Danish Energinet.dk will use CKAN to launch Energy DataStore – a free and open portal for sharing en

Jan. 20, 2017

Danish Energinet.dk will use CKAN to launch Energy DataStore – a free and open portal for sharing energy data

For immediate release

Open data service provider Viderum is working with Energinet.dk, the gas and electricity transmission system operator in Denmark, to provide near real-time access to Danish energy data. Using CKAN, an open-source platform for sharing data originally developed by Open Knowledge International, Energinet.dk’s Energy DataStore will provide easy and open access to large quantities of energy data to support the green transition and enable innovation.

What is the Energy DataStore? Energinet.dk holds the energy consumption data from Danish house-holds and businesses as well as production data from windmills, solar cells and power plants. All this data will be made available in aggregated form through the Energy DataStore, including electricity market data and near-real-time information on CO2 emissions.

The Energy DataStore will be built using open-source platform CKAN, the world’s leading data management system for open data. Through the platform, users will be able to find and extract data manually or through an API.

“The Energy DataStore opens the next frontier for CKAN by expanding into large-scale, continuously growing datasets published by public sector enterprises”, writes Sebastian Moleski, Managing Director of Viderum, “We’re delighted Energinet.dk has chosen Viderum as the CKAN experts to help build this revolutionary platform. With our contribution to the success of the Energy DataStore, Viderum is taking the next step in fulfilling our mission: to make the world’s public data discoverable and accessible to everyone.”

Open Knowledge International’s commercial spin-off, Viderum, is using CKAN to build a responsive platform for Energinet.dk that publishes energy consumption data for every municipality in hourly increments with a look to provide real-time in future. The Energy DataStore will provide consumers, businesses and non-profit organizations access to information vital for consumer savings, business innovation and green technology.

As Pavel Richter, CEO of Open Knowledge International explains, “CKAN has been instrumental over the past 10 years in providing access to a wide range of government data. By using CKAN, the Energy DataStore signals a growing awareness of the value of open data and open source to society, not just for business growth and innovation, but for citizens and civil society organizations looking to use this data to address environmental issues.”

Energinet.dk hopes that by providing easily accessible energy data, citizens will feel empowered by the transparency and businesses can create new products and services, leading to more knowledge sharing around innovative business models.

Editor’s Notes:

Energinet.dk Energinet.dk owns the Danish electricity and gas transmission system – the ‘energy’ motorways. The company’s main task is to maintain the overall security of electricity and gas supply and create objective and transparent conditions for competition on the energy markets.

CKAN CKAN is the world’s leading open-source data portal platform. It is a complete out-of-the-box software solution that makes data accessible – by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. CKAN is aimed at data publishers (national and regional governments, companies and organizations) wanting to make their data open and available. A slide-deck overview of CKAN can be found here.

Viderum Viderum is an open data solutions provider spun off from Open Knowledge, an internationally recognized non-profit working to open knowledge and see it used to empower and improve the lives of citizens around the world.

Open Knowledge International
Open Knowledge International is a global non-profit organisation focused on realising open data’s value to society by helping civil society groups access and use data to take action on social problems. Open Knowledge International does this in three ways: 1) we show the value of open data for the work of civil society organizations; 2) we provide organisations with the tools and skills to effectively use open data; and 3) we make government information systems responsive to civil society.