A board meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation Limited was held at 37 Panton Street, Cambridge, on the evening of 15th May 2012.

1. Introductions and apologies

Attending in person: Rufus Pollock, James Casbon, Martin Keegan

Attending via phone: Ben Laurie, Paula LeDieu (from 7pm ie item 4)

Observing: Laura James (in person), Marcus Dapp (phone)

Apologies: Stephen King (Omidyar observer), Becky Hogge, Jordan Hatcher

2. Approval of minutes

The minutes were hereby approved.

3. Review of actions from last meeting

The actions were reviewed.

4. Review of management accounts

The Board reviewed the management accounts and had no substantive issues to raise.
The board acknowledges the excellent work Laura James and colleagues have done in regard of getting the accounts into this polished state.

5. Discussion of Chapter Strategy

A discussion paper was presented by the executive team.

A plan of action in this area was agreed with specific tasks assigned to the board and executive team.

6. Review of Chapter applications to date

This item was adjourned pending the actions in item 5.

7. Discussion of Strategy development plan

The management team presented a discussion document describing a strategy development plan and asked for the board's feedback, and approval.

The board provided feedback, and the amended plan was approved by the board. The importance of this work for the organisation was noted and the executive team are to work on the plan as a high priority.

8. AOB

Items around potential new board members, CKAN partners, renumeration, and remote working were discussed.

9. Close

The meeting was closed.