketing in the B2B segment

Website development *Ruby *Ruby on Rails *Internet marketing

Good content makes customers loyal, forms a positive brand image, and raises sales in the long term. But it only works if content reaches its target audience. To bring together prospective clients and relevant messages content marketing platforms are used. Learn how they can improve campaigns of marketing agencies, media buyers, and companies.

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Top 5 SMM Tools to Skyrocket Your Social Strategy

Internet marketing Social networks and communities

Social media marketing or, simply, SMM is indispensable in 2020. All businesses and personal brands that want to attract user attention should focus on social networks. Moreover, if you want to dominate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other platform, you will need dedicated SMM tools. It’s totally okay to start without them. But any profile that aims at sustainable growth should consider marketing and management software.

In this guide, we will briefly cover the main categories of SMM systems. Due to a large number of available tools, we just can’t review all of them. That’s why the main section unveils five the most useful and powerful systems for SMM specialists in 2020.

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Digital marketing in 2020: marketers increase digital spending despite challenges

Internet marketing Display advertising Contextual advertising Content-marketing Search engine optimization
This article is based on Nielsen annual marketing report. Marketing is continuously transforming, and many marketers are spending more money on digital media. In fact, over half of all advertising budgets in the US are spent on digital marketing. But how can marketers know the efficiency of these new channels?

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The Complete List of Video Marketing Tools

Working with video *Internet marketing

As of 2020, video marketing is, perhaps, the most popular and reliable way to advance via content marketing. Yes, useful articles, link exchanges, and advertising posts are still useful. However, video content is a much better way to sell your product to users. You can verify this by looking at the statistics, which suggests that in 2021 users will spend an average of 100 minutes a day watching a video. And if this is not enough for you, then polls suggest that about 48% of consumers prefer to learn about new products through video content.

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Content Marketing Culture: Why Cultural Influence Trumps Fighting For Social Media Traffic, Likes and Followers

vscextv corporate blog Internet marketing Display advertising Content-marketing Media management *
Every new business needs an online platform, some turf to call your own. So, you invest time and money to build it. Finally, after months of negotiations and revisions, you deploy it. At first, you’re happy, but weeks go by and your shiny new website is still not attracting customers. In an effort to protect your investment, you start spending more money on PR trying to get people to notice you. But it doesn’t work the same way it did before.

Bad news is — press release is dead. Good news — there are ways around that. Once you understand how we got here and why the old tricks don’t work anymore, you’ll be able to adjust and rise to the top.

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How To Find Your First Client As A Freelance Software Developer in 2020

Freelance Internet marketing

In my previous post I mentioned that I had started my freelance career as a senior full stack software engineer. The first problem I faced was clients – it's a pretty tough job to find them. I will show you my trial and error approach to getting a first paid contract. It’ll start from paid ads on social networks, going through content marketing and surprisingly ending on free promotional channels. At each step I will share with you my thoughts, tips and samples. The whole journey from zero to one client took me three weeks.

At the start of the journey I had a portfolio site, several photos for ads, and a lot of optimism. I need to mention that I decided to avoid freelance marketplaces such as UpWork and Freelance.com as their rates are too low. I also avoided TopTal and Turing.com as I don’t want to spend my free time on their several-stage interviews (I've played this game with Google once, and don’t want to do it again).

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How Startups Can Integrate Culture Into Their Content-Marketing Strategies, and Scale It Fast

vscextv corporate blog Internet marketing Content-marketing Media management *
The internet is a global high-density slum. The Kowloon Walled City of our times, it is packed to brim with useless promotional content. Trying to sell a product in this environment is no easy feat.

No matter how original and well thought-out it is, it has to provide cultural value to succeed. Otherwise you become the knockoff brand. Below are three ways to quickly integrate brand’s culture into your content-marketing strategy, and what’s even more important — scale it with little to no additional resources.

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SEO vs. PPC — What's better for your business?

Search engines *Internet marketing Display advertising Contextual advertising Search engine optimization
What's better for your business?

At a certain point, any website owner wonders what's better: SEO or PPC? Which promotion strategy will be the most rational to use in this particular situation? Or maybe it's best to combine both?

Before you decide between SEO and PPC, you need to consider the differences between them…

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Use AI in marketing: Let’s get into the customers' mind

Development of mobile applications *Machine learning *Internet marketing Software Artificial Intelligence
“Instead of using technology to automate processes, think about using technology to enhance human interaction.” ~ Tony Zambito, Lead authority in Buyer Personas.

Do you know ~ according to research, 93% of customers make purchase decisions based on visual appearance. Visual elements of your brand are the key deciding factors for a majority of potential customers.

Your logo, website colors, chatbot texts, etc all have an impact on the psychology of people who come across them. Some colors or features attract them and some make them leave your website instantly.

In this era, interactive features with the help of technologies like Artificial intelligence are enhancing such effects. AI has the power to add interactive elements to your presentation. This creates a connection between your company and its customers.
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Content Localization Strategies

Alconost corporate blog Interfaces *Language localisation *Internet marketing Content-marketing

Setting up the content localization and, thus, configuring the interface language of the product in such a way that the right language is rendered to the right user is extremely important for each digital platform. That’s why we have decided to translate and share with you this expert article by Nicolai Goshin from Hellicht Medien.

And we strongly hope that some strategic points would be valuable for your localization projects!

Background and preliminary considerations

Digital projects targeting audiences in different countries or different language areas are doomed to take advantage of localization strategies. So we must answer the following question: which users should be given which content in which languages? The question at the first sight seems simple. But later in this article we will point out why this topic is, in fact, complex. And, of course, we will also address how to deal with this complexity.

Let's assume a scenario in which content (for example, an online magazine) is available in three languages: German, English, and Arabic. The goal is ideally to provide content to each user in their native language. If this is not possible, the content should be provided to the user in the language that they best understand apart from their mother tongue.

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A/B test is not enough

Machine learning *Internet marketing

A/B test is not enough

There is a common opinion that A/B test is a universal, half-automatic tool that always helps to increase conversion, loyalty and UX. However misinterpretation of results or wrong sampling leads to the loss of loyal audience and decrease of margin. Why? A/B is based on the basic assumption that this sample is homogeneous and representative, scalability of results. In reality, the audience is heterogeneous — recall the “20/80” distribution for income. Heterogeneity means that sensitivity to A/B varies significantly within the sample.
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