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WEN Corporate

WEN Themes(e)k garatua

Bertsioa: 2.1

Azken eguneraketa: 26 abendua, 2020

Instalazio Aktiboak: 1.000+

Wordpress-en 5.1 edo handiagoa Bertsioa

PHPren Bertsioa: 5.6 edo handiagoa

Itxuraren orrialdea

WEN Themes proudly present WEN Corporate : a simple and clean business-based responsive WordPress theme. With standard sections that work for any Company, convenient Theme Options for easy management and standard features of an elegant blog and homepage, WEN Corporate is a fine solution for a fine presentation. Salient feature have offering of : Standard Theme Options on top of WordPress' Customizer, cross-browser compatibility, featured slider, two theme skins, different page layout options ( right, left, full width ), multiple header layout, translation-ready, featured image, custom menus, social icons, custom CSS field and other standard WordPress elements . The code / setup is easy to customize and extend by various hooks offered in the build. With generous spacing toward a clean presentation, standard coding practices, latest feature the theme could be a next for your awesome start-up site. Official Support Forum: https://themepalace.com/support-forum/ Full Demo: https://wenthemes.com/theme-demos/?demo=wen-corporate


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